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  On Tuesday morning, the royal dropped into a cafe that has been set up by a homeless charity to help those who deal with addiction and homelessness get back on their feet.
  As he arrived at the coffee shop, William shook hands with the men’s hairdressers①next door, joking with hairstylist Taz Kabria:"I don’t have much hair, I can’t give you much business."
  The father of two, who recently announced he and Princess Kate are expecting their third child, chatted② with charity staff and some of the men and women they support.
  The prince was congratulated on Kate’s pregnancy and he even told one midwife③trainee: "All the best with the midwifery, I may see you sooner than you think."
  Kate is still being treated in Kensington Palace for Hyperemesis Gravidarum — a form of acute morning sickness — and aides said there was no update on her condition.
  Since leaving his job as an air ambulance pilot earlier this summer, William is now focusing full-time on his royal duties, supporting his grandmother Queen Elizabeth and continuing to highlight the causes and charities close to his heart.

  到达咖啡店后,威廉先和隔壁的理发店老板握了握手,并和发型师Taz Kabria打趣说:“不好意思,虽然很想为店里贡献自己的一份力,但我真的是爱莫能助。”

The attractive couple, Ji Lingchen and Kan Qingzi, has shown the perfect way that young men fall for① older women in the new reality show The Inn. One is always annoyed, and the other is willing to co
Kino is a girl who wants to travel around the world. Her travel partner is a talking motorbike called Hermes. They travel around a variety of strange countries, feel the thousands of taste of life. Ki
All is said and done, they have one thing in common. They’re shooting stars, a spectacular①moment of light in the heavens, fl eeting② glimpse③ of eternity, and in a fl ash they’re gone.  夏日的戀情总是因为各种各样
It is a scene of the doom① that nothing remained but snow and ruins. Two girls are travelling aimlessly②. Life is diffi cult and the books are extremely rare. They quarrel about the ownership of the f
One caution should be made: any sodas that contain real fruit juice, like orange soda, grape soda, etc., should be viewed as③ potentially unsafe after their expiration. They can mould or ferment rapid
聊天时,我们经常说“天啦噜”“悲剧了”等语气词,来表达自己的情感。在英文中,也有不少类似的用法。今天一起来学学吧。  1. Whoa哇;吁;表示惊讶,或惊吓。〈非正式,幽默〉让人说慢一点或做慢一点。  和whoa有个很相近的语气词—— wow。wow表示一种惊叹或欢喜。例如,女生收到很不错的生日礼物,会说“wow, it’s so awesome!”  whoa和wow的区别在于,whoa用作对某
我们中文里描述“特别惊讶”的場景时,常说让人“大跌眼镜”,或者让人“惊掉下巴”。而在国外,被你吓掉的可能是一坨果酱。  Marmalade dropper refers to a news story so bizarre it makes you drop the marmalade when you are reading the newspaper or news on your iPad
As a matter of fact, all of us are just passersby. Think about this: whether you are husbands and wives, fathers and daughters, or emperors and subjects, you will be apart in the end, sooner or later.
面对各国人民的无情吐槽,  英国人表示很不服气:  腐国料理博大精深,  怎么能用“黑暗料理”一言蔽之!!!  于是为了给家乡美食正名,  英国人强烈推荐了  8种既正宗又“好吃”的传统英国美食:  Scottish eggs 苏格兰蛋  It’s a classic picnic item invented during the 18th century as a portable① food
Jeans  When my great-grandparents were growing up, jeans were only worn by poor people and labourers①. It was cheap and highly valued as work wear because of its durability②. The term "jeans" has been