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  Even in the 1)temperate climate of Europe, it’s hard to tell what’s coming next. Winter buries much of Europe in freezing snow. Only the hardiest animals can stay active and cope with everything that is thrown at them. For people it’s a season of frost and festivities.
  While animals fight for survival on the 2)mountainsides, others discover the nicer aspects of the snow-covered landscape. Inside their warm houses, people bake spiced cakes and biscuits for themselves, and to give and sell as gifts. Craft fairs are common at this time of year. Many European villages hold special events to cheer up the long, dark nights.
  In the village of 3)Seiffen, 4)wood turning and carving is a 5)speciality. Hundreds of 6)miniature animals, trees and people have been created from the trees that grew in the mountains. Seiffen is a world center for the wooden toy industry and the famous Ore Mountains carvings.
  The traditional handicraft has changed little over the centuries. The Christmas Fair is its biggest tourist attraction. Originally this was a mining area, but when the mineral deposits ran out, the miners turned to carving to make a living. Their carvings include lifelike images of the region’s wildlife.
  It’s 7)carnival time. The highlight is the Rose Monday Parade. Rose Monday has nothing to do with flowers. The old German expression “Rasen” means “to go wild.” Well protected against the cold, over a million8)spectators line the streets to experience Germany’s biggest street carnival first hand.
  The first Rose Monday Parade took place in 1823, but the tradition of carnival is much older, dating back to Medieval and Roman traditions meant to 9)ring out the winter. Festivities are still going strong as dusk approaches.
  Of winter’s old battle grounds, we have made playgrounds. From winter-long ice we carve fairytale sculptures of other seasons. We celebrate the winter 10)solstice, that shortest of days and longest night of the year. But we know that spring will return.
  We needed to see ourselves as part of larger universe. Knowledge replaced ignorance. Science ended 11)superstition. But in the ever-changing beauty of the seasons, never, never our sense of wonder.
  Cycles of time. Cycles of light. Cycles of life. The cycle of the seasons.




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