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  Arnie, of course, always said he’d be back. But the big screen return of a small army of other 1980s action heroes has come as more of a surprise. Already we’ve had the Austrian Oak dusting off his leathers in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, Sylvester
  Stallone going one more round in Rocky Balboa and Bruce Willis up against another batch of global terrorists in Die Hard 4.0.
  In 2008, John Rambo is back in the sweaty headband and even Indiana Jones will
  return, giving Harrison Ford one more chance to be cool. Rumour also has that Mel Gibson will appear in Lethal Weapon 5 and maybe Mad Max 4: Fury Road. Most of these guys are well into their 50s and 60s. They should be playing golf or making cosy courtroom dramas, not jumping onto fighter jets and going 10 rounds with world champion boxers. Only Schwarzenegger seems to have retired, following T3 with the real life role as Governor of California. But even he acts like he’s still in an action movie, vowing to single-2)handily save the world from eco-disaster, “3)Hasta la vista, global warming.”
  So why are these action heroes coming back? The 4)cynical answer would be that recently, their careers have been struggling. Whist Stallone battles to maintain his dignity in lame comedies like Spy Kids 3D, Harrison Ford has become a 5)bland and emotionless actor in forgettable thrillers like K19: The Widowmaker and Firewall. Who would have thought that the man who was 6)Han Solo could be so dull. Bruce Willis has been trying hard to become a
  7)versatile actor, turning his hand at everything from Fast Food
  Nation to animated voice over work in Over the Hedge. But like Ford, his latest films seem 8)drab and uninspired. Gibson meanwhile prefers directing bloody historical epics and
  offending entire religious communities to ‘actin’ crazy’ in front of camera.
  Yet in the 1980s these men were kings. They were gods who ruled over Planet Hollywood; 9)butch warriors who righted onscreen wrongs and blew the bad guys to hell. They were invincible and dominated over a decade of mainstream event movies. At their best film such as Rocky, First Blood and Die Hard were 10)genre defining. They were 11)gritty, tense and toyed with realism. Above all they were action packed, from John McClane throwing himself of a high rise to Rambo waging a one-man-war against civilisation.
  Action cinema had never been like this.
  These were great character parts too, mostly focusing on “one man …” and in turn they demanded strong central performances. Stallone excelled in the role of Rocky, so much so that people would mistake him for that character for the rest of his life. He is slow witted (Rocky not Sly), punch-drunk but human and sympathe-tic. He’s a hero any generation can identify with.
  Stallone’s career may have slipped into the 12)doldrums recently, but you get the sense that Rocky wasn’t made to simply save his career. He genuinely loves the character and it’s a part of his life.
  During filming he commented: “I’m saying goodbye to Rocky and it feels like I’m saying goodbye to Sylvester Stallone too.” This was intended to be his last hooray, a goodbye to his film career, not a resurrection.
  Die Hard 4.0 had no such 13)allusions to realism and less noble reasons for a revival. In this case 20th Century Fox was determined for another installment of their popular franchise. Willis was less keen. He was trying to become a versatile character actor remember? But following The Sixth Sense he had struggled to pick winning material.
  The 14)macho posturing of this genre had long been out of date. Stars of action movies were no longer muscle bound 15)lunkheads, but method actors like 16)Nic Cage in The Rock or Matt Damon in The Bourne Identity. Even worse, some of them were friendless geeks like Peter Parker in Spider-Man.
  The new Die Hard film acknowledges this change and appeals to this new audience with the casting of Justin Long as Willis’ computer-nerd sidekick. Long is there for the younger generation, Willis their dads. John McClane may be 17)archaic but when it comes down to it he gets the job done and we love him. He’s like an old friend and he’s always welcome.
  Indiana Jones is another old friend coming back for a big screen visit. Mel Gibson’s recent
  18)vilification could see Lethal Weapon’s wisecracking Sgt. Riggs return to smooth over Mad Mel’s public image; series director Richard Donner apparently has a script ready to go. If it goes any further maybe we could even see Steven Segal do an 19)Under Siege 4, Dolph Lundgren making a new 20)Masters of the Universe or Jean-Claude Van Damme in…erm…21)Universal Soldier 2. Oh wait, he already did. It went straight to video in 1999.
  Whilst this revival is enjoyable, can these stars really re-establish themselves as movie heavyweights? Or are they a merely a 22)nostalgic reminder of why we used to love these guys, before they fade completely into 23)obscurity? Remember these films are not exactly new and their strengths lie in looking back not forward.
  “It is really difficult at this stage to create a new character,” says Stallone. “I don’t have the time or youth to create a new Rambo or Rocky.”
  And after these characters have been used up, what next? What can any of them do next? More bland thrillers for Ford and Willis? Maybe Stallone could follow Arnie into politics (Gibson should definitely avoid this move.) Maybe they should just stick to what they’re good at for the rest of their lives and produce 24)Bubba Ho-Tep style rest home action pictures. Why not? Hell, I’d go see them.



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