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  Fiction and Reality
  A robot is a machine that performs useful actions, and is capable of making decisions about its behavior. In other words, robots are the love children of computers and powered toys. They come in all shapes and sizes, each specific to its function. Since they first came on the scene in the 1960s, real-world robots have slowly worked their way into industry, taking over more and more dirty, dull and dangerous jobs with each passing year. In 1)assembly line businesses, such as building cars, the ability of robots to perform complicated tasks over and over is a perfect fit.
  There are three basic ways to make robots work:
   An 2)intelligent 3)tele-operated system has some computerized control at the robot end, but a human makes 4)virtually all of the decisions.
   With 5)supervisory control, the human makes key decisions about what the robot should do, and the robot has enough intelligence to perform its tasks without constant guidance.
   An 6)autonomous robot is virtually free of human control.
  Scientist A: In the early going, things were simple. Form followed function, and the only challenge was to get a robot to 7)navigate, or clean up a 8)nuke setting, or to perform an industrial task. Now people actually expect robots to look like robots, and to speak like robots. I think that next-generation robots have to master that kind of speech and interaction a lot more than their personal status or the weather report, but to really interact in the way that we are right now.
  Scientist B: In 9)robotics, a lot of us feel like we’re been cheated by Hollywood ?in that Hollywood has shown robots doing things that we don’t have any possible capability of doing with our robots right now, so people are disappointed when they see our real robots. On the other hand, I’m more optimistic now than I was five years ago that we’re going to eventually catch up with Hollywood, and, and maybe before too long, maybe even in my lifetime, be doing a few things that Hollywood hasn’t thought of just yet.
  Form Beyond Machine
   Tokyo’s Ikebukuro District is a showplace for the latest consumer technology. Here hundreds of thousands of devices are sold at bargain prices to consumers with a seemingly bottomless 10)appetite for the newest, fastest and most 11)elegant machines. It’s no surprise, then, to learn that Japan has the largest population of robots in the world ?more than seven times as many as the runner-up, the United States. The 12)fascination with 13)humanoids that runs through Japan’s popular culture is reflected in the real-life efforts of its engineers. Japan has launched a long-term project to create a 14)silicon underclass of domestic servants ?robot 15)butlers, robot housekeepers, and robot nurses ?and they believe it’s essential that those robots are humanoids.

  This is Hadaly-2. It was built at Tokyo’s Waseda University. It’s designed to react to 16)stimuli the way humans do. Hadaly’s big eyes and gentle movements are deliberately childlike. As robots grow more intelligent and functional, their 17)bland, ugly 18)exteriors are becoming problematic. The Japanese solution is to give their robots human form, and to make sure they’re cute.
  Path of Machine and Mankind
  Humanity finds itself 19)hurtling to a wired world, where intelligent systems are 20)integrated into every part of our daily lives. But what path will robots take? Will our creations remain unintelligent and unaware, capable only of following simple commands? Or will they evolve into a unique new form of life, able to reproduce and survive without our support?
  Scientist C: The fear that we’re going to create a race of super-intelligent, super-smart, super-powerful 21)androids that will take care of everything, and put everybody out of work is a 22)ridiculous concept. I mean, I think that what’s going to happen is we’re going to not be competing with the androids. The androids are going to do the things that androids do best; people are going to do the things that they do best, which may just be watching more television, surfing the World Wide Web?Technology is an 23)incarnation of the human urge to survive and prosper. Our machines help us to overcome our limitations. 24)Endowing our robots with intelligence is the next step in our ongoing effort to make our lives easier. But as our creations grow ever more complex and 25)self-reliant, our fear of technology grows. We surround ourselves with high-tech tools……but we don’t quite trust them. But living machines, even artificial humans, may turn out to be less 26)alien than airplanes or television sets ?all of the complex devices we depend on, but don’t really understand.

   这个机器人是Hadaly 2号,由东京的早稻田大学制造,其设计让它可以像人一样能对刺激作出反应。Hadaly的大眼睛和温柔的举止都特意设计成孩子的感觉。随着机器人越来越智能化和功能化,它们冷漠和丑陋的外表也渐渐成了大问题。日本的解决办法就是把机器人制造成人形,确保它们个个长得憨态可掬。
  A robot——
  cannot under any circumstance harm another human being; must provide help for humans in dire needs.
   cannot disobey a direct human order as long as it is not in violation of Law 1.
   protects its own existance as long as it does not violate Law 1 and 2.
   人工智能(A.I.: Artificial Intelligence)
   机械公敌(I, Robot)
   《黑客帝国》系列(The Matrix)
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