State Of China Urban Youth Report 2013/2014 Urban Equity And Development I1

来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wszlzsjava
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  The world is rapidly changing and there are more people under the age of 25 today than ever, totaling nearly three billion.These young people not only unfortunately suffer limited access to opportunities and employment, but also have an increased level of vulnerability to disasters caused by climate change and urban sprawl. During the current economic crisis young people suffer disproportionately in labour markets, and they have been more vulnerable to layoffs and many are trapped in unemployment, under employment or low productive jobs and missing out on potential demographic dividend that investment in substantial youth cohort can achieve. Under such circumstances, UN-HABITAT and IESCO initiated the Urban Youth Empowerment and Ecological Safety Projects, and State of China Urban Youth Report is one of them.
  The Questionnaire has 5 thematic dimensions of Equity and Employment, including the local institutional and organizational capacities associated with the creation of equitable Cities and their sustainability.
  Urban Equity: Definitions
  Equity: refers to the distribution of opportunities. Equity concerns means leveling the playing field so that everyone benefit from the urban advantage and the equity of cities. It is about the equal access to healthcare, education and public goods in a manner that is fair and just. The report considers equity as a more appropriate response to the growing disparities in cities around the world.
  Urban equity in development is not just an ideal, something that operates in the realm of ideas or aspirations. It is a concept framework that guides decision-making to enhance lives in cities for all; a useful tool needed to redefine the urban policy agenda at local, national and regional levels to ensure shared equity; and a factor to enhance the city’s transformative capacity to bring about collective well-being and fulfillment of all.
  The following is the extract from the questionnaire:   以下是问卷节选:
  1.1. Name of the City: _____________________________
  1.2. Name and address of the person or agency organizing the Expert Focus Group meeting where applicable
  1.3. Your name, title, and organisational affiliation (Optional):
  1.4. Age: __________________________________
  1.5. Gender: ________________________________
  1.6. Education: _____________________________
  1.1. 城市: _____________________________
  1.2. 组织焦点小组讨论的单位名称和地址(如适用)
  1.3. 您的姓名,称谓,所属单位(可选填):
  1.4. 年龄: _______________________________________________________
  1.5. 性别: _______________________________________________________
  1.6. 教育: _______________________________________________________
  2.1. To what extent does your city promote equitable access to social, political, economic, environmental and cultural facilities according to the criteria defined at the beginning of this document? Tick one
  2.1.1. City is not at all inclusive (and equitable)
  2.1.2. City is inclusive (and equitable) in all five aspects
  2.1.3. City is inclusive (and equitable) only in economic activities
  2.1.4. Other’s
  If others, please explain: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.2. Does your city promote youth equity, i.e by ensuring the distribution and redistribution of the benefits of development to reduce poverty and inequality, protecting the rights of the youth and ensuring their participation by all in the social, political and cultural spheres? Tick one   2.2.1. City is fully committed to promote equity
  2.2.2. City is committed to promote equity
  2.2.3. City is somewhat committed to promote equity
  2.2.4. City is not making enough efforts to promote equity
  2.2.5. City is not at all committed to promoting equity
  2.2.6. I don’t know
  Please explain your response: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.3. How advanced are the policies promoting the different dimensions of equity in your city?
  Please rate from 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent).
