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  I had already paid my money, 1)tucked my package under my arm, and was walking out the door when I heard her calling my name. There she was, 2)perched on a small bookcase, among the sofas and lamps and bed frames in the outer room of a local 3)thrift store—a small 4)hippopotamus planter that, I swear, was calling my name.
  5)Molded out of light brown 6)clay, her wide feet were drawn up under her thick body, and her head was 7)tilted 8)coquettishly. She wore an 9)impish grin and looked as if she was about to bat her 10)eyelashes to get her way. The urge to take her home was so 11)irresistible that I turned around and bought her immediately.
  This was a time of 12)reinvention in my life. After emerging from the fog of post-divorce pain and 13)grief, I found myself intent on revealing the 14)authentic woman inside and honoring her by making decisions on that authenticity. Those decisions were not only the big ones, like what do I want for my life and who do I want in it, but also the more 15)mundane ones, like how do I decorate my house.
  The 16)impulse to clean and 17)purge and redecorate after a divorce is so 18)cliché and normal that there are probably several expensive university studies out there which have proven such a fact. However, when I began to make actual decisions about colors and couches and 19)knick-knacks, I found, in order to remain true to my authentic self, I had to be quiet and dig down and listen to what was speaking to me.

  I believe in being still and listening for our authentic voice.
  I believe deep down, way back, behind the noise and 20)chaos of everyday life, we do know who we are and what we need to be happy and whole. We know the voice that tells us we no longer want to live in 21)dysfunction. We know the voice telling us we deserve to be genuinely happy, and we know the voice that says, “yes, that hippopotamus would look good on my porch.”
  That voice often gets lost in a 22)cacophony of other peoples’ suggestions, recommendations and ideas and “you shoulds” and “so-and-so woulds.” And then after years of being 23)muted and 24)muffled, that voice within gets quiet and only whispers, and we find ourselves turning away from our most real selves and the values that make us who we are.
  It takes practice to let the inner voice shout once more. It takes being willing to feel for that small flame of joy, deep in your 25)belly, when you recognize your authentic voice and know it’s speaking your truth. It takes courage to stand up to the other voices that want to bend and mold you to their imagined image for you.   It takes being willing to listen for the hippo.

1952年的爱尔兰,社会风气保守。少女菲洛梅娜因未婚先孕,被家人送往修道院从事苦役。在安东尼(菲洛梅娜的儿子)3岁的时候,他被修女们强行抱走,送往美国寄养家庭,自此母子天各一方。此后整整五十年,菲洛米娜都沉浸在对爱子的思念中,饱受煎熬。她将自己的故事告诉了记者马丁,后者决定与她一同踏上寻子之旅……  《菲洛梅娜》改编自BBC通讯记者马丁·西克史密斯的纪实文学《菲洛梅娜遗失的孩子》(The Lost
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你知道好莱坞史上票房最高的影星是谁吗?不是克拉克·盖博,也不是玛丽莲·梦露或伊丽莎白·泰勒,更不是哈利·波特和他的小伙伴们。虽然他们都在各自的鼎盛时期创造了票房佳绩,但在入场人数和实际收入方面,他们都被一个有着一对小酒窝和一头金色卷发的6岁小女孩打败了。这个小女孩甚至还挽救了濒临破产的福克斯电影公司。她就是世界上最著名的童星——秀兰·邓波儿。  她是大萧条时期的一缕阳光,为在现实中苦苦挣扎的人们带