The Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation: A Powerful Process for the Healing of Nations and Sup

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  One of the greatest documents ever written by the United Nations is the UN Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 13 September 1999. Elaborating the fundamental principles which support the actions advancing the Culture of Peace, this landmark document gives clear and comprehensive guidelines on a new mode of human existence which calls on the entire United Nations system, all governments and all peoples to work together to build a freer, fairer and more peaceful global neighborhood through “a positive, dynamic participatory process where dialogue is encouraged and conflicts are solved in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation”.
  All of us as global citizens are responsible to support the culture of peace and as stated in the Declaration "civil society should be involved at the local, regional and national levels to widen the scope of activities on culture of peace." The Declaration also speaks to the importance especially in post-conflict reconstruction of developing rehabilitation, reintegration and reconciliation processes involving all involved in conflicts. The Declaration addresses the importance of supporting initiatives, at all levels, “to address concrete problems arising from post-conflict situations, such as demobilization, and reintegration of former combatants into society”. To this end there is work being done to address these issues which involve civil society through what is called the "Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation."
  Conflict and violence do not only result from objective factors such as poverty, corruption, or the absence of the State in the true sense, but subjective factors as well especially anger, resentment and the desire for revenge especially found in situations where there has been genocide and war. These factors are frequently converted into dangerous detonators of further violence. There are increasing numbers of victims or survivors of violence who, despite their demands for truth and justice continue to cultivate anger and resentment.   Over the last decade, the social sciences have become increasingly interested in measuring the grave consequences of these subjective factors and to stress the importance of developing a political culture of forgiveness and reconciliation as essential components of sustainable peace at the political, community and interpersonal spheres.
  The "Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation" help to create the culture of peace through methodology that seeks to heal the suffering of the victims/survivors of political and domestic violence by helping them transform their narratives of retaliation into stories of reconciliation through the work of forgiveness. In this way forgiveness and reconciliation are converted into socio-political understanding that is indispensible if victims are to recover the dignity that has been so affronted by multiple human rights abuses. In the future, if policies for peace and security are to be successful they will have to transit the paths of forgiveness and reconciliation. Otherwise, violence will continue to escalate. As the inspiring and long-term champion of the culture of peace Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury has repeatedly affirmed that “Forgiveness is a proven pathway to human transformation creating the much-needed culture of peace which is essential for sustainable peace in our world”.
  Background of the "Schools for Forgiveness and Reconciliation"
  The "Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation" is a model which was developed in 2001 by Leonel Narvaez. It is based on the experimental design of pedagogies of forgiveness and reconciliation developed during the latter half of the 1990s with the assistance of an interdisciplinary team from Harvard University.
  The experience of the "Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation" (SFR) started in 60 Barrios (neighborhoods) of Bogotá in 2001. By 2014, the "Schools" have expanded to 100 cities in Colombia, into Mexico and Cuba, and now Canada and the U.S. Initial work has also been in South Africa, Senegal, Rwanda and Nigeria.   "Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation" where developed to address issues of political and domestic violence and to help support the culture of peace. The Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation program is an 56 hour workshop divided into 11 modules (six for forgiveness and five for reconciliation) adapted to the needs of the beneficiaries. The "Schools" are based on a practical theory and methodology of forgiveness and reconciliation to help victims and offenders overcome their anger, guilt and need for revenge through the process of transforming their painful memories, and negative narratives and by generating new social capital that facilitates peace building in the midst of conflicts.
  The advancement in theory and proposal of a practical method of forgiveness and reconciliation that overcomes the subjective factors of violence is an important innovation and contribution to social sciences. Here, forgiveness is assumed to be a political virtue and a human right. Although forgiveness is an old paradigm common to most cultures (and religions), it is considered to be an ESSENTIAL component to traditional conflict resolution methods and techniques. Forgiveness and reconciliation are no longer private (religious) or individual (psychological) exercises but rather social and political activities (virtues) necessary for the integral development of citizens and communities. Additionally, forgiveness and reconciliation have been introduced as crucial components for the concrete application of restorative justice.
