Are the theory of aesthetic characteristics of wood New Year pictures

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  【Are abstract:】 have rich content of beauty, full of wisdom of philosophy, the harmony of natural belief systems, emphasizes to distinguish between good and evil of moral appeals. Are China because of its superb artistry, become an important part of national aesthetic content. Articles from the beauty of its regularity, the beauty of the composition, shape beauty, the beauty of the moral and material of the beauty of these five aspects are demonstrating board pictures of aesthetic characteristics, are analyzed in the aesthetic connotation, fully understand the essence of culture and spirit connotation.
  【Keywords】: Yang's port Woodblock New Year paintings aesthetic characteristics
  Are woodcut New Year pictures are a folk art form spread in weifang city, shandong province, the bud at the end of Ming dynasty, prosperity in qing dynasty, has gone through a journey of four hundred years of development, from green, suzhou and tianjin lookup and referred to as the \"Chinese folk three woodcut New Year pictures\". Combining with the concrete works of New Year pictures from the beauty of the painting, the beauty of the composition, shape beauty, the beauty of the moral and material, the beauty of the five aspects are the exploration and analysis on the aesthetic characteristics, are hoping to further deepen the understanding and the understanding.
  First, the beauty of the painting
  Are concise and bright, the color have very strong adornment style. Mainly is the red, green, yellow, purple, blue color. On coloring with contrasting colors, and rarely allocate, the pursuit of pure direct effect, reflect the color of \"collision\". Images by the purity of the contrast, brightness, contrast, contrast of changes in temperature, present a colourful decorative effect, colourful and not common, reached the contrast and make the picture color is gorgeous and do not break composed harmonious effect. At the same time, this carefully screening and refining the color is also the most vivid, the most compelling.
  Second, the beauty of the composition
  Are flexible composition form, woodcut New Year's paintings show the folk artists rich imagination and creativity. Are \"full\" is the biggest characteristic, are on the composition of woodcut New Year's paintings first, the pursuit of a \"full\" word, but on the processing of appearance and keep a certain type. This \"full\" of composition, in the modern design, is a common need of decorative painting, in terms of aesthetics, can cause strong sense of form from the vision and the sense of fulfillment, rich in content with the density contrast, to express an atmosphere of lively and cheerful mood.   Three, modelling beauty
  Yang's pictures of exaggerated modelling, ornamental, not only is a kind of technique of expression of art, is also the embodiment of the mass aesthetic. It is good at the nature of the object through the decomposition, organizing, processing, exaggeration, refining, create again, become a regular, formal beauty of new things. On the basis of pay attention to the overall layout, or exaggerated or smaller things, change the modelling of things themselves. Are such as MAO prescription in \"year after year have fish\" doll is a typical exaggerated modelling, the first big body small exaggerated modelling highlighted the doll's tender and lovely, show the labor people's hope of rich life.
  The beauty of moral
  Yang's pictures are pictures posted in the festival festival, itself has a kind of hasten ward off evil spirits, and fortune into the meaning of blessing. It is a kind of auspicious New Year pictures, it's in Chinese traditional culture, the most can reflect the ancestors' pursuit of ideal and life, it vividly embodies the culture of a nation features, aesthetic taste, aesthetic concepts and customs. Are the New Year auspicious implies occurs by symbol, harmonics and the inter-cultural, also has the quality of the style directly through the object using Chinese characters or use the integrated approach to performance. Symbol is a kind of implicative euphemistic expression, is to use specific things show certain abstract meaning. Are the symbol in the New Year pictures is one of the commonly used gimmick, if use Chinese bulbul symbol \"husband and wife grow old together\"; Symbol of pomegranates \"the ancient philosophers,\" meaning many children f, and so on.
  Five, the beauty of the material
  Boards are New Year paintings art is the most direct and most profound impression to the person it's plain frankness. Boards are new materials are derived from natural, has the beauty of natural of primitive simplicity, also has advocated the concept of green design now.
  Are China choose the material is low cost, the ubiquity of natural raw materials, surface is small, in fact the trade-off for raw materials or have a quite good. Production of woodcut New Year pictures, pictures are artist first attaches great importance to the selection of boards. The past generally use wild tangli wood, later due to lack of material to switch to pear wood, take its grain is exquisite, the advantages of hard, small deformation of the water. After printing paper, previous use hand-made paper, rice paper, deckle-edged, this kind of paper absorbent, easy to color. Due to the nature, the local materials to folk art is more close to the real nature of life, show ecru style on the material, although sometimes caused extensive and rustic, however, this example is extensive and the beauty of the natural pure folk New Year pictures.
  Boards are pictures without literati paintings with elegant style, but it fully reflects the aesthetic characteristics of folk painting style, with abundant aesthetic significance, are hope by studying this five aspects of aesthetic characteristics, are to further deepen the understanding and the understanding. Are woodcut New Year pictures has been included in the national non-material cultural heritage list, we give more attention and enthusiasm, woodcut New Year's paintings with a heart of enthusiasm to study it, to explore it, promote it, pass it, such ability are effective to avoid the decay, to promote the innovation and development of woodcut New Year pictures.
【摘要】:口语也是英语听、说、读、写能力中的重要一环,它不仅能促进听力的发展,还能提高阅读能力和写作能力。但是,在实践中,很多学生感到熟练的掌握口语很有困难。初中英语教学中,口语交际方面的教学很多教师不够重视,甚至有些学校根本不开设这样的课,错误地认为口语交际对提高学生的英语分数不够明显。从研究学生口语表达困难入手,探讨改进口语教学的策略和方法。  【关键词】:学生;口语交际;实践  1、影响中学
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【摘要】:本文通过对现如今艺术设计专业素描课程的教学现状进行分析,并提出相应的问题思考。在进行剖析问题的基础之上,对此提出几点思考建议以及措施,力图对这个的分析研究,进行一定的改革提供建议,为日后的教学奠定基础。  【关键词】:艺术设计;专业素描;教学改革  1、现状分析  素描作为艺术设计专业的基础,就如同地基对于房子。其起源于文艺复兴时期,但是作为一种专业基础课程的培训则是构建于包豪斯1919
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