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  Every February Oscar Fever hits the entertainment community and film fans around the world, building to the crescendo of the annual Academy Awards Presentation, when hundreds of millions of cinema lovers glue themselves to their television sets to learn who will recieve the little golden statuette.
  Since the earliest years, interest in the Academy Awards has run high, if not at the modern fever pitch. The first presentation was the only one to escape a media audience, but by the second year enthusiasm for the Awards was so high that a Los Angeles radio station actually did a live, one-hour broadcast. The Awards ceremony is a glittering, popular annual affair that is broadcast to one billion viewers in about 100 countries each spring.
  How the Oscar received its nickname is not clear. A popular, but unsubstantiated story goes that the moniker caught on after Academy librarian Margaret Herrick said that the statuette resembled her Uncle Oscar. Thus, the journalists and Academy staff started to refer to it by this name. Officially, the name Oscar has been used since 1939.
  This year, the 78th Academy Awards, mostly known as the Oscars, is held on the fifth of March in the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles. The host of the night is Jon Stewart, who host the Academy Awards for the first time.
  Crash pulled a big upset at the Academy Awards. It won the Oscar for the best picture, beating the heavily favored Brokeback Mountain. Crash is an ensemble film with several interesting stories. Most of them find out, in the course of the movie, that they are capable of more-or less—than they thought they were.
  Brokeback Mountain had a leading eight nominations, but it only won one Oscar, for director Ang Lee. And the controversial western movie has already made its mark on popular culture: the film’s catchphrase —“I wish I could quit you” —is showing up on T-shirts.
  The award for best actor/actress went to Philip Seymour Hoffman, who played author Truman Capote in Capote; andto Reese witherspoon, who played country singer June Carter whose strength and compassion guide her through the early days of her relationship with Johnny Cash in Walk on Line.
  魔魔果 摘译自Entertainment
  An Acceptance Speech at Oscar
  Oh, my goodness. I never thought I’d be here my whole life growing up in Tennessee. I want to say Johnny Cash and June Carter had a wonderful tradition of honoring other artists and musicians and singers, and I really feel that tradition tonight. It is very important, and I really feel it. So I want to thank the Academy for this incredible honor. I want to say thank you to so many people who helped me create this role. Everyone at Fox, Cathy Konrad, James Keach, for producing the film. A very special thank you to Jim Mangold who directed the film and also wrote this character. Who is a real woman. Who has dignity and honor, and fear, and courage, and she’s a real woman. And I really appreciate that. It was an incredible gift that you gave me. So thank you. And T-Bone Burnett for helping me realize my lifelong dream of being a country music singer. Thank you T-Bone. And I want to say thank you to Joaquin Phoenix who just put his heart and soul into this performance. His commitment and passion for this character and for this performance was just remarkable, and I feel so lucky to have gone on this journey with you.
  I am so blessed to have my family here tonight. My mother and my father are here. And I just want to say thank you so much for everything, for being so proud of me. It didn’t matter if I was making my bed or making a movie. They never hesitated to say how proud they were of me. And that means so very much to a child. So thank you, Mom and Dad. I want to say thank you to my wonderful husband and my two children who should be going to bed. And thank you for loving me so much and supporting me. And I want to say that, my grandmother was one of the biggest inspirations in my life. She taught me how to be a real woman to have strength and self respect, and to never give those things away. And those are a lot of qualities I saw in June Carter. People used to ask June how she was doing, and she used to say—“I’m just trying to matter.” And I know what she means. You know, I’m just trying to matter, and live a good life and make work that means something to somebody. And you have all made me feel that I might have accomplished that tonight.
  So thank you so much for this honor.
  黄旭 摘译自Stars
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麦当劳是世界上最大的餐饮集团之一,开设麦当劳的国家和地区的数量甚至超过了联合国的席位。从1955年雷·克罗克在美国伊利诺斯普兰开设第一家麦当劳至今,麦当劳在全世界已拥有30 000多家连锁店。麦当劳的黄金拱门标志已经深入人心,成为人们最熟悉的世界品牌之一。从1963年起,“麦当劳叔叔”的形象风靡了全美国,在英国、日本等地,“麦当劳叔叔”也成了家喻户晓的人物。人们说起麦当劳,自然就会想起汉堡包、鱼柳
蒸汽机﹑灯泡﹑电话,这些伟大的发明使人类社会变得丰富多彩,也给人们的日常生活带来了极大的便利。可是你是否知道有一些小孩子,他们也有自己的发明,而且还获得了国家专利?     Here are some kids who had great ideas which they turned into inventions. We call these kids “brain children”.  T
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