Brief Characteristics of Literature Translation

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  【Abstract】Translation has been sub-divided into many categories, such as literature translation, scientific translation, and so on. From the view of literature translation, the aim of this thesis is to mainly discuss the characteristics of literature translation. The paper studies the literary translation from the aspect of context impact, lexical characteristics and grammatical characteristics.
  【Key words】literary translation; lexical characteristics; grammatical characteristics
  I. The significance of literature translation
  As one of the most representative theories in literary translation, the conveyance of spirit, initiated by FU Lei, the similarity in spirit in the translated works rather than only similarity in form, means success or failure to the translation. In this chapter, the author will talk about the characteristics that influence literature translation.
  II. The Characteristics of Literature Translation
  1. The impact of literature context
  The translation of culture is discussed in the broad context of research. This includes an analysis of the surface and deep structures of culture and language, and the examination of the internal contact between culture and translation as well as the objective laws pertaining to their interaction. When we discuss about the context, it does not only refers to the literature passage, but also includes the personal experience, social impact and the whole history. Especially, the more diverse in the literature works, the more different of the impact will be.
  The following cases: A couple received a pair of theatre tickets, anonymously sent. They phoned all their friends to find out who sent the tickets, but to no avail. They attended the theatre that night. It was an excellent performance, but they couldn’t enjoy it properly for worrying about where thickets came from. When they got home from the show, they found their apartment ran sacked. Every single thing of any value had been stolen, and on the table was a note reading, “now you know from whom!”
  译文为:一对夫妇收到了两张匿名送来的戏票,他们给所有的朋友打了电话 ,想知道是谁送的,但怎么也找不到。那天晚上他们去了戏院,戏虽好看,但因为老想着票是从哪里来的,他们没能好好欣赏。当他们看完回家后,发现家里被洗劫一空 ,任何有点价值的东西都被偷走了,桌子上有一张纸条,写着“现在你们知道是谁送的票了 !”
  The situation of this context: the artistic of language, brings reader happiness through story-telling; fundamental key, the author is the story-teller, also the man has sense of humor; reader, the people who understand this story, meanwhile, who accept the humor and happiness; manner, can be written or spoken.   2.The lexical characteristics of literature
  Adjective words are used for literature translation frequently.
  Literary works is different from practical writing, news, and advertising and technology materials. Literature can be seen as the art of language. Literary language is even more biased in favor of the image. It is also intend to illustrate the attitude of the author or the characters and tone, and even emphasize the significance of symbols in itself, emphasizing the voice, the symbol of the words, such as rhyme, music and so on.
  The thoughts and feelings of the original author can be accurately conveyed.
  3.The grammatical characteristics of literature translation
  The sentence structure in literature translation embodies the characteristics of nature, smoothness, subjectiveness, artistry. Respectively, nature means the expressing methods used for literature translation not modularized; smoothness is the coherence between words, sentences or phrases; subjectiveness means that the emotion in the context is intense; last, artistry is the very prominent feature for literature translation, because translation can be seen as an art sometimes. It has a broad range of artistic characteristics, such as vivid, emotional and free expressions.
  III. Conclusion
  From this paper we discussed above, we can never focus on linguistic features only for translation without a bit concern for the contextual, lexical, grammatical characteristics of literature translation. Without the development of related disciplines, the construction and development of different sorts of translation will be fruitless. So, the best way for the translation works is to try to find a “unity” under all of grammar and vocabulary, and of course do not ignore the impacts that different translations bring.
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【摘要】网络技术发展下教学模式出现极大转变,自主学习在教学活动中的比例逐漸增大,如何提高西京学院学生自主学习能力成为学院教育面临的难题之一。文章研究分析中主要讨论形成性评价对西京学院学生自主学习能力的影响,并分析提高自主学习能力策略,希望对学院教育提供参考。  【关键词】形成性评价;自主学习能力;教学  【作者简介】代新杰(1985.3- ),男,山东高密人,西京学院,硕士,讲师,研究方向:学生思
【摘要】2017年6月20日《公共服务领域英文译写规范》(以下简称《译写规范》)正式发布,并于2017年12月1日起开始实施。该《译写规范》是从2014年到2017年期间国家相关部门结合各地方公共服务领域公示语译写的相关规范而出台的统一的国家标准,填补了我国公示语译写的国标空白,是我国深化对外开放,扩大国际交流的迫切需要。  【关键词】公共场合;公示语;英文译写;规范化  【作者简介】王颖,华北理
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【摘要】在社会快速发展的现今,英语已经成为了最为广泛的语言之一,为了能够更好的提高学生们的英语学习能力,教师们可以尝试将课前演讲融入于英语课堂中,并且课前的演讲也可以以丰富的形式开展,因此教师们需要充分思考如何能够让课前演讲的作用全部发挥出来,本文就这一高中英语的应用进行了简要的分析。  【关键词】课前演讲;高中英语;教学实践  【作者简介】李爱萍,山东省济宁学院附属高中。  根据《新课标》提出的
【摘要】随着社会的不断发展和教育体制改革的不断深入,全方位增强学生在学习英语时的听、说、读、写、译这五种能力成了当下改革的重中之重。本文致力于对当下的英语教学和翻译进行研究,希望可以帮助学生更好的学习英语。  【关键词】新时代;英语教学;翻译研究  【作者简介】秦辉(1963.12- ),男,汉族,河北人,本科,河北师范大学,副高,研究方向:美国文学,修辞与翻译。  由于,长期以来受我国传统应试教
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