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  Hello, Kickstarters注1. What if I told you that there was a delicious, savory[可口的] treat that you’ve never had before or maybe you never even heard of? What if I told you that it was probably already in your refrigerator? It’s the egg.
  Well, okay, so I exaggerated[夸张] a little. We’ve all enjoyed eggs at some point in our lives, but have you ever tasted or ever even seen what’s known as a golden egg? A golden egg is an egg that was scrambled[搅拌] inside of its shell, and it’s a unique preparation that has been relatively[相当地] unachievable[无法实现的]...until now. Introducing, the Golden Goose.
  We’ve carefully designed and engineered a new kitchen tool that allows you to create golden eggs yourself. It’s the goose that lays golden eggs. The Goose features ergonomic[人体工学的] handles, abrasion-resistant[耐磨的] nylon[尼龙] cordage[绳索], a tough scrambling chamber[房间], a securely-locking ring and a soft egg cradle designed to fit a variety of egg sizes and shapes.
  Inspired[使产生灵感] by the motion[运动] of a Victorian-era children’s toy, the Goose is a low-tech kitchen appliance[器具]designed to take advantage of what are known as centrifugal forces[离心力]. It’s been carefully designed for performance and can thoroughly mix an egg while protecting it from breakage[破裂]. The way it works is to hold the egg safely in its cradle while the spinning[旋转的] motion evenly mixes the egg white with the yolk[蛋黄]. Over the past year we’ve carefully designed and developed the Goose. Following a thoughtful design process, we started with loads of[许多] ideas and sketches[草图], created different geometric[几何的] prototypes[原型], 3-D prints and rubber molds, building and testing rough CAD注2 models, and performance testing a variety of materials.
  We tested our prototypes in a variety of situations as well, and took the best design to finalize[定案] it with sophisticated[精密的] computer CAD models. We’ve refined every important aspect and we’ve prepared the Goose for manufacturing[生产]. Our next step is to purchase the actual production tooling and materials. We secured competitive quotes from several manufacturers both domestically[国内的] and in Asia. We’ve crossed our “I”s and dotted our “T”s注3, we finalized the design and engineering details, and we’ve had fun inventing new and tasty dishes.
  And now we believe that we’ve created an innovative[创新的] and novel[新颖的] kitchen utensil[用具] that’s easy to use, fun and effective. Oh, and did we mention that it’s easy to assemble[装配], that it’s food safe? It’s made with recyclable[可回收的] materials and it’s easily disassembled[拆卸], so it doesn’t end up in the landfill[垃圾填埋地].
  注2:CAD= Computer-Aided Design,计算机辅助设计。
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