  The objective of the Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation (SFR) is to create communities of peace that heal the wounds of conflict and encourage reconciliation. The premise behind the training program is that if victims do not heal from their psychological wounds, they have a higher likelihood of becoming future perpetrators of crime. Therefore, the first part of the program supports people in their healing process by giving them the opportunity to tell their stories, transform their narratives, and begin a healing process. They will learn how to work with their difficult emotions and see their situation from a different perspective, which can give them additional insights on what has occurred. Participants will learn skills in how to counsel both victims and perpetrators in helping them face each other in order to deal with the painful issues of the past. They will learn conflict resolution tools which supports the process of forgiveness, gain a deeper understand of what forgiveness is about and how it helps the healing of trauma. All of the participants will learn the process of how to forgive and how to help others if they are called upon to do so.   宽恕与和解学校(SFR)的目标是创建和平社区,抚慰冲突中的伤痛,促进和解的达成。培训项目背后的假设是如果受害者不能从他们的心理创伤中恢复过来,他们很有可能成为未来的犯罪者。因此,项目的第一部分就是支持人们的治愈过程,给他们机会讲述自己的故事,转变他们的叙述,从而开启一项治疗进程。他们会学着怎样应对自己复杂的情绪,从不同的视角看待他们的处境,这会赋予他们不同的见解来看待过去发生的事情。参加者会学习技巧怎样给受害者和犯罪者提供建议,帮助他们面对彼此来应对过去痛苦的记忆。他们会学习冲突解决工具,能够支持宽恕的进程,对宽恕获得更深的理解并帮助治愈创伤。所有参加者都会学习怎样宽恕和怎样帮助他人,如果要求他们这样做的话。
  Below is a description of the program of the 11 modules of forgiveness and reconciliation:
  Module 1 which focuses on motivation explains the dynamics of social and political violence and asks "How do you express violence and what is the effect of violent behavior on your life?" Module 2 focuses on anger and the effects it has on one's emotions, thoughts and behavior. We look at our own anger and the kind of role models we had which informed us on how to deal with our anger. In Module 3 the decision to forgive is presented as the best alternative to overcome resentment and hatred provoked by aggression. Module 4 promotes in the participants compassion and empathy with the offender, facilitating the building of a new narrative of the offense to recognize the similarities and differences of each person with the others around them. Module 5 helps us understand the actions and the psychological landscape and of the aggressor resulting in the sensitization to the situations in their life. Module 6 teaches how to establish conditions that will allow the eventual encounter with the offender. This is the pivotal module between forgiveness and reconciliation and helps to prepare the participant for reconciliation. Module 7 begins the reconciliation module which shows that there are many versions of the same event depending on the viewpoint one has and introduces the concept of the need for new narratives to overcome the distances generated by the offense. Module 8 introduces the concept of restoration as a basic element of justice. Module 9 helps us to recognize that conflict is an opportunity to learn, to strengthen interpersonal relationships, to establish and renew pacts, to identify some possible form of pact between oneself and the “other person” and with family as well as with the residents of one's neighborhood. Module 10 helps us to restore memory of the individual and collective events as a way of re-establishing the meaning of identity and promoting restoration for the prevention of new harmful acts. Module 11 is one of celebration of what has been accomplished and learned as well as the healing which has taken place.
  下面即是对项目“宽恕与和解”11个模块的介绍:   模块1重点介绍激励作用,解释了社会暴力和政治暴力的动因,并且就以下问题进行询问“你怎样表达暴力,暴力行为对你生活的影响是什么?”模块2着重介绍愤怒以及愤怒对人类情感、想法和行为的影响。我们看待自己的愤怒和我们所有的楷模类型,这告诉我们如何处理我们的愤怒。在模块3中,决定宽恕是克服由被侵犯所引起的不满和仇恨的最好选择。模块4促进参与者对犯罪者进行同情和换位思考,促进形成对犯罪的一种新型叙述角度,以此来认清他们周围每个人的异同。模块5帮助我们理解侵犯者的行为和心理状况,使 我们其生活状况有直观感受。模块6教给我们如何创造条件,能够与犯罪者最终相遇。这个模块是处于宽恕与和解中至关重要的一个模块,能够帮助参加者达成和解。模块7开启了和解模块的序幕,这显示了即便对于同一事件,不同的视角就会有不同版本的故事,因此引进了一个概念,需要全新的叙述视角来克服由犯罪所引起的距离。模块8引入了修复作为正义的基本元素的概念。模块9帮助我们认识到冲突是学习的机会,是增强人际关系的机会,是建立和重新建立协议的机会,也是让我们认清自己、“其他人”、家庭以及社区内居民达成协议的某些可能形式。模块10帮助我们恢复个人和集体性事件的记忆,把这些作为重建身份的意义和促进修复以预防新伤害行为的发生。模块11是对之前已经完成并学习的部分以及所进行的康复部分的赞美。
  The "Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation" are part of a program under the auspices of the Foundation for Reconciliation in Bogota, Colombia and Forgiveness International in Phoenix, Arizona which is the sister organization of the Foundation for Reconciliation. The work of both organizations is through the "Schools” which proposes that forgiveness and reconciliation are indispensable for the construction of sustainable peace. The program has received numerous awards, including the UNESCO prize for peace education in 2006 for the Foundation for Reconciliation, and addresses the problems of conflict and violence including political violence, particularly in geographies where patterns of violence have become entrenched.
