The importance of European cultural curriculum education in learning English

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  【Abstract】 with the deepening of China’s reform and opening up and the expansion of international exchanges, it is increasingly important to understand and study European culture. In recent years, the examination papers for postgraduate students also show more emphasis on European culture. I think European culture is important for learning English, which is the requirement of The Times and a reflection of keeping pace with The Times.
  【Key words】 European culture; Course; Education; To learn English
  【作者簡介】Yin Rui, xi’ an university of technolofical information.
  EnglishIn reading English books and communicating with English speakers, Chinese college students who are learning English often find that the lack of European cultural knowledge adds many difficulties. There are countless allusions, famous sayings, idioms, people’s names, place names and so on in the English language, which come from the philosophy, literature, historical works of ancient Greece and Rome, the Hebrew bible, artistic creation in the Renaissance period, or involve important events and figures in ideology, science and technology, politics and society. If these do not know much, reading may not understand all, to talk is difficult to smooth. Once you have more knowledge, you will not only improve your understanding, but you will also learn language better because you learn it through culture. Therefore, some English enthusiasts hold some background reports from time to time, asking teachers or foreign visitors to introduce the whole Europe or one country’s society or other conditions in foreign languages, as a supplement to the language course. This method is reasonable, but has the disadvantage that the content is often not systematic, incoherent between lectures, students have no requirements, their harvest is not specific. Language is the carrier of culture, cultural influences and restricts the language communication, both in full accord. Cultural background should learn throughout the course. The English study of the primary purpose of learning English is to cultivate the students’ ability of intercultural communication. So in the teaching pay attention to reveal the cultural content of the language is very important. If each of the students are learning English can be planned and systematic teaching about basic knowledge of the European culture. The necessity and method of mastering the cultural connotation of language can improve students’ English learning efficiency and cross-cultural communication.   Learn about European culture and spell the names of places, people, books, events, etc. Study Greek and Roman culture; Christianity and its bible; The middle ages. Renaissance and reformation; In the 17th century. The enlightenment; Romanticism; Marxism and Darwinism; Realism; Modernism and others, for English lovers, can make some comparisons between Chinese culture and European culture; Help students put the development of European culture in the perspective of world history. Cultural knowledge and cultural accomplishment are conducive to the improvement of people’s temperament, taste, morality, value standards and so on, as well as the improvement of people’s quality.
  The way of life in English includes social life, such as government and social organization, mode of production and distribution, employment and welfare, education, scientific research, religion and health, etc. It also includes private life, such as the family. All these can be regarded as cultural. Different national languages are born in different national cultural soil and develop with the development of the national culture. Therefore, people who do not understand the culture of a nation cannot learn the language of the nation, let alone the people who do not understand the nation, because culture is essentially a person. Without a deep understanding of European culture, there is no real study of English language and European and American literature.
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英语学习中,兴趣尤为重要,英语学习兴趣在很大程度上影响着学生英语学习的状态和水平。如果能让学生感受到英语学习的趣味性,英语学习不再枯燥乏味,他们就会积极主动地去学习了。那么,在教学过程中如何真正激发学生英语学习的兴趣?针对英語课堂教学,激发学生英语学习兴趣我有以下几点反思:  一、让每一个学生在课堂上扮演更重要的角色,欣赏学生应当是教师的本能  在这个年纪的高中生,他们朝气蓬勃,敢说、敢做、勇于尝
【摘要】英语是当代最重要的一门语言,学习英语是当下全球化的大势所趋。但学习英语并不容易,尤其是词汇的记忆。本文围绕英语词汇中的词根,探讨英语词汇记忆方法,主要论述词根记忆法的优点。  【关键词】英语词根;英语词汇学习  【作者简介】杨嘉宜,福建省福州第八中学高三13班。  众所周知,英语词汇数量庞大,词义内涵丰富多样,因此,英语从全球众多语言中脱颖而出,成为全球使用范围最广的语言。为方便青少年学生
【摘要】虽然初中阶段的学生有了一定的英语基础,但是在教学过程中难免会遇到这样那样的难题,从而失去对英语的兴趣。尤其在农村的教学中,因为受到了传统教育的影响,学生很容易因为英语枯燥乏味,而失去对英语的兴趣。因此,本文“初中英语的现状”“利用以读促写教学的意义”“进行以读促写的教学策略”对农村初中英语“以读促写”的教学模式研究。  【关键词】初中英语;以读促写;教学策略  【作者简介】高志艺,漳州市南
【摘要】英语是中职学生学习学科的基础课程,在中职业教育中是不可缺少的。然而,学生不愿意去学习英语,教师不愿意为中职学生教学。为了更好地为社会培养优秀的人才,提高学生的社会适应能力,中等职业学校采用了更多的教育教学新模式。翻转课堂教学模式以其具有独特性和科学进步性以及流行实效性受到学校的关注与采纳,深受师生喜爱,在中等职业学校英语教学中也发挥了良好的作用。  【关键词】翻转课堂;中职英语;应用研究 
【摘要】近些年,思维导图应用于教学的相关研究受到广大学者普遍关注。本文从通过介绍思维导图的含义和发展现状,分析思维导图运用于英语教学的意义,同时从英语词汇拓展、构词法的学习以及同义、近义词的辨析三个方面分别阐述了思维导图在英语词汇教学中的具体应用,试图为改进高中英语词汇教学提供一定的建议。  【关键词】思维导图;高中英语;词汇教学  【作者简介】黄秋煌,福建省漳州市第三中学。  一、思维导图的含义
【摘要】本文阐述了英语课文复述的意义,介绍了复述前铺垫的方法:1.语法铺垫;2.过渡词和句型的铺垫;3.文章脉络的铺垫。  【关键词】课文复述;“脚手架”的搭建  【作者简介】陈发山,男,广东省云浮市云浮中学高中部,本科,研究方向:高中英语教学。  Retell the text 是 Comprehending 里的一种练习,它要求学生把前面学过的Reading课文用自己的语言叙述出来,要求条理清