A Self—statement of Disappointing and Repeating Life of A Woman

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  First Love is distinguishing and excluded from common love stories or novels because of its disappointing feeling is through the whole novel.But in fact,Gwendoline Riley never uses this word——disappointing.We could feel it because the tone used by her is sad,hopeless and despairing,even when she describes those sweet moments.Even if the sweet actions occur,the feeling of disappointing could not be gotten rid of.We could see easily that the protagonist in First Love——Neve feels extremely disappointed with her marriage.
  Neve and her husband Edwyn did have some sweet little pet actions between themselves and actually these actions came out quite often.For example,they called each other by pet names; they cuddled anywhere,from landing to a kitchen,while making some provocative sound from their throat.We could never ignore the feeling of the relationship between them.But it was more like out of responsibility.Anyway,lacking love,cohabiting is more like a play house game.These sweet moments,in the opinion of Neve,maybe just like the feeling of being hugged by Edwyn.She was covered in sweat.The sweet moments were also like the sweat—thick,cold and oily.Because they did not have any passion in their relationship.If you do have some passion,boredom never exists.
  Neve and Edwyn could suddenly burst out a quarrel even they talked smoothly and peacefully before.If you could imagine this kind of scene,you will find it existing in daily life,maybe between your mother and father,or between your partner and you.Not until it is displayed in First Love,do I really realize that how hurtful when this kind of thing happens.In Edwyn’s eyes,two seconds before,Neve was Miss Pusskins,but now she is nothing more than a dirty cunt.Heart-breaking,isn’t it?
  Maybe the marriage should not begin at first.Neve said that this marriage was against both of their instincts.They got together only because they were suitable.Edwyn was more likely hold a relatively negative attitude towards female.He could admit in front of Neve that although Neve was his number one,he did need two women.But he would never forgive Neve for her ONS with another guy.In his opinion,his combination with Neve was because she needed to rely on him and she had sex obsession with him.You see,self-righteous men never understand women.
  Obviously,it is not a healthy marriage and I am always waiting for them to break up with each other.What is more,I want to know how long could Neve bore her husband.But actually,on the last page of this novel,they said farewell to each other.It takes too long,long enough for readers to feel despaired too.Honestly,struggling in the relationship instead of getting out is one of the reasons that they were always living a disappointing life.   Life of Neve was appalling.It was horrible not only because her life was awful but more likely to because of the repeating situation of her life
  and she could not do anything to make a change.She used to pin her hope on moving and on the time,but ultimately moving and the time both disappointed her.She barely drank,but at that moment she realized that spirits are only helpful to forget problems temporarily.They never help to solve problems.Abstaining from alcohol,she saw more clearly that not one thing changes,about who she is and what she is.She was staying in a city besieged.She tried to change but all seemed in vain.
  Neve wanted a normal family,but her father died and her mother was hopeless.Actually,the mother was more like a daughter while the daughter was more mature than her mother.I mean,at least,Neve was not shuttling from one man to another.Nevertheless,her mother once tried to be “looking approachable” all night.Every time Neve met her mother,her mother was same as usual.She had nothing to do with that.
  Undoubtedly,Neve disliked her life,while she could not do anything about it.Maybe at the end of the novel,leaving Edwyn would be a new beginning for her.Anyway,I hope so.But I am not sure whether she could escape from the feeling of disappointment or not.But maybe,love is just that one second before you want to kiss someone but the second next you want to kill him.
