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  乐在其中 译
  James was trying hard to 1locate the payment 2trans-action sheet, he was seated in an old wooden chair which3creaked every time James turned around or just stretched himself. It had been more than seven years since he was working in the National Bank, all the sounds and creeks had become very familiar to him. There were various files piled up in the table in front of him; even as he tried his best to locate the document, there was an expression of 4discontentment from Mr. Sivanand.
   “Can you please do a little faster, I’m in a hurry,” said Siva. “I need to catch my bus in another 10mins.”
   “I’m sorry but I’m doing my best here, it is Ramesh who maintains this document and he is 5on leave today”, said James. He appeared 6tense and looked at the clock, it was 1: 14 P.M.
   “Okay, let me go and check in another room,” said James and then he 8twisted his arm to look at his watch. It was still 1: 14.
  James entered into the 9adjacent room, there were cupboards lined up all along the wall and all the cupboards were filled with files. They were numerous, in various colors and sizes, though the cupboards were arranged neatly; all the files seemed to be 10shabbily placed. Why don’t they buy files which look just the same, James wondered. He looked at his watch again, it was 1:16. He was trying to locate the payment cupboard just when the phone rang. James turned around and walked out of the room fast towards the phone, it looked as if he was running. Siva was surprised to see James walking out so fast, for a moment he thought James had actually located the documents. Siva frowned again when he saw James heading towards the phone.
  “Hello,” James said very quickly.
   “Oh, one minute please,” James turned back and raised his voice “Ravi, it’s for you.”
  As James was heading back to the room he looked at Siva and said “I’ll just be back” and he looked at his watch, it was 1:19. James entered into the room and saw a 11sticker on a cupboard that read “Payments Cheques”. He opened the cupboard and immediately found one distinctive file which was not 12 aligned in the 13formation with the rest of the files. It looked as if someone had taken that file just a few days back. He picked up that file up and opened it, the phone rang again. James rushed back again and picked up the 14receiver.
   “Hello,” said James.
   “Ravi, it’s for you again.”
  He looked at the file in his hand and then went to his chair and sat. “Did you find it?” asked Siva. “let me see,” said James. As he was turning over the pages, he looked at the clock, it was 1:23.
   “Mr. Siva, The document doesn’t seem to be present here too,” said James. “Would it be fine, If I can give you a call as soon as I find it, maybe you are getting late for your bus.”
  Siva 15murmured a few words to himself and said “Okay, but please call me back, I can’t come back to the bank again for this.” “Sure, we will.” said James and thanked his patience.
  As Siva left, James looked at all the papers and files lying at his table. He had to place them back in order, however he was quite 16relieved to not have Siva around. He took a long breath and stretched his arms. His chair creaked but he didn’t seem to mind that sound. He looked at the clock above, it was 1:26. Then he kept watching the calendar beside for sometime. He still appeared to be tense.
  The phone rang again, as James stood up, Ravi raised his hand and gestured if he should pick up. James shook his head and rushed towards the phone.
   “Hello,” James said.
   “Yes Uncle, what happened”, “Great, Thank God”, 17exclaimed James. “And what time was it...1:14?”
   “Hello, Hello, Uncle, can you hear me?” James 18tapped the phone several times hoping the line would be 19resumed again. Finally he hung up the phone, however he had lost the tense expression that he was carrying in his face.
  He went and sat back in his chair, he 20cupped his face with both hands and closed his eyes for a while. As he opened his eyes with his hands still covering his face, he saw between his fingers a paper on the table with a 21bold S printed at the top. He quickly moved forward and picked up the paper, the subject readÑ “Payment Details” Name—Mr. S. Sivanand.
  James smiled.
   “Hey James, what’s the smile all about?” asked Ravi.
  James raised his eyes and smiled—”I just became a Dad.” said James. “It’s a baby boy.”
  “你能快点吗?我赶时间啊,” 斯万纳德说道,“我要赶十分钟后的那趟班车。”
  “好吧,我去另一个房间找找看。” 詹姆斯说完,抬起手臂,看了看表,还是一点十四分。
  “哦,请稍等。” 詹姆斯转过身,提高嗓门说,“拉维,你的电话。”
  “喂,” 詹姆斯应道。
  詹姆斯看了看手中的文件夹,回到自己的座位上,坐下来。“你找到了吗?” 斯万纳德问。“我看看。”詹姆斯答道。就在他翻阅文件时,他又看了看时钟,一点二十三分。
  “斯万纳德先生,您的文件似乎不在这里,” 詹姆斯说道,“您看这样行吗?只要我一找到,就马上打电话给您。您可能要误班车了。”
  “嗨,詹姆斯,你在笑什么?” 拉维问道。
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