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  乐在其中 译
  Curse of the Golden Flower
  Curse of the Golden Flower is a direct response to audiences who may’ve felt disappointed by the relative smallness of the 1)scope of director Zhang Yimou’s 2005 film, 2)Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles, and even 2004’s 3)House of Flying Daggers, in comparison to 2002’s internationally-acclaimed 4)epic, Hero. People have been anxiously awaiting another 5)martial arts 6)blockbuster from Zhang Yimou. With Curse of the Golden Flower, Zhang was given what is reportedly the largest budget for a Chinese film, and the result is absolutely 7)spectacular.
  With a great 8)cast headed by Chow Yun Fat, Gong Li and Asian pop star Jay Chow, as well as palace 9)interiors that would 10)dazzle the eye, China’s most expensive production to date, Zhang Yimou’s $45 million epic, Curse of the Golden Flower is fortunately not just a pretty face. It’s also a meaty, blood-soaked 11)melodrama filled with 12)intrigue, deception and 13)incest.
  Curse of the Golden Flower is based on a 1934 Chinese play named 14)Thunderstorm, written by dramatist 15)Cao Yu. Previously, Zhang explored the gender politics of a powerful household in his masterful 16)Raise The Red Lantern (1991) set in the early 20th century. In Curse ofthe Golden Flower, a less disciplined but more 17)lustily enjoyable affair, he goes back to10th-century China to the imperial palace of the Tang Dynasty, one of the most 18)flamboyantly wealthy and 19)ostentatious 20)reigns in the country’s history.
  During the Later Tang Dynasty. Prince Jai (Jay Chow), the 2nd son of the royal family, returns home shortly before the annual 21)Double Ninth Festival, which is, in part, a celebration of family gathering. While the Prince’s return from military battle is cause for outward joy and a very public tightening of family bonds, almost nothing is as 22)idyllic as it seems. There is the mystery of the increasing illness of the Empress (Gong Li) and the golden 23)chrysanthemums she 24)embroiders 25)obsessively. There is the restlessness of the Crown Prince Wan (Liu Ye), who is the son of the Emperor’s (Chow Yun Fat)26)deceased first wife, and his 27)entanglement with the Empress and Chen (Li Man), the beautiful daughter of the trusted Imperial 28)Physician (Ni Dahong). Prince Jai has concerns for his mother’s failing health, and suspicions about the remedies that might be the cause of her sickness. His complex relationship with his father, the Emperor, is one of love and 29)rivalry, with the Emperor challenging Prince Jai’s ambitions. The third and youngest son, Prince Yu (Qin Junjie), 30)craves only the admiration of his father. The story of the Emperor himself is one of ambitious portray. He was not born royal, and he readily demonstrates the iron will it took to win his crown.
  Curse ofthe Golden Flower takes place mostly within the confines of the palace itself, the only other location being a countryside inn. But Zhang and his 31)cinematographer, Zhao Xiaoding, are not confined by their locations. On the contrary, they sweep 32)exuberantly through the golden hallways, 33)corridors, bed chambers, 34)apothecaries, dining areas and courtyards of the palace as if they were gliding through forests and mountain ranges. Because the whole story takes place during the Double Ninth Festival, which is closely associated with the chry-santhemum, Zhang makes the chrysanthemum the film’s visual 35)leitmotif, filling the screen with flowers and costumes in 36)opulent gold.
  The palace interiors and exterior are a wonder of design and set decoration. The costumes, hair and makeup 37)staggeringly 38)ornate. The colour 39)palette of yellows and reds that Zhang has created is 40)meticulous and breathtaking. The bloody battle in the forecourt of the palace at the film’s climax as a golden army is 41)massacred on a bed of chrysanthemums is 42)eye-popping. It’s almost too much visual 43)splendour and information to digest in one sitting.
  To my knowledge, Chow Yun Fat and Gong Li have never starred in a film together prior to Curse of the Golden Flower. The combination of the two is a revelation for the acting world. The only things brighter than the colours in this film are the pure electric sparks between the Emperor and his Empress. I was 44)mesmerized by their chemistry and intensity. Gong Li, who radiates a regal presence while standing around doing nothing, has found a role that takes that 45)sublime poise, tears it into shreds and throws it back together again. It is a credit to Zhang Yimou’s skill in bringing out amazing and unexpected performance in his actors that you see Chow Yun Fat as you have never seen him before. His Emperor is all pride, cunning, and ruthlessness. Zhang Yimou takes Chow’s famous 46)beatific smile and gives it a completely new and unexpected meaning.
  One of the most powerful scenes in the film occurs when the Emperor metes out a particularly cruel 47)comeuppance to someone who has crossed him. The scene is already shocking for its harshness and violence, but turns absolutely chilling when Chow’s Emperor breaks into laughter while 48)inflicting the punishment.
  The younger actors, Jay Chow (Prince Jai), Liu Ye (Crown Prince Wan), Qin Junjie (Prince Yu), and Li Man (Chen) are all remarkable. They are able to instantly and realistically express the sudden change of emotions and intentions that spiral throughout the film.
  A word about the 49)sheer volume of background actors in this film. I have never seen anything like it. In Curse of the Golden Flower, the number of actors portraying servants inside the royal household alone was impressive, but for the film’s climax, Zhang Yimou reportedly recruited a background cast of over1,000 to convey the 50)viciousness of battle, and the despair of fighting against impossible odds no matter how dear the cost. The use of flying camera angles perfectly captured the destruction and the 51)astounding amount of actors employed for this scene.
  Curse of the Golden Flower is a huge artistic milestone for Zhang Yimou, and a tremendous showing by all of the actors. I was amazed. I hope this remarkable film receives its due, and is 52)fondly remembered by the members of the 53)Academy come February.



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