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一、受冻症状 油菜受冻的时间和程度不同,其表现的症状也不一样,大致有以下几种症状: 1.叶片僵化 当气温冻融交替频繁时,叶尖、叶边开始焦枯,随着气温的下降,叶片逐渐变黄再变白或干枯;2.叶片皱缩 此症状多发生于早春受冻的油菜,严重时叶片自行破裂;3.叶片发紫 由于温度过低,使吸收功能降低,植株体内营养失调,叶片 First, the cold symptoms of rape frozen in time and to varying degrees, the performance of the symptoms are not the same, there are several symptoms: 1. Blade rigid When the temperature alternating with frequent freezing and thawing, the tip, leaf edge began to coke, with The temperature drops, the leaves turn yellow and then turn white or dry; 2 leaf shrinkage occurred in the symptoms occurred in early spring rape, severe leaf rupture; 3 leaves purple due to the temperature is too low, so that the absorption function Reduce plant malnutrition, leaves
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Using the bosonic numerical renormalization group method,we studied the equilibrium dynamical correlation function C(ω) of the spin operator σz for the biased