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  When Danny Bowman was at school, he was so desperate[不顾一切的] to attract girls, he spent ten hours a day taking more than 200 selfies trying to find the perfect image.
  But his addiction[上瘾], which began at the age of 15, caused him to drop out of school and lose almost two stone注in weight. He did not leave his house for six months, and when he failed to take the flawless[无瑕疵的] shot[相片], he tried to kill himself by taking an overdose[服药过量]. His mother, Penny, managed to save him, but he was forced to seek help after his addiction had spiraled[螺旋式上升或下降] out of control.
  The 19-year-old believed to be Britain’s first selfie addict[有瘾的人], has now had therapy[治疗] to treat his technology addiction. He has not taken a picture of himself in seven months, and has realised that achieving perfection is impossible.
  He said: “I was constantly[不断地] in search of taking the perfect selfie and when I realised I couldn’t I wanted to die. I lost my friends, my education, my health and almost my life. The only thing I cared about was having my phone with me so I could satisfy the urge[强烈欲望] to capture[(转义)拍摄] a picture of myself at any time of the day.”
  He would look at photos of his “idol”Leonardo Di Caprio and would then replicate[复制] his poses.
  Danny’s dream was to become a male model, and it was a successful casting[选择演员] session[一段时间] in 2011 that started the obsession[着魔].
  He would take ten photos of himself before he washed and would sneak[偷偷溜走] out of class three times every hour. At 16, he dropped out of school so he could focus on his addiction, and his diet began to get worse and worse.
  His parents tried to take away his phone, but he became angry and destructive[破坏性的].
  When he posted the images on Facebook, he said people would write negative[负面的] comments[评论], saying his nose was too big, for example.
  He said: “I think this kind of thing can happen to anyone, for me it manifested[显示] itself in selfies; it could be something different for someone else. This would not have happened if it was not in the media age.”
  The selfie craze has grown in the past five years, with stars, politicians and even Pope Francis posting, getting involved in the sensation[轰动一时的事物].
  But one psychologist[心理学者] at a clinic where Danny was treated said the addiction with taking selfies has now become a mental illness.
  N o w d e t e r m i n e d t o r a i s e awareness[意识] of the anxiety[焦虑] disorder, Danny is working with Fixers—a national charity helping young people to “fix” the issues[问题] that matter to them.   He said their help has kept him alive and called on others to seek help before they too end up in hospital.
A picture says a thousand words  But half of them are lies:  “Say what I say, weigh what I weigh  Be what I advertise  ’Cause you’d be happier if you were skinnier  And you had a face like mine”  Oh d
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