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  Scene 1: From the movie Hitch选自电影《全民情敌》
  Alex: Now ①on the one hand, it is very difficult for a man to even speak to someone who looks like you. But on the other hand, should that be your problem?
  Sara: ②So life’s kind of hard all around.
  Alex: Well, ③not if you pay attention. I mean, you’re sending all the right signals: no earrings, heels under two inches, your hair is pulled back, you’re wearing reading glasses with no book, drinking a Grey Goose 1)martini which means you had a hell of a week and a beer just wouldn’t do it. And if that wasn’t clear enough... there’s always the “fuck offthat you have ④stamped on your forehead. Because who’s gonna believe that there’s a man out there that can sit down beside a woman he doesn’t know and 2)genuinely be interested in who she is, what she does, without his own 3)agenda?
  Sara: Yeah, ⑤I wouldn’t even know what that would look like. So what would a guy like that say?
  Alex: Well, he’d say, “My name is Alex Hitchens and I’m a consultant.” But she wouldn’t be interested in that because she’d be just counting the seconds until he left.
  Sara: Thinking ⑥he was like every other guy.
  Alex: Which, life experience has taught her, is
  ⑦ a virtual certainty. But then he’d ask her name and what she did for a living and she might
  ⑧blow him off. Or she might say....
  Sara: I’m Sara Melas. I run the 4)gossip column at the Standard.
  亚历克斯:这个嘛,他会说:“我叫亚历克斯·希金斯,是个顾问。” 但是她可能对这个完全不感兴趣,因为她也许正在盘算他还有多少秒钟才会离开。
  Smart Sentences
  ① on the one hand…but on the other hand…某方面来说…但就另一方面来说…
  on the one hand: used to introduce the first of two contrasting points, or facts; usually followed by “on the other hand.” (一方面……另一方面……)
  e.g. On the one hand, I don’t have any extra money this month. On the other hand, I really want to have that book.(一方面,这个月我没有多余的钱;另一方面,我真的很想买那本书。)
  ② So life’s kind of hard all around.正所谓人生处处逢逆境。
  life’s kind of hard all around: life is not easy in any sense.(人生尽是不如意之事。)
  Similar expressions: Everyone has problems.
  ③ Not if you pay attention. 只要你多注意点就不会了。
  not if : things won’t happen if something else takes place.(如果……就不会……)
  A: I don’t think I passed the interview.(我想我的面试失败了。)
  B: Not if you didn’t take my advice.(如果你当初听我的话,就不会这样了。)
  ④ There’s…stamped on your forehead. 你的前额上还印着……
  sth. stamped on your forehead: the thing is very obvious, just like it was printed on your forehead.(再明显不过了)
  e.g. You don’t need to tell me. You have “passed ”stamped on your forehead.(你不用说了,你的脸上已经写着“及格”两字了。)
  ⑤ I wouldn’t even know what that would look like. 我真不知道那会是什么样子的。
  I wouldn’t even know …: couldn’t imagine or can’think of how…(无法想象,无法知道…)
  e.g. He wouldn’t even know what that means because he is too young.(他太年轻了,不会知道这是什么意思的。)
  ⑥ he was like every other guy 他和其他男人没什么不同
  every other: all the others(所有其他)
  e.g. He is special, not like every other student.(他很特别,与其他学生不一样。)
  ⑦ a virtual certainty 与事实相差不远
  a virtual certainty:something that is mostly always true(几乎是很确实的东西)
  Similar expressions: a near certainty
  ⑧ blow him off 叫他滚蛋
  blow sb. off: ignore sb.(让某人离开,忽视某人)
  Similar expressions: stand sb. up(放某人鸽子)

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