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  The other night, I was trying to explain to my seven-year-old twin boys, Jared and Jasper, what an
  1)oxymoron is. It’s when you have a combination of contradictory words that just don’t seem to go together. I tried to illustrate with some examples, like “2)jumbo shrimp”, “awfully nice” and “pretty ugly”. “Oh,”3)chimed in my ten-year-old daughter, Sydney, without 4)missing a beat—”You mean like ‘cool mom’?”
  Hmmmm. Surely, I thought, she’d simply misunderstood the 5)lighthearted literary form that we were discussing. However, the hands-on-the-hips, twisted lips and look of general disgust on her face told me otherwise.
  I was just about to really 6)lose my cool and send her to her room for that 7)sassy sentiment, when I realized that she might, in fact, be right! Can you keep your “cool” once you have kids or do you immediately go from being a happening “8)It Girl” to a 9)washed-up “Was Woman” as soon as you give birth?
  I suppose one could argue that you can’t exactly lose something that you never had in the first place. Maybe I wasn’t all that cool to start with. But, in the 80’s, before having kids I lived in NYC. I had big hair and 10)boulder-sized 11)shoulder pads in my 12)dolman sleeved
  13)Norma Kamali sweatshirts. My 14)mullet-15)maned mates and I even managed to get past the red velvet ropes at some of the city’s hottest clubs, on occasion. But, judging by my daughter’s 16)gagging reflex from my scrapbook photos of this dance down memory lane, I can see now that even then I was more than six degrees away from anything
  remotely 17)registering as cool!
  I guess today I’m getting even colder to cool. The only thing that I’ve purchased recently that says
  “18)Juicy”, comes in a six ounce square box and has very little to do with “19)Couture”.
  Reality aside, at least Sydney used to think that I was a cool mom. Cool was a
  20)clincher when all it took was a song and dance with her and her little buddies to one of 21)Barney’s brain boring songs. I’ve learned the hard way that this tactic no longer 22)cuts it. Today, if I’m caught humming or moving rhythmically in anyway to her ever-blasting 23)boom box when her friends are around, she shoots me a panic-stricken look, as if I were 24)convulsing with a 25)grand mal seizure. Sydney used to play dress up for hours and hours, trying on all of my clothes and shoes. Now however, according to a recent inspection, she insists that everything in my closet must immediately be burned or bu-ried. Those matching mother-daughter outfits at the mall are a thing of the past. Even admitting that we’re mother-daughter at the mall is a thing of the past.
  In my defense, I grew up with an 26)unhip mom of my own. 27)Shirley Partridge and 28)Carol Brady were my only real “cool mom” role models.
  This may, in part, explain the cool 29)conundrum that I find myself in right now! But
  today’s Hollywood moms make it look so easy. I wonder if 30)Jamie Lee Curtis,
  31)Teri Hatcher and Madonna are ever forced to follow a
detailed doctrine of approved talking points when conversing with their kid’s 32)cliques, like me. 33)Heck, it seems that 34)Demi Moore’s daughters not only let her hang out with their friends, they even let her marry one!
  “Certainly,” I pleaded with Sydney, “you can think of one mom who has held on and can still qualify as ‘cool’?” “That’s easy,” she said, pointing to my very own mother across the room, “Grandma!” I put my hands on my hips, twisted my lips and, with a look of ge-neral disgust, replied, “Mark my words, my darling daughter, one day you may have children and become an oxymoron of your own—and guess who will be the cool Grandma then?” She about lost it. That was cool!


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