Rhythmic Influence on Sequencing of Color Adjectives

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  【摘要】根據许多语言学家的研究,影响语法变异和变化的因素总是取决于语义学和语用学。例如,美国语言学家Avram Noam Chomsky认为句法是生成语法的关键组成部分,而他的研究低估了语音的影响。在2003年,德国语言学家Julia Schlüter在她的论文《英语语法变异的语音决定因素:乔姆斯基最坏的可能案例》中强调了语音影响对语法变异的重要性,对Chomsky的理论提出了质疑。本文通过研究语音对颜色形容词的排列影响,进一步证明了Schlüter 教授的观点。
  According to the previous researches of linguistic predecessors, the factors which influence on grammatical variation and change always rest on semantics and pragmatics like semantic or stylistic distinctions, emphasis and syntactic requirements. For instance, American linguist Avram Noam Chomsky claims that syntax is a key component in the generative grammar while phonological influence is underestimated by his research. Seldom cannot such precursors neglect the role phonology plays in morphological and syntactic structures. However, in 2003, German linguist Julia Schlüter argues against Chomsky’s theory by emphasizing the significance of phonological influence on grammar variants in her essay Phonological determinants of grammatical variation in English: Chomsky’s worst possible case.
  Based on Schlüter’s argumentation, this paper narrows it down to the influence of rhythm on the color adjectives sequencing. Rhythm is, beyond all question, a crucial factor in the language of poems and songs.
  As mentioned above, rhythmic alternation is a co-determining factor in some scenarios for the color adjective sequence. Taking pink as an example, when pink appears with a disyllabic color adjective immediately before or after and, this case deserves to do research and analyze.
  According to the data of pink and orange and the data of orange and pink in google corpus, it is clear that pink which appears in the first position is almost two times of pink coming in the second position. This sharp comparison proves again the theory of Dr. Schlüter, ‘short and simple before long and complex’. When the authors are writing, most of them choose pink and orange rather than orange and pink unconsciously. Dr. Schlüter also mentions that, semantic factor comes to play a part in sequencing color adjectives. For example, in her book, she gives the example of red and yellow, and tries to prove that the choice of red and yellow is partly because red is a more eye catching color. Apart from that, red is monosyllabic and yellow is disyllabic. But the semantic factor functions here in the phrase pink and orange far more less than in red and yellow. Because it is blur or controversial to say which one is more eye-catching between pink and orange, thus in this case, phonology influences more than semantics. In terms of phonological factor, ‘short and simple before long and complex’ is a domain rule, so pink and orange is twice as orange and pink. But rhythmic alternation also comes to affect the sequencing.   (1) a. Tory watched in bewilderment as Pete concentrated on the pink and orange clad girl, ignoring everyone else. (Susan H. Riner: The Mystery of the Twin Towers, 2008; Google Books: American English)
  b. And when you hand your pink and orange cards to the mayor’s assistant at a fund-raising dinner, (Emira Mears, Lauren Bacon: The Boss of You: Everything a Woman Needs to Know to Start, Run, and Maintain Her Own Business, 2008; Google Books: American English)
  c. Clouds trailing southward glowed pink and orange against a lavender sky, and then, pop, “Here comes the sun, here comes the sun...”
【摘要】在新形势下,合作表演成为小学英语课堂不可缺少的环节,对于小学生能力的培养具有重要作用。通过合作表演,学生积极参与到英语的实践当中,听说读写的综合能力提高了,对于英语的学习有了更深的感情。在英语合作表演中,学生在仿真的环境中进行英语交流,將英语和生活联系起来。本文探讨了小学英语课堂合作表演的教学模式,具有借鉴的意义。  【关键词】小学英语课堂;合作表演;思考  【作者简介】程丽娜,山东省聊城
《新英语课程标准》要求教师“创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,吸引和组织他们积极参与”,“重视从学生的日常生活出发,培养学生实际运用语言的能力”。因此,在日常的英语教学中,教师应努力创设生活化的教学氛围,让学生沉浸其中,潜移默化地受到感染,这样有助于学生用真实的方式来应用所学的知识,同时也认识到所学知识的作用和意义。现以译林小学英语三年级上册Unit4 My family为例,谈谈我是如何将生活
【摘要】建构主义学习理论认为学生是学习的主体,是知识意义的主动建构者,学习的过程是意义建构的过程。将建构主义运用到英语阅读过程中,结合英语自上而下的阅读方式,从教学过程、教師角色、学生学习方式三个方面进行分析探讨。  【关键词】建构主义学习理论;自上而下的阅读方法;教师角色转换;学生角色转换  【作者简介】田子毅,大连市第八中学。  一、建构主义学习对于英语阅读教学的意义  1.建构主义学习理论。
【摘要】随着我国社会经济的不断发展,对于教学水平的要求也不断的提高。近年来我国土木工程专业的相关知识水平也在不断提高。土木工程专业中英语学科是两个专业学科的融合,分别是英语和土木,这要求老师不仅需要足够的专业知识,还需要很好的英语功底,对教师的要求很高。因为这两个学科之间具有明显的差别,当前土木工程專业中对于英语的学习还存在着一些问题,下文将对此进行具体分析。  【关键词】土木工程专业;英语教学;
【摘要】初三英语是初中英语教学过程当中的一个重要的阶段,学生在初三。学习压力较大,对于英语学习进入总复习阶段,教师要让学生在复习的最后阶段做到稳中求胜、有条不紊,应利用什么样的教学策略?所以本文就以前台英语中考复习策略与方法来进行分析和探究。  【关键词】初中英语;中考;复习策略;学习兴趣  【作者简介】甘露,广西梧州市新夏中学。  引言  英语材料是学生主要学习的基本材料,其中蕴含着绝大部分的英
【摘要】知识消费时代,“打卡返现”式的英语碎片化学习应运而生。本文从碎片化学习本身和大学生英语学习动机的角度探究了这一现象的成因,得出这一学习趋势是多种学习动机交互作用的结果,“打卡返现”只是一种手段(动机之一),学生在碎片化学习过程中应看清本质,使自己真正学有所得。  【关键词】知识消费;碎片化学习;英语学习动机  【作者简介】王庆田,广东科技学院。一、背景与现状  2018年,“打卡”学英语现
【摘要】课外学习活动是教学的重要组成部分,是学生把知识用于实际的初步实践,更是教师了解学生和检查教学效果的一个窗口。通过开展英语课外活动,给学生提供大量的语言实践机会,使学生通过自己的体验、感知、实践、参与和交流,促进学生知识、思维、智力、兴趣、意志等方面的健康发展,培养学生竞争意识,创新能力和英语综合运用能力,达到学以致用的目的。  【关键词】小学英语;课外活动;有效性;组织性活动;竞争性活动;
【摘要】在新高考背景下,教师必须要对现有的高中英语教学模式进行相应的改革,针对英语教学中常常出现的两极分化现象采取分层走班教学模式,这样可以有效的解决这一问题。另外,分层走班教学模式还可以针对不同层次学生进行分层教学,这样可以确保每个学生都能学到更多的知识。对此本文做了深入分析,首先阐述了传统英语教学存在的问题,然后分析了新高考环境下的英语分层走班教学策略。  【关键词】新高考;分层走班;高中英语