
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaozhenying
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  Patrick’s behavior, called wandering or elopement, has led to numerous deaths in autistic children by drowning and in traffic accidents. Now a new study of more than 1,200 families with autistic children suggests wandering is alarmingly common. Nearly half of parents with an autistic child aged 4 or older said their children had tried to leave a safe place at least once, the study reported. One in four said their children had disappeared long enough to cause concern. Many parents said their wandering children had narrowly escaped traffic accidents or had been in danger of drowning.
  Dr. Paul A. Law is a senior author of the study and director of the Interactive Autism Network, a registry that is a project of the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore. “I knew this was a problem, but I didn’t know just how significant a problem it was until I really began to look into it. This is probably one of the leading causes of death and morbidity for kids with autism.”
  “For children who are prone to wander, this is a pervasive problem that affects all aspects of families’ lives. Many parents just don’t go out in public with their child or they don’t get any sleep at night in case the child sneak out and get lost.”
  Concerning the safety of the children with autism, many parents have to be full-time babysitters. Although parents’ company has greatly reduced the safety risk of the autistic children, there are still many challenges such as indifference of society, discrimination, and education inequality waiting ahead. Many parents of autistic children suggest they don’t have other choices but to bear with it.
  Limited Access to Education
  Given that the specialties of autistic children, they usually come across a lot of difficulties in the pursuit of education. In September, 2012, what happened to two autistic children in Shenzhen, China has provoked controversy in society.   鉴于身份的特殊性,自闭症儿童想获得同正常儿童同等的受教育机会同样是困难重重。2012年9月,发生于中国深圳的两名自闭症儿童的遭遇曾引发了人们对自闭症儿童与其受教育问题的热议。
  On 7th September, 2012, in the Baoan District of Shenzhen, a 15 years’ old boy, whose name is Li Meng, was shut out by a primary school. 19 parents whose children were students of the school signed a joint letter, opposing letting Li Meng study together with their children.
  On 15th, September, also in Shenzhen, a child called Xing’er (alias) was sent back home by the school because he bit a classmate. Xing’er insisted on going to school and jumped to death from fifth-floor balcony.
  These two incidents have made the predicament faced by autistic children even more prominent. In the face of questions and condemnations, the school authorities also told us their difficulties. “Ordinary schools don’t have resources needed for special education, including trained teachers and relevant equipment. Also, the information about autism known by society is too limited to make the public accept autistic children. Even if the school would like to offer autistic children positions, some parents of students are likely to disagree. ”
  接连发生的两起事件使自闭症孩子的教育困境愈加凸显。面对患儿家长的诉求,学校方面也道出了自己的难处,“普通学校一般没有专业的特教资源、教师也没有进行过专业的特教培训。而且由于整个社会对于自闭症没有充分的社会认知,即使校方有意愿接纳自闭症儿 童,部分学生家长出于对自己孩子的多方面考虑也时常会提出反对意见。”
  The Future with Nowhere
  to Stay
  Lindsay Williamson says the moment she heard her son, Reed, call his father "Daddy" instead of "juice box" was just as amazing. We can still tell her excitement when she recalls it.
  Reed was diagnosed with autism when he was two and half years’ old. The specialist told her that her son may never be able to talk.
  Even as she celebrates her son's milestones -- like calling his father "Daddy" -- Lindsay Williamson often worries what will happen when Reed reaches adulthood. And group homes and other services for adults with autism are frequent topics of discussion in the parents group Williamson belongs to.
  An estimated 500,000 children with autism will become adults in the next decade, and parents "have every right to be concerned," said Peter Bell, executive vice president at Autism Speaks and father of a 19-year-old with autism.   Peter also pointed out that the life of autistic adults are pretty challenging, in terms of their living and working. Even adults with mild forms of autism face high unemployment rates because of social, communication and behavior problems, advocates say. A small study published in 2010, tracking 66 young adults after high school, found only 18 percent of them had jobs, and none were full-time.
  "We know a lot more about autism today than we did a couple of decades ago, and we are continuing to do much more research. The early diagnosis and therapies are more advanced, but some situations remain unclear: what percentage of the population will be able to live on their own, need 24-hour care or something in between. I think what we fail to do is really providing people with autism with appropriate and lifelong services”, said Jim Ball, chairman of the Autism Society's Board of Directors.
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