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  Dew① drops bathe their clear, distant tones
  When wind blows together a few leaves.
  Sound after sound seems closely joined,
  Though each lives on a different branch.
Dear diary,  My food dish is now only half full. It is obvious① that I will soon starve to death. I have repeatedly② tried to draw attention to my predicament with the authorities but they are clearly
Do you remember when trouser-skirts were all the rage① in the 90s?  Women and girls would go out with a pair of trousers on... and then a skirt over it...  Since then, we’ve gone back to being pretty
⒈I want the sky, no longer shield my eyes,  and the land, no longer bury my wills.  I want all lives, know my wishes.  And all dominators, into the ashes!  ⒉What is the point of living,  without a per
To pass through her endeavor, Li Xia (Zheng Shuang) was admitted to Qianchuan high school and encountered genius boy Fu Xiaosi(Chen Xuedong). Short hair, sweet voice, Lixia is like a girl straight out
“打call”这个词来自日本(call在日语中的写法是:コ?ル),起源于演唱会Live应援文化。  粉丝们用规律性的呼喊、跟着节奏挥舞荧光棒、点亮手机等方式,表达对台上偶像的肯定和支持,台上台下一起营造出热烈氛围。正是因为“打call”的存在,才使得演唱会充满魅力。  如今“打call”不仅仅适用于粉丝对偶像的“应援”活动,当你表达对某个人、某件事的赞同和支持时,就可以说“为xx打call”,如果
Ye Xiu, the "Textbook level expert" of electronic sports① game Glory, was dismissed from his club and forced to retire. His role "Ares" was also deeded to the new team leader. Ye Xiu stepped into Xing
Youth is a neuter①  which represents many shortcomings: lack of experience, unsophistication, and impetuosity②.  But it also has a lot of strong points,  one of which is that you have much time to for
Song Joong Ki and Song Hye-kyo are going to get married. Liu shizhen is about to get married Jiang Muyan in reality, all tends towards the purpose. The news accomplishes a dream of CP fans: Their love
On the chemistry class, the chemistry teacher accidentally burned the podium...  上化学课的时候,化学老师不小心烧了讲台……  I remember once in class, physics teacher stopped doing the physics experiments, and told us:"Be
"I don’t think I’m going to miss eighth grade. It’s been a tough year. A lot of my friends are struggling with① depression and self-harm, and it’s hard for me to watch. I just care about them so much.