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  I. The notion of Genre
  Swales, in 1981 and 1990, offered a specific notion of genre as follows:
  “It is a recognizable communicative event characterized by a set of communicative purpose(s) identified and mutually understood by the members of the professional or academic community in which it regularly occurs. Most often it is highly structured and conventionalized with constraints on allowable contributions in terms of their intent, positioning form and functional value. These constraints, however, are often exploited by the expert members of the discourse community to achieve private intentions within the framework of socially recognized purpose(s).”
  In this notion, Swales particularly well characterized the features of genre of a discourse community. In order to make it more understandable, this definition could be elucidated as follows:
  Firstly, “genre is a recognizable communicative event characterized by a set of communicative purpose(s) identified and mutually understood by the members of the professional or academic community in which it regularly occurs (Swales, 1990: 45).”
  Secondly, “most often it is highly structured and conventionalized with constraints on allowable contributions in terms of their intent, positioning form and functional value.” (Swales, 1990:52)
  Lastly, “these constraints, however, are often exploited by the expert members of the discourse community to achieve private intentions within the framework of socially recognized purpose(s) (Swales, 1990: 52).” In other words, the experts of a discourse community will more familiar with the rules, criterions and conventions of the genre of this community than outsiders.
  In short, genre is language conventions, rules or criterions which evolve from discourse community. It can be identified or recognized through interactive purposes of members of community.
  II. The orientation of Genre
  The studies of genre analysis are varied according to different investigation purposes of the researchers. Normally the studies on genre analysis are primary addressed on three aspects: genre analysis and linguistics, genre analysis and sociology, genre analysis and psycholinguistics. The analysis between Genre and linguistics mainly focuses on studying genre from linguistics aspect. Earlier work of this area was concerned with register or stylistic analysis (Halliday, 1978).In recent years, the study began to deal with the linguistics explanation of different texts. Genre analysis in sociology primarily involves in studying how a specific genre is formed and operated in a social reality, such as, the influence of different genres on L2 learners in their writing. The studying of Genre analysis with respect to psycholinguistics is mainly focused on the cognitive constructing, especially on the specific aspect of learner acquisitions.
  [1]Swales J.M.1981.Aspect of Article Introductions [M].Brim-ingham.UK:The University of Aston,Language Studies Urut.
  [2]Swales J.M.1990.Genre Analysis:English in Academic and Research Settings[M].Cambridge,UK:Cambridge University Press.
  [3]Halliday,M.A.K.1978.Language as Social Semiotic:The social Interpretation of Language and Meaning.Baltimore:University Park Press;London:Edward Arnold.
【摘要】随着新课改的推进,怎样提高高中英语教学的有效性是我国很多高中英语教师都面临的一个重要问题。教师在教学时提高教学有效性,能够促进学生的全面发展,学生的英语素养也会有很大的提高,这对于英语教学而言非常重要。本文主要研究了提高高中英语教学有效性的策略,希望能够切实提高高中英语教学的有效性,帮助学生更好地学习和成长。  【关键词】高中英语;教学;有效性  【作者简介】任蕊蕊(1982.10-),女
【摘要】在英语学习中,英语语言能力与英语语感有着密切的关联,它们是相辅相成的关系。本文从英语语言能力与英语语感的基本情况、各自的概念、二者关系以及如何提升等几个方面着手,分析英语语感在英语语言能力中的重要性,寻找提高英语语感和英语语言能力的方法,为读者学好英语提供有力的引导。  【关键词】英语语言能力;英语语感;英语基础;语言思维;语感图示;欧美语言文化  一、基本情况  随着全球化的加强,各国之
【Abstract】 My thesis attempts to analyze linguistic realization of euphemism in business correspondence and negotiation. Numerous books have been published to offer guidelines for business corresponde
【摘要】词汇是让高中生形成语言能力的支架与基础,只有让高中生掌握足够的词汇知识,才有可能使其逐步形成英语交际能力。然而,学困生是一个特殊的群体,要想对其展开英语词汇教学,还需教师以单元话题为依托来使英语学困生逐步形成较为完整的词汇结构体系。本文也将以此作为研究基点,从做好语境教学、做好语块教学、做好创编教学三个层面来讨论如何以单元话题为依托来对高中英语学困生开展词汇教学。  【关键词】高中英语;词
【摘要】翻转课堂是利用现代化科技手段改善教育技术的一种教学模式。与传统课堂教学不同,翻转课堂是由学生作为课堂教学的中心,在课前让学生掌握知识点和课堂教学背景,教学课堂环节的主要任务是吸收消化知识,大大提高了教学效率,促进课堂交流,有助于学生自主学习,增强学习的积极主动性,为大学英语教学改革提供新的憧憬和方向。  【关键词】翻转课堂;大学英语;教学改革  【作者简介】赵清华,山西工商学院,研究生,专
【摘要】根據我国小学英语教学现状,初步得出:学生的英语水平既没有得到实质性提高,生态化教学也没有取得突破性成果。然而,生态化课堂又是提高英语水平,彰显学生自我价值的重要方法之一,同时它也作为最基本的教育方式影响着我们日常的学习节奏。所以,本文从小学英语教学出发,就如何提高学生的英语水平和口语表达能力制定了针对性的方法策略,并着重强调了生态化课堂的构建研究策略。  【关键词】小学英语;生态化课堂;构
【摘要】教育全球化背景下,着力培养各学段學生的跨文化交际能力应当成为TESOL教学的重中之重,然而现实情况并不乐观。为积极改善现状,本文以笔者澳洲TESOL培训经历为蓝本,结合澳洲高中英语课堂教学,以期为我国TESOL教学的有效开展提供借鉴和思考。  【关键词】跨文化交际;TESOL教学;实践  【作者简介】顾慧艳,江苏省奔牛高级中学。  一、当前我国TESOL教学背景  TESOL全称为“英语作
【Abstract】In the curriculum of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL), the teaching of Chinese characters is of great importance. Therefore, this paper mainly discusses three methods of Chinese
【摘要】随着全球跨文化教育的发展趋势,高校英语思辨式阅读教学成为研究课题,跨文化教育亟须具有英语文化知识的思辨创新能力,要注重对学生的目的语文化的认知、分析、阐释、创造的能力培养,营造英语思辨阅读教学和学习的环境和平台,鼓励大学生参与英语思辨式阅读和训练,为国际间的交流与合作奠定语言文化基础。  【关键词】跨文化教育;高校英语;思辨式;阅读教学  【作者简介】范丽军(1971.06.27-),女,