有这样一个故事:知道天空的星星是怎么来的吗?妈妈和孩子在睡前读的每一个动人的故事,读完后就会升到夜空中去,变成一颗星星。地下多一个朗读的故事,天上就会多一颗闪闪的星星。天上的星星越多,这个世界就越美好。  很多时候,和孩子一起阅读,就是想让他们拥有一片诗意的夜空。为了延续这份诗意,部编本一年级教材中,在每一个“语文园地”中都安排了“和大人一起读”栏目,上下册共计十六次。其中故事童话类8篇,占栏目选
摘 要:随着经济和科技的发展,英语作为一门国际性的语言变得越来越重要,如何使学生在课堂学习中高效的掌握英语知识是课程改革的重点内容,小组合作作为一种有效的英语学习模式逐渐被应用到英语教学中,小组合作的学习模式可以培养学生的自主学习能力和集体合作意识,教师把课堂的主动性交给学生,使学生成为整个课堂的主人。在初中英语教学中运用小组教学的模式可以有效的提高英语的学习效率,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使英语教
摘 要:现如今的中国已经不再是二三十年前时候的那个光景,社会的高度进步,科技的高速发展,让各行各业都百花齐放欣欣向荣。一个家庭对孩子的教育更是越发的看重,不能输在起跑线上是家长们心中普遍的想法,要给孩子最好的教育,要让他什么课外兴趣班都要去尝试一下。这些希望孩子能够更好发展的美好想法也在孩子刚刚步入幼儿园的时候就萌发了起来,让孩子们的学前教育小学化,学的东西也加深了,大大的加重了3~6岁这个年龄阶
摘 要:儿童自由自在的游戏离不开自然环境,但身居闹市的我们离大自然总是有些遥远,那怎样给孩子在日常生活中提供一个亲近大自然的学习和成长环境,是我们幼儿教师工作的一部分。本文就对幼儿园建设自然环境说了一点点想法,分别从野趣“百草园”的环境打造到教师游戏精神的学习,对野趣游戏在乐趣中促进幼儿发展展开了阐述。  关键词:野趣;游戏;发展  鲁迅在《百草园到三味书屋》一书中,用大段的文字描写百草园,以“乐
摘 要:明确学前教育理论中游戏与教学的联系与区别,能够有效避免幼儿教学中的游戏异化。本文首先简要介绍了学前教育理论的基本概念,随后基于游戏与教学,探讨了对学前教育理论的再反思结果,希望这些观点能够有效促进游戏精神在学前教育中的回归。  关键词:学前教育;教学反思;幼儿游戏  强化对游戏与教学的反思,能够有效促进学前教育理论的完善,为今后的研究方向和应用方向提供指导,以提高我国的幼儿教学质量和水平。
摘 要:国学是我国的经典,让小学生学习国学将我国传统文化精神发扬光大。同时小学生自身通过国学的学习也能促进智力发展,同步提升语言能力。通过潜移默化的渗透培养小学生的文学素养,形成良好的道德品质。  关键词:国学;小学生;学习策略  中华文化博大精深,经过上千年文化沉淀形成国学。将其应用到小学教学中对学生有重要教育意义。作为语文教育工作者,传承古典文化荟萃既是责任又是义务。但是由于小学生理解能力有限
摘 要:语文阅读教学必须教会学生在“读”字上下功夫。教者引导学生抓住表现诸葛亮智慧超人的重点词句,进行有效的阅读,并以此为突破口,进行辐射思维。让学生领会诸葛亮神机妙算算到了什么?怎样定策?其次,从感知语言入手,通过重点词句及前后句子之间的联系去读懂课文,读出了意蕴。然后出示动景图。唤起了学生动、静想象,揣摩人物的思想感情,再现人物的形象。  关键词:神机妙算;据情定策;紧扣重点词句;揣摩人物形象
本节课是人教版八年级下册第十七章第一节《勾股定理》第二课时的内容,是在学生对勾股定理的概念及公式应用的前提条件已经掌握的情况下进行学习的,主要是让学生运用勾股定理去解决一些现实生活中的实际问题,让学生明白数学源于生活又用于生活,感受数学与生活息息相关,体验学以致用带来的成就感,从而增强学生的求知欲和学好数学的信心。  为了让学生能在上课的时候能快速的进入学习状态,我所任教的班级皆有“课前展示”这一
摘 要:让作文教学生活化在课堂教学中有效实施,依赖于三个方面:命题要近身、素材要动心、方式要贴心。作文教学生活化会有效改变传统教育中学生脱离实际的教育现象,让写作回到生活中去,让生活这脉源头活水注入学生写作池塘,让他们的生活和写作都活色生香,清漪涟涟。  关键词:作教学;生活化;命题;素材;方式  如何让作文教学生活化在课堂教学中有效实施呢?我认为它应该贯穿于整个作文教学环节。  一、命题要贴近生
摘 要:自2012年以来有部分省市依托电大现有资源优势投入到了社区教育,想以此来解决电大目前面临的生源减少的困境,这是电大发展的机遇也是挑战,电大能否成功转型,有很多因素决定,本文就意识因素进行探讨。  关键词:电大转型;社区教育;关键因素;意识转变  近年来由于国家对于两基教育的普及和高等教育日渐大众化,成人学历教育的需求量已不如往日,电大学历教育生源从数量上不断减少,质量不断下降,成人教育原有