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从刘熙《释名》的声训到王圣美的“右文说”。为汉语同源词的研究提供了大量素材 ,清代学者对“右文说”合理成分的发掘 ,又把同源词的研究向理论方面推进一步。然而 ,这都是在缺乏语言学理论和科学方法论情况下所进行的探索。直到王力先生《同源字典》问世 ,汉语同源词的研究才步入科学的轨道 ,而在科学方法论指导下的同源词研究还有待承学之士的进一步努力 ,这对汉语史的建立以及汉语词汇学的发展和完善具有十分重要的意义 From Liu Xi “name” of the sound training to Wang Shengmei’s “right to say.” It provided a great deal of material for the research of Chinese cognate words. In the Qing Dynasty, the excavation of the rational composition of “the right article” and the cognate word research further advanced the theory. However, these are all explorations in the absence of linguistic theories and scientific methodologies. Until Mr. Wang Li ’s “homology dictionary” came out, the study of Chinese cognate words entered the track of science. However, the study of cognate words under the guidance of scientific method has yet to be further studied by scholars who have been educated in Chinese history. It is of great significance to establish and improve the development and improvement of Chinese vocabulary
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毛泽东《长征》诗中原“浪拍”改成“水拍”曾被传为佳话 ,但也有不同意见。其涉及修辞的避重 ,应避除重叠叠音词、专用词组和特殊重字修辞外无意之重。《长征》诗“浪”改“
寤生一词 ,最早见于《左传》 ,历代学者对其义多有考证 ,或究义理、或探音韵 ,众说纷纭 ,不一而足。国内外大型中文辞书也大都对寤生一词三训 ,令人疑惑。本文以宋以前文献典
现代汉语双音词是从各个不同的时代积淀下来的。鉴于《战国策》中联合式双音词的结构较为复杂 ,对现代汉语影响也较深 ,拟通过探析该书中联合式双音词的结构及其与现代汉语联
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s is within the normal range. We report a rare case of a MED family with five affected individuals seen in 2009 as follows.