  Training Program for Forgiveness and Reconciliation
  Through the Training of Trainers multiplication strategy, in Colombia, within an 8-year time period, 93,000 people have been trained as SFR Facilitators. They have transferred the methodology to 1,500 teachers in 62 schools, 40,000 secondary school students, 21,000 illiterate displaced people, 1,100 ex-combatants from rebel groups, and 10,200 community people in 5 Centers of Reconciliation. There is a growing Red de Jóvenespor la Reconciliación (Network of Youth for Reconciliation) of 320 members. In the 13 other countries of Latin America, 2,500 SFR Facilitators have been trained and have delivered the process to approximately 24,300 beneficiaries. All this data refers to the first generation of participants who normally replicate the SFR-course to a second generation of beneficiaries and therefore, the wave-impact keeps constantly growing and moving, For example, we have the case of a facilitator in Bogota who has replicated the SFR course over 50 times in the last 6 years.   The Foundation for Reconciliation in Bogota has been able to register tangible results such as: the multiplication of the "Schools" in a growing number of cities and countries. Newspaper reports, TV and Radio Programs have witnessed the oral testimonies and the enthusiasm of participants and the impact in their lives. Parents and teachers have certified the behavioral and academic improvement of their children at school, couples in conflict, victims of many kinds of violence, inmates, members of religious orders, ex-combatants, divorced people, victims of violence and drug-addicts, all have enthusiastically expressed appreciation and gratitude. A growing number of religious institutions of different Christian denominations are incorporating the "Schools" methodology into their programs. The "Schools" have been included in University programs as in Rio de Janeiro and in Lima. Police in Sao Paulo and Judges in Rio de Janeiro are discovering the importance of the "Schools" approach offering to minor offenders the possibility of participation in the SFR for reduction of time in prison. In Colombia, a Network of Youth for Reconciliation is in rapid growth. There is also a well established legal organization of Peace Leaders consisting of ex-combatants from several subversive groups. School teachers are discovering the power of this proposal and gradually implement it in their curricula. The Centers for Reconciliation are gradually being appreciated and financially supported by local governments.
  The "Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation" do bring people through a very transformative process. The "Schools" help people change the way they think moving people away from the need for revenge to recognizing the importance and power of forgiveness. There can be a profound shift in consciousness which enables the participant to see their world differently. Just imagin e for a moment: What would our world look like if our tears were washed away on rays of hope and our eyes saw a world without violence and war. What if the flames of anger wilted into the embers and a way of life emerged filled with compassion and understanding. What if misery and human tragedy could end because our hearts had become filled with unconditional love and forgiveness? And what if we could promote increased understanding, tolerance and cooperation among all peoples by fostering forgiveness?
  “宽恕与和解学校”的确令人们经历了一个转变性的过程。“学校 ”帮助人们改变了思考方式,让人们摆脱复仇的欲望,认清宽恕的力量和重要性。这对人们来说是意识上的一个深刻性转变,能够让参加者从不同的角度看待这个世界。想象一下:如果我们的眼泪被希望之光擦干,我们看到的世界没有暴力和战争,那么我们的世界将会是什么样呢?如果愤怒的火焰燃烧殆尽,我们的生活充满了同情和理解。如果我们的内心充斥着无条件的爱和宽恕,是否痛苦和人间悲剧就会终止?如果我们能够通过培养宽恕感来越来越多地促进理解、包容和合作呢?
  We are empowered to bring this vision to life. Today, We have the ability to move our world closer to the vision of spiritual wisdom and wholeness because each of us carries within one’s heart the power to forgive. And as forgiveness becomes stronger in our lives so does the building of the culture of peace.
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