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  I am sit ting at my mother’s desk, a mahogany1 sec re tary with a writing leaf that folds down to reveal2 rows of cubbyholes3 and tiny draw ers---- even a slid ing se cret compartment. I’ve loved it since I was just tall enough to see above the leaf as Mother sat do ing letters. Stand ing by her chair, star ing at the ink bottle, pens, and smooth white paper, I de cid edthat the act of writ ing must be the most de light ful thing in the world.
  Years later, during her final illness, Moth er re served various items for my sis ter and brother. “But the desk,”she’d repeat, “is for Elizabeth.”I sensed Moth er’s com mu ni cat ing through this gift. It was the com mu ni ca tion I’d craved for 50 years.
  My mother was brought up in the Vic to ri an be lief that emotions were private. Nice people said only nice thing. I never saw her angry and never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she ex pressed it in action. But as a teen ag er I yearned4 for heart-to-heart talks be tween mother and daughter.
  They never happened. And gradually a gulf opened between us. I was “Too emotional” She lived “under the surface” She was willing to ac cept the relationship on these terms. I was not.
  As years passed and I raised my own family, I loved the equilibrium5. I loved her and thanked her for our harmonious6 home. For give me, I wrote, for having been critical. In careful words, I asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did for give me.
  I mailed the letter and waited eagerly for her reply. None came.
  Eagerness turned to disappointment, then resignation7 and, finally, peace. I couldn’t be sure that the letter had even got to my mother. I only knew that I had written it, I could stop trying to make her into some one she was not. For the last 15 years of her life we en joyed a relationship on her terms---- light, affectionate and cheerful.
  Now the gift of her desk told me, as she’d nev er been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work.
  My sister stored the desk until we could pick it up. Then it stayed in our attic8 for near ly a year while we converted9a bed room into a study.
  When at last I brought the desk down, it was dusty from months of storage. Lovingly, I polished the draw ers and cubbyholes. Pulling out the se cret compartment, I found pa pers inside. A photograph of my father; family wedding announcements; and a one-page letter, folded and re fold ed many times.
  “Send me a reply,”my let ter askd, “in any way you choose.”Mother, you always chose the act that speaks loud er than words.
  坐在母亲的书桌旁,这是一个带有可折叠的活动桌面的红木写字台。桌面折叠起来后可以看到几排分类小书橱和几个微型抽屉—— 甚至还有一个可拉伸的隐秘小隔间。自从我的个头长到可以看见妈妈在桌子上写东西时,我就喜欢上了它。当我站在妈妈的椅子旁,看着墨水瓶、钢笔还有光滑的白纸,我就认定“写作”这个工作一定是世界上最令人高兴的事。
  多年以后,我组建了自己的家庭,我喜欢和妈妈的这种不远不近的关系。我爱她,感谢她为我们这个和谐的家庭所做的一切。我写信给她,请她原谅,原谅 我本应受到批评的那些事。我措辞谨慎地请她选择任何一种方式让我知道,她确实已经原谅了我。
  坐在母亲的书桌旁,这是一个带有可折叠的活动桌面的红木写字台。桌面折叠起来后可以看到几排分类小书橱和几个微型抽屉—— 甚至还有一个可拉伸的隐秘小隔间。自从我的个头长到可以看见妈妈在桌子上写东西时,我就喜欢上了它。当我站在妈妈的椅子旁,看着墨水瓶、钢笔还有光滑的白纸,我就认定“写作”这个工作一定是世界上最令人高兴的事。
  多年以后,我组建了自己的家庭,我喜欢和妈妈的这种不远不近的关系。我爱她,感谢她为我们这个和谐的家庭所做的一切。我写信给她,请她原谅,原谅 我本应受到批评的那些事。我措辞谨慎地请她选择任何一种方式让我知道,她确实已经原谅了我。

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