导学案B4M3 Body Language and Non—verbal Communication Greetings around the World

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  1. Ways of greetings around the world
  2. Be aware of cultural difference in body language.
  3. Knowing about some learned body language.
  4. Target vocabulary about body language
  1. Questionnaires:
  Match the situations with the verbs describing body language and then do pair work.
  point, cry, clap, shake, laugh, hug, wave
  What do you do when you
  ( ) A. are introduced to someone?
  ( ) B. show someone the way?
  ( ) C. see a friend or say good- bye in the distance?
  ( ) E. show you have enjoyed a public concert or a play?
  ( ) F. hear a piece of bad news?
  ( ) G. meet a close fiend you haven’t seen for a long time?
  ( ) H. see or hear something funny?
  2. Match the pictures with facial expressions with adjectives.
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  A. angry, annoyed
  B. disappointed, frustrated
  C. nervous, worried, disturbed
  D. happy, joyous, delighted, cheerful
  E. eager, desirous
  F. confused, puzzled
  G. surprised, amazed, astonished, shocked
  H. excited, thrilled
  I. sad, upset, sorrowful, unhappy, heart- broken
  1.__2.__ 3. __4. __5.___6.__ 7. ___8.__ 9.__
  1. Greetings around the world ( group work).
  1. Questions and answers A:
  How do Chinese greet each other traditionally/ formally?
  How do Europeans and Americans greet each other traditionally/formally?
  How do Muslims give a Salaam?
  How do Indians great each other?
  What do American young people greet each other?
  2. Giving performances of the situations:
  Traditional Chinese greetings
  Traditional European greetings
  Greetings from Muslims--- Salaam
  Indian greetings
  American young people’s greetings--- Give me five
  3. Drawing pictures:
  Traditional Chinese greetings
  Traditional European greetings
  Greetings from Muslims--- Salaam
  Indian greetings
  American young people’s greetings--- Give me five
  4. Match paragraphs with main ideas
  A. The importance of communication and be a mind reader.
  B. Ways of communications.
  C. Greetings around the world.
  D. Greetings from American youth today.
  E. Ways of greetings in Asian countries.
  F. Traditional/ formal way of greetings in Europe and America.   P1_____ P2_____ P3_______ P4______ P5_____
  5. Questions and answers B: ( At least three sentences)
  1). Why does every culture develop a way of greetings with their hands busy?
  2). What’s the difference between unconscious body language and learned body language?
  Complete the following phrases :
  ①. communicate ___ ②varies ___culture to culture ③be __ guard ④___ a deal
  ⑤a ___( threaten) weapon ⑥involve____( touch) ⑦put the right hand___ the left
  ⑧___ respect ⑨hold____ his hand ⑩give _____
  From the different ways of greetings around the world, what conclusion can you get about body language?
  1. Complete the passage :.
  当我们与他人交流时,我们经常使用身势语。一些身势语很正式,例如握手,鞠躬等。有些身势语是非正式的,如举起手用 “ high five” 问候某人。正如我们所知,大多数身势语都包括手。当一个人的手忙着时,他一定不会拿着威胁性的武器。微笑与掌声都是具有感染性的身势语,它们会提高感染者的精神,使周围的人高兴。所以下次你在剧院观看现场音乐会时,一定记住要鼓掌。
  When we 1.______ with others, we often use body language. Some body language is 2. _____, such as shaking hands, 3._____and so on. Others are 4.____, such as 5._____ one hand and greeting someone with a “ high five”. As we all know, most body language 6.____ hands. When one’s hand’s are busy, he can’t be carrying a 7._____ weapon. Smile and applause are both infectious 8.______, which can lift up a performer’s spirits and make all the people around happy. 9. ____next time you are watching a 10.____ concert in the theatre, do remember to clap your hands.
  2. Role- play: Making a dialogue
  Can you make the gestures with your hand or arms for …:?
