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  In 2012, after rising to the world’s second largest economy, China’s M&A became an important force influencing the world! China’s M&A not only achieved many good transactions in the domestic markets, but also successfully navigated the international markets: energy, machinery, food, culture ... one by one, new records were set in various fields. The attentions of the world focused on China. The driving force of China’s M&A received "M&A Lifetime Achievement Award". All these marked that the once inexperienced China’s M&A markets became mature, and the Chinese markets received recognition and affirmation of the international industry. Just as Tian Yuan, Father of Chinese Future Market and Chairman of China Entrepreneurs Forum, said, "This indicates that Chinese markets have aligned with international M&A markets, and a magnificent M&A era created by Chinese enterprises has come."
On May 19, hosted by Chinese Museum of Finance Academy Council, the eighth underworlds (Jianghu) salon was held at Museum of International Finance. Renowned economist Professor Zhang Weiying was the k
On May 31, Chinese Museum of Finance Academy Council’s 33rd book club event was held in Beijing. Ctrip Board Chairman James Liang and Phoenix TV host Lyuqiu Luwei were guest speakers at this book club
The study objects of "100 Years of Global Business" are almost all in the category of world top 500 enterprises. The book dedicates much content recording their growth paths in the past 100 years. The
As an economist, he proposed many theories on national reform, economic development, and enterprises that not only set off waves indomestic and international academic circles, but also generated profo
On June 6, the sixth annual China Private Equity Conference was held at Tianjin Meijiang International Exhibition Center. Cui Jindu, a member of Standing Municipal Committee and Vice Mayor of Tianjin
刚刚过去的2012年是一个值得纪念的年份,有人将之称为国际并购元年,主要原因在于中国资本频频在国际市场出手,取得了前所未有的重大成就。以中海油公司以151亿美元收购加拿大尼克森公司为标志,中国人进入了百亿美元并购俱乐部,这是一个历史性的变化,标志着中国企业海外并购进入加速发展的新阶段。  中海油先败后胜的两次震动世界的收购行为,最清楚地显示了中国资本发力国际市场的攀升轨迹。在这次收购过程中,整个交
Live in the era of currency over, both the Chinese and American investors have to keep their wealth safe. To fight the battle, people need "bargaining chip" property which is relatively undervalued or
2012年,三一重工、中联重科这对冤家,相继卷入间谍门、裁员门、微博门、行贿门等多起口水战。近日有媒体发布发表一篇题为《三一恨别长沙 梁稳根的内心独白》的文章,在业界引起轩然大波。文中梁稳根公开自述三一恨别长沙背后的辛酸故事,称不堪中联重科恶毒攻击。对此,中联重科火速反驳,称报道严重违背事实。究竟,孰是孰非?  微观点  @梁稳根:受欺负不丑,作恶才丑,三一要学会唾面自干,别人唾在脸上不要自己擦干
Capital markets need big heroes. Before and during the financial crisis, the top boss at Goldman Sachs was a great hero, leading Wall Street colleagues sweeping through the length and breadth. Subsequ
1776, an American patriotism textbook, tells the fighting story of Washington and the Continental Army he commanded. The Continental Army and the New Army had many similarities. Zeng Guofan was glorif