On the Estrangement of Stevenson’s Writings

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heroLi1126
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  【Abstract】Estrangement is one of the features of R.L. Stevenson’s Neo-romantic writings, both in language style and in theme. This paper makes the discussion of estrangement in language style based on his novels such as Treasure Island and Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
  【Key words】Estrangement; Writings
  Estrangement in language is one Stevenson’s language features, creating unfamiliarity and particularity of his works, increasing difficulty in understanding. In the following discussion, some cases will be picked out and analyzed from Treasure Island and Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
  Estrangement is firstly presented in the omission of the definite article in the title Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. In normal English the phrase should begin with the definite article “the”, which implies the certainty of what follows the head word “case”. Standard English grammar requires that “The noun of…” should begin with a definite article “the”, such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Merry Wives of Windsor. The missing of the word “the” here reads a little strange, creating a sense of unfamiliarity and particularity, especially for non-native readers.
  Estrangement is secondly presented in changing the preposition that would be expected in a certain position. In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Stevenson described the lawyer “to be found on his chosen post”, rather than the commonly used combination “at his post”. Readers are forced to stop to ruminate over the unfamiliar phrase and wonder what the author means here. For a non- native reader, “at his post” is rarely seen and may be an obstacle in understanding. Sometimes the rarely used combination of proposition can result in the difficulty in making sense of the unusual phrase. Jekyll’s recalling “walked with my father’s hand” is a case in point, for it may be interpreted in a number of ways, such as “alongside” or “under my father’s control”.
  Estrangement is thirdly presented in idiom variation produced by substitution of a certain word. Stevenson’s description of street is “as empty as a church” where people often say “as quiet as a church”. Changing the idiom to some extent deprives the phrase of its orthodox sense. The church is no longer what it typically symbolizes, quiet, sacred and holy but empty, useless and meaningless. The variation of the idiom is unusual enough to invite such question as “why as empty as a church when the received is as quiet as a church?” (Alan Sandison,1996)
春天的西湖,是鲜花盛开的季节。春雨润泽,万物苏醒,沉睡了长长冬季的草木繁花慢慢苏醒,红白色的花瓣涟涟,将春天的信息捎给大地。  晨曦的阳光下,在花草泥土的芬芳中,莺飞草长,桃柳夾岸,整个西湖洋溢着盎然的生机。用“半壕春水一城花”来形容春天的西湖,恰如其分。
摘要:文章根据大量最新统计资料,分析了我国经济与社会发展中存在资源短缺、能耗严重等问题,指出了我国建设资源节约型社会的必要性和紧迫性。建设资源节约型社会符合我国国情与全面建设小康社会目标,是实现现代化的惟一出路,具有重要战略意义。  关键词:资源;节约型社会    建设资源节约型社会是在科学发展观的指引下,从解决我们国家以及整个国际社会所面临的资源危机、能源危机、环境污染基础上提出的重要战略举措。
【Abstract】I have translated the introduction of some red scenic spots from the perspective of the Skopos Theory, taking Jinggang Mountain introduction as example which is one of the typical red touris
【摘要】随着中国经济的不断发展,与国际间的交流合作越来越频繁,医学英语翻译工作显得越来越重要。目前,功能对等理论在医学英语翻译中得到了广泛的应用。本文主要针对医学英语翻译的特点进行分析,将从医学语义和各国文化的特点来考量,通过相关的研究,来探讨功能对等理论在医学英语翻译中的应用措施。  【关键词】功能对等理论 医学英语翻译 应用  一、前言  医学翻译是现代科技翻译的一个重要组成部分,被越来越多的
【摘要】目前中国旅游业发展越来越快,对导游口译也提出了越来越高的要求。导游口译涉及到的不仅仅是对于景区风景、其中所承载的历史文化等等讲解的翻译,还会涉及到陪同客人在就餐、购物时或者与旅途中其他人的交流。在这些方面都会体现译者主体性。本文将以乐山大佛导游口译为例探讨译员主体性的表现,并讨论应该如何培养导游口译译员在翻译过程中的主体性意识。  【关键词】乐山大佛 导游口译 译者主体性  【Abstra
【摘要】南昌,江西省的省会,全国 35个特大城市之一,自古以来就有“物华天宝、人杰地灵”的美誉。近年来,南昌市以其独特的“红色,绿色,古色”景点吸引了一大批前来观光旅游国内外游客和大量投资兴业的国内外客商。但是,笔者在对大量南昌市公示语的英文翻译调查中发现,南昌市的路标、广告牌、商店招牌及公共场所的英文翻译存在着很多问题。在拍摄了第一手有关南昌市公示语英文翻译的图片资料基础上,在对南昌市现有公示语