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  Back during the Vietnam war, when I was sta tioned in Thailand, I met a beautiful Thai wom an named Surapun. We fell in love and got married soon after. When my wife learned, after a trip to a doctor, that she couldn’t have children, we both prayed that somehow things would be changed , that we would be able to have a family of our own.
  My tour ended, and I went back to the Unit ed States, to my assignment1 in Nevada. I started the huge amount of immigration2 paperwork nec es sary for Surapun to join me back in the States.
  A short time later I received a letter from Surapun. She was pregnant! The doctor had been wrong. We were ecstatic3. I couldn’t wait till she joined me. I rushed the paperwork to her for her signature.
  A long time went by with no response. Let ters I sent to her went unanswered. I was get ting frantic. Then a letter came from her mother, tell ing me my wife had died. I was devastated4. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t have the money for air fare back to Thailand to pay my respects. I hadn’t known my in-laws well, and soon I fell out of touch. I vowed5 someday I would return to Thailand. Eventually, I moved on with my life. I remarried and had two children. It was nearly30 years till I went back to Thailand.
  After searching many official records, I found my wife’s grave. Alone with my memories I stood
  be side it and prayed. Just then a young Thai wom an walked up. She put her hands together in the wye position, a Thai gesture of respect. “Did you know her”“I asked her.
  “No,”she said. “But I am the reason she’s dead. It weighs heavy on my mind. I have no family. They all died. And when I feel lonely I come here.”
  “Why here”“I asked.
  “She died while giving birth to me. I have spent my life searching for my father, but he is an American, and I think he doesn’t want to be found.”
  Now, after so long, there I stood with my daugh ters Siriki, an answer to a 30-year-old prayer.

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特雷莎修女的演说朴实无华,其中蕴含着伟大而神圣的爱——平凡中孕育伟大,真情中感动世人。她用爱温暖着孤寂受伤的心灵,并为他们撑起一片希望天空。    The poor are very wonderful people. One evening we went out and we picked up four people from the street. And one of them was