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   5 Cuckoo Clocks布谷鸟钟
  Even though most people associate[把……联系起来] the cuckoo clock with Switzerland, it isn’t really Swiss at all. The cuckoo clock actually
  originated[起源] in the Black Forest area of Southern Germany. The reason the Swiss are associated with it is because after the world wars, many of the German workshops were destroyed, and Swiss clockmakers began making cuckoo clocks. Cuckoo
  clocks are a popular Swiss souvenir[纪念品], and you’ll find them in most souvenir shops.
  4 Swiss Army Knife 瑞士军刀
  For a lot of people, the Swiss Army Knife is a lot like Switzerland itself: small, ingenious[设计精巧的] and easy to fall in love with. With enough tools to do everything short of mopping[用拖把拖洗] the kitchen floor, the Swiss Army Knife has become one of the country’s best known and most popular products.
   3 Watches 手表
  Out of all the souvenirs most people will buy, this is definitely the most expensive. Swiss watchmakers are best known for their luxurious[奢侈的] products. Covered with gold and diamonds, these are true works of art.
  2 Cheese 干酪
  There are about 450 types of cheese available in Switzerland. The most
  commonly available ones are Mozzarella, Gruyere and Emmental. Though there may not be as wide a variety of cheese on offer
  in Switzerland as in France, the Swiss beat the French hands down in cheese
  consumption[消费(量)]: on average 2.1
  kilograms per person every year!
   1Chocolate 巧克力
  In no other country is chocolate regarded as highly as it is in Switzerland. Almost every visitor to Switzerland will try a piece of Swiss chocolate, at the very least to see what all the fuss[小题大做] is about - and after the first taste, most will agree that the Swiss make some of the best chocolates in the world!
琥珀作为世界上最轻的宝石,一直受到不少达官贵人的喜爱。但你能想象整个房间都是由琥珀和金银宝石建成的吗?在俄罗斯圣彼得堡的叶卡捷琳娜宫就收藏着这么一个金碧辉煌的房间—有“世界第八大奇迹”之称的琥珀宫。然而,我们现在看到的琥珀宫已经不是原来的那个……  18世纪初,普鲁士国王弗里德里希一世为庆祝自己登基,用当时比黄金还要贵12倍的琥珀建成一座55平方米的宫殿。殿内还镶嵌有钻石、黄金和银箔,总重量超过6
You wake up late because the radio does not come on. Outside there is only the sound of the wind, and of the birds in the trees. Most shockingly, the 1)rumble of traffic is gone. As the day 2)wears on
It’s amazing how you can speak right to my heart  Without saying a word you can light up the dark  Try as I may I could never explain  What I hear when you don’t say a thing    *The smile on your face
Let it go  Let it roll right off your shoulder  Don’t you know   The hardest part is over  Let it in  Let your clarity[清晰] define you  In the end   We will only just remember how it feels    *Our live
听力小提示:  这篇采访语言简单,非常口语化、日常化,但语速相当快。建议大家先浏览全文,大概了解对话内容,再听原声—你的耳朵准备好迎接挑战了吗?    Host: Please welcome A.J., Nick, Brian, Howie. You got a brand new CD dropping October 30th. Please welcome the Backstreet B
这个世界很奇怪,比如一个小小的厨房,有的人讨厌洗菜,有的人不喜欢做饭,有的人则宁死不肯洗碗。对于最后一类人来说,彻底告别油渍菜渣的日子如今总算有了盼头—可以一口吃掉不用洗的碗,这是多么美妙的福音啊……    For those who can’t stand the washing-up, help is at hand with one of the most amazing   culinar
经过多番准备,全亚洲人民终于迎来了四年一届的亚运会。广州成为中国第二个取得亚运会主办权的城市。(北京曾于1990年举办第11届亚运会。)广州还将在今年12月举办第十届亚洲残疾人运动会。  申亚成功之后,广州就开始为“办一届出色的亚运会”而努力:经过系统整治,广州的水变清了,空气变好了,街道变漂亮了,一座座高楼拔地而起……古老羊城焕发出新颜,岭南水乡风采再现。  广州人民已经准备好迎接亚运会,让我们
不管是不是《哈利·波特》的粉丝,你一定看过一两部《哈利·波特》的小说或电影吧。在这十多年里,《哈利·波特》陪伴着很多人成长。随着小说结局尘埃落定,一部巨著划上了句号,三位主角也从懵懂少年长成风华正茂的年轻人。  在经过长达16个月的拍摄后,《哈利·波特》系列最后一部《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》于今年6月终于结束了前期拍摄。这是三人组最后一次出演《哈利·波特》的角色。我们相信丹尼尔、爱玛和鲁珀特  一定
This pet shop is a mysterious place you might find in any Chinatown around the world. There are various animals from the most   ordinary pets to savage[凶猛的] predators[食肉动物] and creatures that should o