  2.3.1. Economic Equities 1 2 3 4 5
  2.3.2. Social Equities 1 2 3 4 5
  2.3.3. Cultural Equities 1 2 3 4 5
  2.3.4. Political Equities 1 2 3 4 5
  2.3.5. Ecological and environmental sustainability 1 2 3 4 5
  Please explain your choices in the line below: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.4. Does your city promote economic equity i.e foster economic development; create conditions to provide decent jobs and equal opportunities for youth, using creativity, innovation, research and development, and science and technology. Tick one
  2.4.1. City is fully committed to promote economic equity
  2.4.2. City is committed to promoting economic equity
  2.4.3. City is somewhat committed to promoting economic equity
  2.4.4. City is not making enough efforts to promote economic equity
  2.4.5. City is not committed to promoting economic equity
  2.4.6. I don’t know
  Please explain your response: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.5. Does your city promote social equity and inclusion, i.e.? Provide adequate housing and decent basic services, facilitates equal access to key social services such as education and health, public goods and sound environmental conditions for youth. Please tick one
  2.5.1. City is fully committed to promote social inclusion
  2.5.2. City is committed to promoting social inclusion
  2.5.3. City is somewhat committed to promoting social inclusion   2.5.4. City is not making enough efforts to promote social inclusion
  2.5.5. City is not at all committed to promoting social inclusion
  2.5.6. I don’t know
  Please explain your response: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.6. Does your city promote infrastructural development, i.e provide adequate infrastructure such as roads, telecommunications etc. in order to enhance spatial mobility and connectivity supported by sound financial mechanisms and regulations that increase accessibility to its residents? Please tick one
  2.6.1. City is fully committed to promote infrastructural development
  2.6.2. City is committed to promoting infrastructural development
  2.6.3. City is somewhat committed to promoting infrastructural development
  2.6.4. City is not making enough efforts to promote infrastructural development
  2.6.5. City is not at all committed to promoting infrastructural development
  2.6.6. I don’t know
  Please explain your response: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.7. Does your city promote political equality and inclusion for youth i.e? provides freedom and rights of the youth to the democratic processes and governance structures. Please tick one
  2.7.1. City is fully committed to promote political inclusion
  2.7.2. City is committed to promoting political inclusion
  2.7.3. City is somewhat committed to promoting political inclusion
  2.7.4. City is not making enough efforts to promote political inclusion
  2.7.5. City is not at all committed to promoting political inclusion
  2.7.6. I don’t know
  Please explain your response: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.8. Does your city promote cultural inclusion i.e? Promotes social integration and cultural rights; contributes to gender empowerment and protection of the rights of vulnerable (the elderly, women, children and the youth) and minority groups (ethnic and religious groups). Please tick one   2.8.1. City is fully committed to promote cultural inclusion
  2.8.2. City is committed to promoting cultural inclusion
  2.8.3. City is somewhat committed to promoting cultural inclusion
  2.8.4. City is not making enough efforts to promote cultural inclusion
  2.8.5. City is not at all committed to promoting cultural inclusion
  2.8.6. I don’t know
  Please explain your response: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.9. Does your city promote ecological safety and environmental sustainability, i.e value the protection of the urban environment and natural assets while ensuring growth, and seek ways to reduce energy demand, minimize pressure on surrounding land and natural resources, prevent or minimize environmental losses by generating creative solutions to enhance the quality of the environment? Tick one
  2.9.1. City is fully committed to promote environmental sustainability
  2.9.2. City is committed to promote environmental sustainability
  2.9.3. City is somewhat committed to promote environmental sustainability
  2.9.4. City is not making enough efforts to promote environmental sustainability
  2.9.5. City is not at all committed to promoting environmental sustainability
  2.9.6. I don’t know
  Please explain your response: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.1. 根据本文之前所定义的标准,你所居住的城市从多大程度上推进青年人能够在社会、政治、经济、环境、和文化设施中取得公平的资源。请单选。
  2.1.1. 城市一点儿也不包容和公平
  2.1.2. 城市在这五项中都很包容和公平
  2.1.3. 城市只在经济活动方面包容和公平
  2.1.4. 其他
  如果选择其他,请详述: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.2. 你所在的城市是否推进青年公平?即是:通过公平分布或重新分布城市在发展过程中得到的资源和益处来减少贫穷和不公平现象,保护青年人的权益,保障他们在社会、政治、和文化各个层面的参与权。请单选。
  2.2.1. 城市完全投入推进公平
  2.2.2. 城市致力于推进公平
  2.2.3. 城市在一定程度上推进公平
  2.2.4. 城市在推进公平上做得不足够
  2.2.5. 城市不推进公平
  2.2.6. 我不知道
  请解释你的选择: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   2.3. 在你的城市,推进不同层面公平的政策是否先进有效?
