The combination of face and graphic Design in traditional Drama

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  Abstract:as a special cosmetic and plastic art of Chinese drama,Facebook draws on the decorative techniques of folk art,and adopts the principle of bold use of color,as well as various artistic elements of refinement,processing and transformation.With its exaggerated form,rich colors and patterns,show the character and characteristics of drama characters,loyalty,good and evil beauty and ugliness.
  1 the concept of Facebook
  The demand for product sentiment is more and more understood and generalized,and it has gradually become a popular trend.Facebook,born on stage,is a cosmetic art of Chinese traditional theatrical actors,drawing a certain color pattern on the face with contrasting,high-purity colors,plus a specific exaggerated pattern,showing the character and characteristics of the characters in the play.With the rapid development of economy,different forms of the same product flourish.Facebook is a traditional Han opera actorundefineds face painting.Facebook is different for different trades.
  2.The basic characteristics of Facebook
  As the unique cosmetic and plastic art of Chinese drama,it draws on the decorative techniques of folk art,and adopts the principle of bold use of color,as well as various artistic elements of refinement,processing and transformation.It forms the unique decorative art technology and rich and colorful design,forms the shape characteristic which matches with the Chinese traditional esthetic culture.This kind of face is the author according to his own thinking imagination,in the face of gypsum material,with painting,weaving,embroidery and other techniques to produce a variety of shapes,changes in color patterns of facial products,this type of face has a certain ornamental value!
  2.1 pattern characteristics of Facebook
  The design features of each face are very obvious,through the exaggerated form of color and facial expression,different characters are molded.For example:Bao Zheng has a white moon on his black forehead,indicating integrity.Yang Qilang has a traditional "tiger" on his forehead,showing his bravery and invincibility.Zhao Kuangyinundefineds dragon eyebrow is expressed as the true dragon and the son of heaven.
  3.Application and Research of face in graphic Design
  3.1 Application of Facebook Color changes in posters
  Color is a powerful tool in the hands of designers.He attracts the eye,arouses emotion,and conveys profound meaning.In a widely cited study,the impact of color on the market,researchers found that for some products,90% of the appeal of products to people is based solely on color,the importance of color can be imagined.   3.2 Application of Facebook in Packaging Design
  Facebook has distinct national characteristics and character characteristics.It is the success of packaging to make use of the color characteristics of red and purple as the main color of packaging,and stand out among many products.The concepts and methods of thinking contained in the modern scientific theory are quite consistent with the traditional ways of thinking,which focus on the whole,harmony,relative and transformation in the Chinese national culture.
  3.3 Application of Facebook in logo design
  Brand,for any enterprise,region,country,is extremely important.Brand,for any enterprise,region,country,is extremely important.The history of the Chinese nation has a long history,the traditional culture is extensive and profound,including Confucianism,Taoism,Legalists,and other ideas,are part of our traditional culture,which contains a lot of philosophical ideas and reasons.It has an extremely important influence on the management of our country.
  As the representative of the national culture,the traditional Chinese opera shows the indispensable beauty,but the facial culture is broad and profound,and every face has a profound meaning.It may be difficult to distinguish the differences of the faces for the people who do not know the faces.Facebook has a long history,and its inspiration comes from drama,so the breadth and depth will inevitably be constrained,following the development of the times,part of the face and the times derailed,it is difficult to meet the needs of modern design.
  Shen Kowenundefineds contribution
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摘 要:初中英语课程目标主要包括语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略及文化意识等五个方面。初中英语课程要在全面提高学、说、读、写等四项技能以及在提高这四种技能综合运用能力的前提下,着重培养学生理解与表达的能力,用英语获取信息,处理信息的能力,用英语分析问题,解决问题的能力等。翻转课堂作为教学手段的一种重要创新,通过角色迁移对英语课堂教学效果以及教学目标的实现有着极大的促进和帮助作用。本文结合笔者
摘 要:德育是学校教育的重要组成部分。在小学体育教学中对学生的渗透德育教育,是体育课的重要任务,是提高体育教学质量的重要环节。体育教学同其他学科育人要求一样,要把“育人”放在体育教学首位。体育教学比其他学科更有机会培养学生自尊、自信、公平、公正、坚毅、勤劳、勇敢、团队精神、组织纪律性等优良品质。因此,体育教师要根据学生在体育课中表现出来的思想、情感、个性行为和意志,掌握其特点、遵循其规律,把德育工
摘 要:助理班主任制度是各高职院校都会设立的管理制度,选拔高年级学生作为低年级学生的助理班主任是通常做法。不仅是学习生活,思想政治教育工作也是其管理的主要任务。本文主要从高职院校的思想政治教育出发,论述助理班主任制度如何实施,以及在实践过程中,该制度在学生和助理班主任之间产生的实际效果。  关键词:助理班主任制度;思想政治教育;探索与实践  1 助理班主任制度  助理班主任是在有专业教师担任班主任
摘 要:近几年,青少年群体特别是大学生是手机消费群体中不容忽视的力量。目前,高校已经高度重视通过新媒介进行思想政治教育和学生管理。但是,通过对西华大学手机“易班”客户端学生使用情况进行问卷调查,反映出学生还未真正接受手机“易班”客户端,未反馈良好的使用体验。因此,应该通过加强技术支持、打造手机“易班”品牌、营造手机“易班”文化氛围和建立有效的用户体验回馈与沟通机制等途径使得手机“易班”客户端为大学
摘 要:当前教育界迎来了多元学习、全民学习的全面革新形态。高职、高专院校作为为社会培养实用性人才的院校,在面对新形势的环境下应该调整教育方式,基于此,本文先分析目前高职高专院校所采取的传统的教育方式弊端,然后提出在新形势的环境下高职高专的应运用教育方法,以此供相关人士交流参考。  关键词:新形势;高职高专学生;教育方式  引言  高职高专院校为国家培养实用性人才而开设,目的是补充社会急需的职业岗位
摘 要:能力本位是对高职教育理念的新突破,更加强调学生的主体性,突出学习过程、学习质量的提升,实现对学科核心职业能力的养成。将能力本位理念融入到高职公共英语教学中,转变过去“重知轻能、高分低能”的教育模式,回归高职教育的本质。  关键词:高职;能力本位;公共英语  高职教育确立了“高技能应用型人才”培养目标,而在“能力本位”教育改革与实践中,将学科职业技能、就业能力作为重点,来化解高职教育与社会就
Abstract:Kansei engineering is a consumer-oriented product development technology.This paper first introduces the concept of Kansei Engineering,the current research status and theoretical system at ho
摘 要:在新课程理念的教学中,特别提出:“学生是学习的主人,教学过程中,要加强学生自主的语言实践活动,引导他们在实践中主动地获取知识,形成能力。”明确指出学生在学习中所处的主体地位。作为老师要真正发挥主导的作用,就必须更新观念,转变思想,在教学实践中把自主学习的时间还给学生,把语文实践的空间还给学生,让学生真正成为语文学习的主人。  关键词:新课程;自主学习;主人;语文学习  实施新课改以来,如何
摘 要:随着教育的发展,创新教育已被作为21世纪的教育主题。在新课标的变革中,创新教育观点也是增强教学效率的必需因素。小学语文作为一门富有感情与自己个性的基础学科,易于引发学生们的创新思维,还能够提高学生们的创新意识。所以教师要根据小学生的能力坚持创新型教学。本文通过研究保护学生的好奇心、培养学生的创新思维、开展创新型课外活动等方法来提高学生们的创新能力。  关键词:创新教育;创新思维;小学语文;