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  Ye Xiu, the "Textbook level expert" of electronic sports① game Glory, was dismissed from his club and forced to retire. His role "Ares" was also deeded to the new team leader. Ye Xiu stepped into Xing Xin Internet cafe by chance, and re-started his road of glory with role "Lord Grim②" and "Thousand Chance Umbrella." "Your friend Lord Grim is online" What are you waiting for? Let us come back to the top together. After all, "Glory has never been the game for personage."

On Tuesday morning, the royal dropped into a cafe that has been set up by a homeless charity to help those who deal with addiction and homelessness get back on their feet.  As he arrived at the coffee
Chinese food, oh, Chinese food really makes me impressed.  This being said, it is one of the best foods I have tried and at the same time there are things that are really so disgusting. Taking smelly
一个是国民女神,一个是当红小生,之前还极力否认恋爱传闻的两个人,通过经纪公司直接宣布即将于10月31日结婚。而他们在一起的消息满足了粉丝们的幻想:“柳时  镇终于娶了美丽的姜暮烟,一切都是期望中的样子。”一起来回顾《太阳的后裔》精彩台词吧!  1.Doctors don’t have boyfriends because they’re too busy.  Soldiers don’t have
1. It’s sickly sweet. 这太甜了。  在这里,形容词“sickly”的含义是食物“令人作呕的”,所以人们多用 sickly sweet 来形容“过于甜以至于发腻的”味道或气味。  例:This juice concentrate has a sickly sweet taste.  这浓缩果汁有种腻人的甜味。  2. It’s cloying. 这甜得发腻了。  形容词 clo
《纪念碑谷2》来了,相比前一部艾达公主的宽恕之旅,这趟旅途少了孤单,多了陪伴。同时它还揭示了更为残忍的道理——孩子终将长大成人,伴随他们度过人生旅程的父母也将回归孤独,再度独自踏上旅程。主创们为什么选择了这样让人揪心的故事?一起看看《纪念碑谷》背后的故事吧。  On February of last year, we start to work on Monument① Valley II. we
Dear diary,  My food dish is now only half full. It is obvious① that I will soon starve to death. I have repeatedly② tried to draw attention to my predicament with the authorities but they are clearly
Do you remember when trouser-skirts were all the rage① in the 90s?  Women and girls would go out with a pair of trousers on... and then a skirt over it...  Since then, we’ve gone back to being pretty
⒈I want the sky, no longer shield my eyes,  and the land, no longer bury my wills.  I want all lives, know my wishes.  And all dominators, into the ashes!  ⒉What is the point of living,  without a per
To pass through her endeavor, Li Xia (Zheng Shuang) was admitted to Qianchuan high school and encountered genius boy Fu Xiaosi(Chen Xuedong). Short hair, sweet voice, Lixia is like a girl straight out
“打call”这个词来自日本(call在日语中的写法是:コ?ル),起源于演唱会Live应援文化。  粉丝们用规律性的呼喊、跟着节奏挥舞荧光棒、点亮手机等方式,表达对台上偶像的肯定和支持,台上台下一起营造出热烈氛围。正是因为“打call”的存在,才使得演唱会充满魅力。  如今“打call”不仅仅适用于粉丝对偶像的“应援”活动,当你表达对某个人、某件事的赞同和支持时,就可以说“为xx打call”,如果