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  It’s getting hotter outside and summer is here in full swing[达到高潮]. Along with the scorching[灼热的] heat comes a whole new season of anime. In Japan, summer seems to be the best season for creepy[令人毛骨悚然的] shows. No wonder Sui Ishida’s Tokyo Ghoul[食尸鬼] has been adapted[改编]. This isn’t your standard zombie[僵尸] ghoul tale. While all the same tragic[悲剧的], the story is weaved[编排] with the concepts of ghouls living right under humanity’s nose. This is the unfortunate fact that Ken Kaneki learns first hand when he’s brought face to face with a ghoul, Rize Kamishiro. And though the experience doesn’t quite end like the ghoul girl hopes, no one would expect what is to happen next. Waking up in a hospital, Kaneki learns that the monster that just tried to eat him has become a part of him, and now his true hell begins…
  Ishida doesn’t make the manga[日本漫画] so abstruse[深奥的] that ghouls can’t be perceived as[被视为] humans. It is in fact the opposite that they look so human, it’s scary. I hope the anime adaptation does the series its due justice[逼真]. We’ll just wait and see.
  On the other hand, sequels[续集] have become a standard factor in today’s anime season. Sometimes—if not always—a new season of an old show can at least provide some basic quality that new anime might just fail to deliver. That’s why I’m more than thrilled[非常兴奋的] when Space Dandy 2 was confirmed[确认]. Premiering[首播] in January, the first season is so eye-catching because of its star-studded[众星云集的] production team. Another thing about this super-creative comedy: it doesn’t follow a continuous storyline. The staff is free to come up with crazy ideas, and they surely did. As a result, everything about Space Dandy oozes[散发出] unique charm.
  Other promising sequels include Black Butler: Book of Circus, Sword Art Online II, and Free! Eternal Summer, to name just a few. Meanwhile, Fuji TV will premiere the original anime Zankyou no Terror (directed by the one and only Shinichiro Watanabe注1) in its noitaminA注2 block to celebrate the block’s 10th anniversary. Gen Urobuchi注3 is back with his new robot anime called Aldnoah Zero. What’s more, popular game titles like Kantai Collection and Persona 4 Golden will release anime adaptations. It seems as if everyone is going to get some enjoyment this July, no matter what preference[偏爱] they might have.
  戏团篇》、《刀剑神域II》、《Free!永恒的夏日》等等。与此同时,富士电视台将在“倒A档”播出原创动画《恐怖残响》(由独一无二的渡边信一郎执导),作为这一板块的十周年纪念作。虚渊玄也回来了,还带来了一部全新的机器人动画《Aldnoah Zero》。另外,《舰队收藏》和《女神异闻录4:黄金版》等大热游戏也将推出改编动画。不管你偏好哪个方面,似乎每个人都能在这个七月里找到一点乐子呢。
  注3:虚渊玄,当红动漫游戏剧作家、脚本家,CE: Teens曾在2013年5月号的“动漫后援会”对其进行了介绍,感兴趣的同学不妨查阅。
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