A Study of Geling Yan’s The Flowers of War From the Perspective of Postcolonial Feminism by Spivak

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  【Abstract】Under the background of Nanjing Massacre, The Flowers of War is Geling Yan’ s description of how the 13 Qinhuai prostitutes sacrificed themselves to save 13 school girls. By analyzing the misery of women in the third world, this paper aims to expose the collective trauma of Chinese and the suffering of women in the third world.
  【Key words】patriarchy; oppression; imperialism; collective trauma
  Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (1942-) is an Indian scholar, literary theorist, and feminist critic for the third world(2014). Can the Subaltern Speak?(1988) is her famous work because she begins to care ethics in postcolonial feminism, leading her to reflect on whether the subaltern can even speak. In The Flowers of War(2007), Geling Yan tells a story about 13 Qinhuai prostitutes who saved 13 young school girl students from Jinling Girls Academy under the invasion of Japanese soldiers. During the war, two American priests Fabio, Father Engelmann and three Chinese soldiers in Wilson Church witnessed the tragedy. “Spivak identifies imperialism and the colonialism it endangers as the key to understanding the echos of western hegemony”(Con Davis, Robert, and David S. Gross;164). Women endured dual oppression from imperialism and patriarchy, and the narration of the war by Geling Yan implied collective trauma of the Chinese. This paper used Spivak’s Postcolonial Feminism to analyze oppression of male and female on women in the third world.
  Firstly, this paper talks about women’s oppression on women. Because of the differences in class and profession, both 13 young school girl students and 13 Qinhuai prostitutes discriminate and oppress one another. Young school girls think that prostitutes are immoral and degraded while students are moral and polite, representing superior culture under patriarchal system. In chapter 6, Cardamon went to the refectory to eat soup when young students were also eating soup there. Because of discrimination, the two groups began to quarrel and fighting for space. Under patriarchal system, wife is both an othered victim and an oppression on female. Meng Shujuan’s mother, a traditional Chinese wife, cursed and discriminated prostitutes when Meng Shujuan’s father had love affairs. Secondly, under patriarchal system, there existed oppression in the same lower class and the same profession. Zhao Yumo was humiliated by the mother in Qinhuai brothel because the mother thought Zhao Yumo stole her scissors. Thirdly, colonizers dominate colonized people by race and culture hegemony. It is white people who think that the white are superior to Asian people. Lady Minnie Vautrin, a white woman, representing hegemonic culture, helped priest Fabio send the 13 Qinhuai prostitutes to Japanese soldiers.   Also, there is men’s oppression on women in the third world. Japanese soldiers oppress female by sexual violence, dehumanizing female’s identity. And a good example is Cardamom who was reaped in turn by a group of Japanese soldiers and was taken picture as an honor of the invasion. Moreover, these colonizers even dehumanize female’s identity. They use virgin’s public hair to protect their life, which is ideological hegemony on female. In chapter 16, Chinese hanjian betrayed the hidden place of the 13 school girl students and sold the news to Japanese soldiers, which is a kind of oppression of men on women. Finally, women are dominated by imperialism. Fabio and Engelmann, two American male, representing western male culture. Superior and good -educated as they are, they sacrificed the 13 Qinhuai prostitutes for the 13 school girl students. In the eyes of westerners, prostitutes’ life is lower than girl school students.
  In conclusion, The Flowers of War(2007) tells the kindness and evil of humanity in Nanjing Massacre. And the 13 Qinhuai prostitutes sacrificed themselves for the school girl students, which is the kindness of humanity also a rebel of the oppression made by men.


  [1]Con Davis, Robert, and David S. Gross. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and the Ethos of the Subaltern[J]. In Ethos: New Essays in Rhetorical and Critical Theory,1994:65-89.print.
  [2]Geling Yan. “The Flowers of the War” Vintage Publishing [J].2013.
  [3]Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, and Jenny Sharpe. A Conversation with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: Politics and the Imagination[J]. Signs,2003,28.2:609-24.print.
【摘要】随着世界经济、政治、文化的全球化发展,为了更好地促进国家之间的来往,商务英语已经成为重要的沟通语言,在国际商务合作中扮演十分重要的角色。在商务英语的翻译中由于本国语言结构与其有所不同,所以在英译汉的过程中也会出现一些问题,影响翻译效果。因此翻译者充分了解商务英语的翻译技巧,对商务合作有着巨大优势。本文对商务英语英译汉中的特点和技巧进行分析研究。  【关键词】商务英语;英译汉;特点;技巧  
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【摘要】 国产电影《哪吒之魔童降世》一上映就引起热议,受到国内影迷追捧。可在外国上映时票房却不尽人意,字幕翻译也被评论说翻译不出来原味。所以,本文以《哪吒之魔童降世》为例,分析该电影的语言特点,并在目的论的指导下运用恰当的翻译方法,更好地传达电影所要表达的情感。  【关键词】目的论;字幕限制性;翻译方法;《哪吒之魔童降世》  【作者简介】李伟玉(1996-),女,汉族,黑龙江佳木斯人,青岛大学英语