  ①Be quiet ②Call me ③. Victory ④I’m listening ⑤. I don’t know
  ⑥. I love you.
  Assessment rubrics:
  Eye contact
  hand ,etc
  Body movement
  Verbal( spoken)
  Numbers of members Points
  4= Excellent 3= very good 2= good 1= poor
  Choose from the given topics or write a new play and give a performance.
  1. Reporting your grade to your parents after school when you
  get good marks
  get poor marks
  want to keep back the bad news
  2. Your English teacher is going to your house with you to pay a visit and report your
  progress in English at school and your parents are at home.
  3. A party at home, including: introducing your friends games or interesting activities to your parents,
  4. Any role play designed by your group.
  5. A role-play with a series of body movements from your group for the students to guess the story.
随着素质教育的不断深入,中小学生心理素质的培养已引起教育界人士普遍关注。然而,如何切实有效地培养学生健康的心理素质,是个值得探讨的问题。笔者认为,找出切入点,是培养学生健康心理素质的关键。  一、以“天时、地利”为切入点,培养学生平衡的心理素质  孟子指出:把握天时、地利、人和是作战取胜之道。多年的教育工作经验,我认为把握儿童的心理特征,培养学生的健康心理也要把握天时、地利。“天时”这里是指学生接
我曾在我所在的班级做过调查,41%的受访学生表示没有目标和梦想,52%多的受访学生没有明确的目标和梦想,只有仅仅不到7%的受访学生表示有明确的目标和梦想。这是一个让我非常震惊的结果。这算不算是我们教育的失败、教师的失败呢?怎样才能让我们的学生拥有梦想?带着这些疑问,我查阅了不少关于梦想的教育文章和书籍。  苏联著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基说:“道德教育的核心问题,是使每个人确立崇高的生活目的……人每日好
所谓课堂教学有效性就是教师用最少的时间、投入最小的精力,实现预定的教学目标,取得最好的教学效果。但是,在语文阅读教学中,有的教师在教学过程中由于对教材备课不够深入,准备不够充分,课堂教学目标不明确,教学过程随意性大,教学效果不理想。为了提高阅读教学有效性,教师必须认真研读教材,抓住教学重点,突破教学难点进行教学。  一、突破教学的重点,是提高阅读教学有效性的保证  重点是一篇课文的精髓所在,也是课
课堂生成性是新课程倡导的一个重要的教学理念。课堂生成资源,是指在课堂教学过程中,由师生自发生成的问题而形成的课堂教学资源。具体说,就是教师在教学过程中,在与学生的交往中,在教师以教材为工具的教学中,不断形成的有利于促进学生学习和发展的各种因素。  我们的课堂面对的是一个个鲜活的生命,简单的教具、教材等这些现成的资源无法满足学生活跃的思维和创造性的想法,怎样有效促进课堂生成资源,使课堂呈现出丰富性、
课程设计是根据教学对象,对教与学的过程中不同层次、不同范围、不同环节、不同形式的设计,运用不同的学科理论或原则系统解决外语教和学等问题的过程。高职英语教学改革迫在眉睫,如何更好地满足学生的需要、岗位的需求,培养高质量的应用型人才。本文从专门用途英语的角度对《地铁客运服务英语》课程整体设计进行了大胆的尝试和探索。  一、理论依据与教学理念的创新  1.能力本位教育理念  能力本位教育的核心是从职业岗
摘 要  本调研报告从第二生命形态学健康公式和非秩序沟通两个方面出发,对山东省潍坊市277名中小学教师的教学心态进行了测评。测评结果表明,约42.24%的在职中小学教师的教学心态存在一定的健康问题,约20.58%的在职中小学教师的教学心态存在着较为严重的健康问题。究其原因,这些教师在日常教学和生活中,用虚拟交换方式实现目的和想法的比例过高,并且在与人沟通的过程中,非秩序沟通方式使用过多。本文在比较