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  年轻人自杀屡有发生,到底是谁的错?拨开层层迷雾,你会惊然发现,“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”!生理、心理的长期处于不健康状态才是真正的幕后黑手。这期的Life Talk我们一起高呼—我要更健康!
  Lee: Hey Janis, ①thanks for meeting me. I’m a little ②messed up right now because?well, did you hear about Jordan?
  Janis: You mean your cousin? No, what’s up?
  Lee: I just ③got word last night. It’s a terrible
  1)tragedy. He um?killed himself.
  Janis: He committed 2)suicide? Oh, how
  3)horrible. I’m so sorry. If there’s anything I can do?Lee: No. It just makes me wonder why, when
  ④he had his whole life ahead of him.
  Janis: ⑤Not to 4)downplay your own tragedy, but it’s more common today than ever it seems. I’m sure there’s no simple answer. It was probably a
  5)combination of things.
  Lee: I know, and I hate to say it, but maybe something was wrong with him?
  Janis: Now I don’t think that’s true. Usually, when a person actually commits suicide, they’re already a bit ⑥screwed up, both physically and 6)psychologically, but that doesn’t mean that it’s their fault.
  Lee: What do you mean? Are you saying that because a person’s not eating right they’re going to kill themselves?
  Janis: Not exactly, but the fact that a person’s not eating right, combined with a million other things, is a definite indication that something could be wrong.
  Lee: What else?
  Janis: Well, depression is the most obvious
  7)symptom, but eating and sleeping disorders can also be common indicators.
  Lee: ⑦Seems a bit vague to me.
  Janis: We don’t realize the enormous pressure on kids today to fit in and succeed. You’d be surprised by how many people have suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives, and as 8)superficial as it may sound, keeping them happy and healthy can actually help them to 9)pass through that dark time.
  Lee: I guess ⑧it’s a fine line between wanting what’s best for our children, and knowing what’s best for our children.

  Smart Sentences
  ①thanks for meeting me 谢谢你来见我
  我们习惯了说thank you for……但你还可以抑换一个方式,……hanks for……这里的thank词性并不一样,前面的是动词,而后面的则是名词。不过,因为随后跟的都是for,所以后面都跟名词性结构,但是后者可直接跟名词,如Thanks for your help.,而前者通常说Thank you for helping me.
  ②mess up 思想混乱
  Mess up是把事情搞糟。该词组主要用于口语,可以是mess sth. up,也可以是mess up sth. 某人如果处于一个messed up 的状态,可以是两种情况:一是事情搞砸了,例:I totally messed up because I over-cooked all the dishes.二是人的思想处于混乱状态,例:
  I’m so messed up now that I don’t know what to do.
  ③get word听到消息
  在这里,word不是指某些词,而是指消息、信息(news or information)。注意了,虽然传达一条消息需要很多字,但word不用其复数形式。同时,word代表的消息不一定是真实的,可能只是听来的,例:
  Word has been spreading fast on the streets.
  ④he had his whole life ahead of him他的大好人生还没开始
  ahead of是指“在……的前面”,它不仅指有形的位置,而且还可以指时间上的概念。如果一个人的前面还有他整整的一个人生,那是什么意思呢?那就是我们经常说的“生活才刚刚开始(life has just started)。”在本文这句话就是感叹自杀者死得太早,不值得。例:
  Don’tbe overjoyed by this small victory. You have your whole life ahead of you.
  ⑤Not to downplay your own tragedy 不是对你的悲剧不重视
  这是I don’t mean to……的口语省略形式,是通常一种比较婉转的表达,常用作引入语,用于转入下个话题,或者打段断某事时致歉的表示。Not to interrupt you, I need to leave right now.
  ⑥screw up 弄糟
  这是在口语中用途非常广泛的一个词组,指把事情弄糟。它与作动词词组用的mess up意思、用法基本相同,screw up有时更倾向于因草率行事或笨拙而把事情搞砸(to ruin through bungling or stupidity)。例:
  Somehow the engineers screwed up the entire construction project.
  ⑦Seems a bit vague to me对我来说还是有点模糊
  这是it seems to me that……的口头省略表达方式。在口语中,它是表示自己看法的一种委婉的表达方式,但不想让人觉得你很无礼(escribe your own feelings or thoughts, in order to make your statement less forceful)。例:Seems to me that you missed the point.
  ⑧it’s a fine line 界线很模糊
  It’s a fine line between genius and lunacy.
  Talk about it
  ①Why do you think some people commit suicide?
  ②What makes you depressed? What can you do to avoid it?
  ③Do you feel pressure? From what?
  ④Have you experienced tragedy? How did you recover?
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