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  Hostess: Instead of frowning on mistakes,teachers are now increasingly encouraging students to learn through trial and error,to dare to make mistakes and learn from them.
  A good example is found in the way computer games are constructed.In order to keep players engaged,failures mean getting a chance to try something else,so players keep trying if they get it wrong the first time.
  Host: Steve Harris is not just an avid gamer,he’s alsoan educational consultant.While playing Super Mario,he had a “1)eureka” moment that the theories behind video games could be used in classrooms.
  Steve Harris: I think part of it,as well,is the…the moment when you’ve tried,and you’ve tried,and you’ve tried again,and you finally crack it.It’s that feeling,and you literally see people do it when they go,“YES!” That’s why you play.That’s why you keep trying.
  Host: Steve Harris trains teachers and gives them some tools to deal with mistakes in class through video games.The tip to reverse mistakes on opportunities to learn is motivation.
  Steve: Why is it that children don’t mind failing at computer games,and yet they do feel threatened when they fail at school? And,actually,computer games handle the way that they motivate children completely differently.Computer games make failure a very low risk,low,it’s a non-threatening event,when you fail in a computer game.
  Host: The difference between failure in the real world versus the virtual world is something teachers see in classrooms all the time.Kids often don’t take risks because failure is public and often very embarrassing.Another way that video games motivate children is by offering them the choice of levels between low,medium and high,another theory which can make its way into the classroom.

  Johnathan (teacher): If you…if you set them and give them the worksheet they’re gonna do,you...you’re automatically limiting what they can do.Whereas,if you give them a choice of what challenge they’d like,it gives them a chance to surprise themselves,and also surprise you,I think.   Host: The challenge for teachers is to make sure their students can feel that failure in real life doesn’t mean “Game over.”
  Hostess: And now we catch up with a teacher in Mexico who also believes that young people learn best by experimenting.In this classroom it’s all about art,and they are learning languages through poetry.Let’s see how that works out.
  Host: In the Mexican city of Merida,there is a place where failing can be beautiful.At Habla Lab School students learn languages,not by taking tests,but through art.In this classroom,students don’t learn vocabulary and grammar lists by heart,but they engage in performances.Mistakes are never punished.They’re seen as opportunities to learn.
  Kurt Wootton (founder of Habla Center): The way we live in the world is really about trying things out,experimenting,making some mistakes along the way,and then figuring what we can learn from the mistakes to…to
  move forward.So that’s really what we want to do here.We want an education environment that reflects how we really are as human beings in the world,not some fake education environment that is about taking 2)pop quizzes.In life we don’t have pop quizzes ever.
  Host: Imperfections are tolerated but only as a necessary step to achieve success.All students exchange ideas,point out what’s wrong or what can be improved.Here,constant achievement is not demanded.
  Garcla (artist): (via translator) We’re not born knowing.We listen to what our parents or siblings say,and we repeat,and repeat it wrongly.But later we learn how to say it right.It’s the same way in what we learn here.Then,it’s fun.
  Host: Here,these young students enhance their creativity writing 3)haikus,an art form where there are no rules but a world of possibilities.After trying out different combinations and discussing several drafts,they finally find a haiku that suits them best.Jessica Gilliam (teacher): Mistakes are part of the process,that we need them.Then it becomes fun,and…and it’s great.The…the students appreciate their own work,and they’re willing to create.

I caught you watching me under the light  Can I be your line?  They say it’s easy to leave you behind  I don’t wanna try  *Cut cover, take that test  Hold courage to your chest  Don’t wanna wait for y
也许是因为当今社会变化太快,父子之间的隔阂似乎比过去更大了。当爹的觉得自己的娃不懂事、不守规矩、叛逆,而娃则认为自己的爹守旧、老套,与现实脱节。父子之间常常有一堵无形的、厚重的墙。有的时候,双方都努力了,但情况似乎未能有所好转。本文作者在过了不惑之年,与父亲阴阳相隔之后才对父亲的精神世界有了一点了解。在父亲节到来之际,这篇文章也许能让我们深思:也许领带、手机这些礼物,并不是父亲想要的。  Host
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从机床轰鸣、钢水四溅的车间,到安静恒温的控制室;从一笔一画地抄写、记账,到噼里啪啦地敲键盘;从堆积如山的账本、文件、卷宗,到网络加平板的无纸办公;从西装革履、正襟危坐地在办公桌前埋头苦干,到猫狗在脚下流窜,穿着牛仔裤、T恤斜躺在沙发上写写画画……没错,我们说的正是职场的变化。  其实,自从“工作”、“上班”、“职场”这些概念诞生以来,人们上班工作的内容并没有发生质的改变。从社会层面上讲,工作是为了
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