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  Chinese Doctor Elected to Run the WHO
  Here is a signal that China may be 1)assuming a larger role in global politics. The World Health Organization is set to name Doctor Margaret Chan注 as Director General, and she is the 2)nominee of China. Brenda Wilson reports.
  Doctor Margaret Chan is the first Chinese national to hold a top United Nation’s position. Two years ago she joined the Communicable Diseases Division of the World Health Organization to develop a plan for dealing with an 3)influenza 4)pandemic. She was hired by Dr. Lee Jong-Wook who died unexpectedly last spring. After she was selected by the Executive Board in Geneva, she promised to work tirelessly to honor his 5)commitment to World Health.
  “l have the commitment, the passion and the6)humility to serve the member states of this organization, this great organization. I also have the determination to achieve results for health. I’m sure we have the power to do so. We just need to be very smart in our planning and 7)priority setting, and most of all, be 8)streetwise in our actions.”
  She is a bird flu expert who has won her 9)stripes the hard way, dealing with a series of major disease 10)outbreaks as Hong Kong’s Health Director. An avian flu 11)epidemic in 1997 that earned her a 12)reputation for being able to take decisive action. Doctor Robert Webster, a 13)virologist with St. Jude’s Research Hospital, worked with Doctor Chan in Hong Kong during that outbreak.
  “Margaret is a listener and makes people work together. She gets at the 14)nitty-gritty of the question and makes decisions that, that sometimes (are) hard decisions, and I think can deal with the cultural bridge, which is real between the societies. And I think that…that’s what she has to offer.”
  Specifically he is talking about difficulties between Hong Kong and Beijing, and between China and the wider world. During the bird flu outbreak, hundreds of thousands of 15)poultry had to be slain.
  “The poultry marketers at that time were very upset that their markets were shut for three months. She had to pull all the information together: from agriculture, from the Health Department, from the university and, and make the decision to 16)slaughter all the poultry in Hong Kong, that the decision was really Margaret’s in the end, and again was 17)criticized.”
  She was similarly decisive and successful in getting the SARS epidemic under control. A 18)gargantuan 19)bureaucratic challenge also awaits her at WHO. The organization’s regional offices have built their own 20)fiefdoms among the Ministries of Health of countries in their regions, and they don’t always take direction from the Director General. That’s hurt WHO’s reputation. Niels Larel of the Global Health Council says that in the two years she’s been in Geneva, she has won the respect of the people she’ll have to work with.   “l don’t think it’s an accident that she has risen to this very high level. She tends to do things by 21)consensus and with a smile rather than by 22)fiat. And I, I think that will tend to work well as long as she has a clear vision of where she is going.”
  Doctor Chan’s term begins Jan 4th, 2007.

听力小提示:本文发音清晰,语速适中,但由于文中涉及的词语对中学生而言比较生疏,而且复合句型较多,因此对同学们的听力可是一大挑战哦。建议先通读全文,对文章内容先作大致了解,再听声音,以便加深记忆。  还记得周杰伦的《爱在西元前》吗?每次听到这首歌,感觉时间好像一下子跨越了几千年,把人带到一片遥远而神秘的地方——美索不达米亚。这片深埋在时间流沙的地方曾经孕育出人类最早的文明之一。那么美索不达米亚在哪里
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