整合执政资源 提高执政能力

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加强党的执政能力建设,是关系中国社会主义事业兴衰成败、关系中华民族前途命运、关系党的生死存亡和国家长治久安的重大战略课题。十六届四中全会的召开,标志着中国共产党人以清醒、深厚、高度的历史自觉,通过丰富执政能力的内涵,在把握执政规律、提高执政能力、完善执政方略、改进执政方式、巩固执政基础、完成执政使命等重大问题上有了更为清晰的认识,为我们党紧紧抓住改革发展的关键时期,切实肩负起执政兴国这一伟大使命奠定了坚实的基础。加强党的执政能力建设,作为一项根本建设和历史性战略任务,作为新时期党建的中心工作,最终要落实到每一个基层党组织,每位普通党员的身上。在这个过程中,各级组织部门必将以大量的、具体细致的工作完成这一重大使命。 Strengthening the building of the party’s ability to govern is a major strategic issue that concerns the success or failure of the cause of socialism in China, the destiny of the Chinese nation, the survival of the party, and the long-term peace and order of the country. The convening of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee marked the CPC members’ awareness of history with a clear, profound and high degree of understanding. By enriching the connotation of governing capability, we should grasp the law of ruling, improve the ruling ability, improve the ruling strategy, improve the ruling style and consolidate the ruling party Foundations and fulfillment of their ruling tasks. This has laid a solid foundation for our party to firmly seize the crucial period of reform and development and effectively shoulder the great mission of governing and rejuvenating the country. To strengthen the building of the party’s ability to govern, as a fundamental strategic task of construction and historic work, should serve as the central task of party building in the new period and ultimately be implemented by every grassroots party organization and every ordinary party member. In this process, the organizational departments at all levels will surely complete this important mission with a large amount of detailed and detailed work.
本文综述并研究了Gr(o)bner基理论在有限域Fq上的循环码和模4剩余类环Z4上的负循环码的译码中的应用.  (1)设有限域Fq上循环码C的极小Hamming距离满足dH(C)≥2t+1,且错误向
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