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  When the starting gun sounds at Mount Tabor High School 1)track meets, senior注1 Kayla Montgomery from Winston-Salem takes off. She is fast. The 18-year-old runner sets records, wins state 2)titles, and next week, she’s headed to nationals in New York. Of course, there are lots of talented young athletes out there. So why are we talking about Kayla? Because she has multiple sclerosis注2 or MS, a disease that causes nerve damage and 3)interference in 4)communication between her brain, 5)spinal cord and legs.
  But she’s kept running despite the fact that once she gets going, her legs go totally numb. Kayla has been training with her coach, Patrick Cromwell, since she first started high school. When she was 14-years-old, she fell during a soccer game. Pretty 6)routine, he thought. But as Kayla told me, soon after, she noticed something else.
  Kayla Montgomery: When I fell, I fell on my 7)tailbone, so we 8)originally thought that I had a 9)pinched nerve. And I started to notice a lack of feeling in my legs and a 10)weird 11)tingling 12)sensation in my spine.
  Patrick Cromwell: She first complained of the tingling. You know, she says this is what happens when I run. And they said, well, you know, we all lose a little feeling in our legs during a race. This is just part of the sport and you’re gonna have to get used it. You know, she said, “No, I’m numb all day. You know, I can’t feel my legs walking to class in the 13)hallways.” That’s when, you know, I said, OK, this is different. And her doctor visits began.
  Montgomery: And then we got a lot of tests done, and they started to narrow it down.
  Cromwell: When she hit me with the news of, “I’ve been 14)diagnosed with MS,” she was so…so calm about it. And I honestly just became sick to my stomach. And, you know, at first, I didn’t know if she’d ever even be on our team again.
  Montgomery: I knew that my family was pretty upset about the 15)diagnosis, and I really felt like I needed to be strong for them, keep a tough face on and not let them know that I was scared too. So I was really determined to carry on with my normal life. And later, that determination kind of grew into more than just trying to be seen as normal and to try and overcome this disease.
  Cromwell: She didn’t even give me a chance to 16)respond, honestly. She said, “I want to run, I want to run fast, and I don’t want you to hold back.”This was more than just running fast. This was a journey and trying to keep Kayla one step ahead of MS.   Montgomery: When a…the race first starts, I feel everything. I can feel my legs moving and I can feel the start of pain. And after reaching the first mile 17)marker, I’ve started to lose most feeling in my legs. The 18)momentum is kind of what keeps my legs moving. And once I stop, they just kind of fall off from underneath me.
  Cromwell: We need to employ the Catch Kayla 19)Committee and with one lap to go, I…I run across the track and then just get ready to catch her. Doug…Doug Binder of dyestat.com, the 20)premier national high school running site, he described it as, you know, she’s a plane coming in without 21)landing gear. And we catch her just…just to protect her, honestly. We don’t want her to 22)brace for a fall and, you know, break an arm or a 23)collarbone or something. So that’s where the catch is important.
  Montgomery: I actually fell at last year’s 24)cross country state meet and kind of just laid there for a second and didn’t really feel like getting up. But…a competitor passed me, and there was a baseball fence close by, so I 25)grabbed onto that and pulled myself back up and slowly started to run faster again. It was a pretty big deal. It was the first time I’d ever fallen and gotten back up from a race without being able to feel my legs. So it was a great lesson to learn.
  Cromwell: She’s exceptionally 26)disciplined. If I say it’s a 45-minute run, she’ll…she’ll do an extra ten seconds around the tree at the end to make it 45 minutes. But she’s 27)qualified for the national 28)championships next Friday in New York City. She’s 29)ranked currently 21st in the country in the 3,200 meters. She’s at an 30)elite level for high school running for sure. Montgomery: For a few years, I was terrified that I might not be able to run tomorrow or the next day. And I kind of decided that that wasn’t really helping me and I wasn’t happy living like that. So I stopped focusing on the “what ifs” and just focusing on what I’m able to do now and making sure that I make the most of that and take the gift of 31)mobility and just kind of use it to the greatest advantage I can.
  Kayla Montgomery. She’s a senior at Mount Tabor High School. On Friday, Kayla will run the 5,000 meters at the National Indoor Track Championships in New York. Her coach, Patrick Cromwell, will be at the finish line to catch her.
  当泰伯中学田径运动会上的发令枪枪声响起,来自温斯顿-塞勒姆市的高四学生凯拉·蒙哥马利出发了。她跑得很快。这位18岁的跑步运动员创造过纪录,赢过州冠军。下星期,她将奔赴纽约参加国家级比赛。当然了,全州还有很多有能力的年轻运动员,那么我们为什么要讲凯拉呢?因为她患有多发性硬化症,简称MS,这种疾病会造成神经损伤,并干扰她脑部、脊髓和腿部之间的神经通路。   然而,尽管凯拉一跑步腿就会完全麻木,但她继续跑下去。进入高中以后,凯拉就跟随教练帕特里克·克伦威尔训练。14岁时,她在一场足球赛中摔倒。教练当时认为很平常。但凯拉告诉我,她不久之后就察觉到一些不寻常的状况。

  克伦威尔:我们要使用“接住凯拉委员会”(这个做法),剩下一圈的时候,我……我穿过跑道,准备接住她。道格……全国最好的高中跑步网站dyestat. com的道格·宾德这样形容——她就像一架没有起落架的飞机在降落。我们接住她只是……只是为了保护她,真的。我们不希望她要为倒地而做准备动作,你知道,摔断手臂或锁骨什么的。这就是接住她这个动作的重要之处。

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