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人们常说,玩物丧志,认为沉湎于花鸟虫鱼者,胸无大志,无所作为。但随着人们物质生活水平的提高,休闲怡情已渐成时尚。养鸟弄花、养鱼喂猫、游山玩水不但带来生活的乐趣,还成为都市百姓一条生财渠道。“玩物”生财清晨,在郑州市金水河公园里,笔者总能见到如此镜头:一群已赋闲在家的老先生提着样式各异的鸟笼子边锻炼边遛鸟。通常人们习惯地认为他们养鸟只是为了消磨退休后的寂寞时光,而绝不会与“赚钱”两字挂钩。然而,当我听完一位顾老先生的叙述后,才明白真是有那回事,他指着一对上下腾挪的白灵鸟:莫小看它,两只至少值800,前几天 It is often said that playthings are utterly frustrating, and that those who indulge in flowers, birds, insects, and fish will not have great aspirations and will do nothing. However, with the improvement of people’s material living standards, leisure and leisure has gradually become fashionable. Raising birds, feeding fish, feeding cats, and swimming in the mountains not only bring joy to life, but also become a source of wealth for urban citizens. “Plaything goods” make money early in the morning, in the Jinshuihe Park in Zhengzhou City, the author can always see such a scene: a group of old gentlemen who have been idle at home while carrying different styles of bird cages while exercising ostriches. It is customary for people to think that they are raising birds just to kill the lonely time after retirement, and will never be linked to the word “make money.” However, when I listened to Gu Lao’s narrative, I realized that it was exactly the same thing. He pointed to a pair of white spirit birds that climbed up and down: Do not look at it, both at least 800, a few days ago
According to a report from the Ministry ofForeign Trade and Economic Cooperation(Moiled, China will import US$1,500 billionworth of equipment, technology andpr
The Chinese government has showed itsdetermination again in its continuous effortsto urge for more measures aimed at in-creasing exports and drawing foreign in
雷达希望宣传由著名设计师Jasper Morrison亲手设计的限量系列,这款系列只有50只,所以它的广告预算也相对较少,且最新限量版雷达表的设计基于精细的金色系列,但通过广告来宣
尊敬的编辑: 收到贵刊寄来的《广告大观》99.7期,惊喜地发现试投您处的《银川市区公益广告》已被采用,作为撰稿人的我及我单位对责刊大力宣传西北边陲地区的广告工作,表示十
The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Eco-nomic Cooperation(Moftec)recently issueda circular with provisional regulations onsilver export.According to the circular