  请从1(很差)到5 (完美)打分。
  2.3.1. 经济公平 1 2 3 4 5
  2.3.2. 社会公平 1 2 3 4 5
  2.3.3. 文化公平 1 2 3 4 5
  2.3.4. 政治公平 1 2 3 4 5
  2.3.5. 生态和环境的可持续 1 2 3 4 5
  请解释你的选择: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.4. 你所在的城市是否推进经济公平?即是:推进经济发展,创造条件为青年提供合适的和公平的工作机会,合理运用创造力、创意、科学研究、和科技。请单选。
  2.4.1. 城市完全投入推进经济公平
  2.4.2. 城市致力于推进经济公平
  2.4.3. 城市在一定程度上推进经济公平
  2.4.4. 城市在推进经济公平上做得不够
  2.4.5. 城市不推进经济公平
  2.4.6. 我不知道
  请解释你的选择: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.5. 你所在的城市是否推进社会公平和包容?即是:提供足够的住房和体面的基础服务和设施,城市青年能够公平地取得社会核心服务,例如教育和医疗、社会公共福利和良好的环境。请单选。
  2.5.1. 城市完全推进社会公平和包容
  2.5.2. 城市致力于推进社会公平和包容
  2.5.3. 城市在一定程度上推进社会公平和包容
  2.5.4. 城市在推进社会公平和包容上做得不够
  2.5.5. 城市不推进社会公平和包容
  2.5.6. 我不知道
  请解释你的选择: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.6. 你所在的城市是否推进基础建设发展?即是:提供足够的基建例如道路、电话通讯等等,有稳定的财政和政策基础做依靠,从而便利城市居民的流动性和增加相互之间的沟通。请单选 。
  2.6.1. 城市投入推进基础建设发展
  2.6.2. 城市致力于推进基础建设发展
  2.6.3. 城市在一定程度上推进基础建设发展
  2.6.4. 城市在推进基础建设发展上做得不够
  2.6.5. 城市不推进基础建设发展
  2.6.6. 我不知道
  请解释你的选择: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.7. 你所在的城市是否推进青年的政治公平和包容?即是:提供自由和权利让青年人参与推进民主发展和政府结构调整。请单选。
  2.7.1. 城市完全推进政治包容
  2.7.2. 城市致力于推进政治包容
  2.7.3. 城市在一定程度上推进政治包容
  2.7.4. 城市在推进政治包容上做得不够
  2.7.5. 城市不推进政治包容
  2.7.6. 我不知道
  请解释你的选择: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.8. 你所在的城市是否推进文化包容?即是:促进社会融合和文化权利,提升女性权益和保护弱势群体(老人、妇女、儿童、青年)和少数群体(少数民族和信仰群体)。请单选。
  2.8.1. 城市完全推进文化包容
  2.8.2. 城市致力于推进文化包容
  2.8.3. 城市在一定程度上推进文化包容
  2.8.4. 城市在推进文化包容上做得不够
  2.8.5. 城市不推进文化包容
  2.8.6. 我不知道
  请解释你的选择: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.9. 你所在的城市是否推进生态和环境的可持续性?即是:保证发展的同时珍惜城市环境和自然资源的保护,寻求办法减少能源需求,降低对自然资源的压力,通过创新来提升环境质量从而防止自然资源流失。 请单选。
  2.9.1. 城市投入推进生态和环境的可持续
  2.9.2. 城市致力于推进生态和环境的可持续
  2.9.3. 城市在一定程度上推进生态和环境的可持续
  2.9.4. 城市在推进生态和环境的可持续发展上做得不够
  2.9.5. 城市不推进生态和环境的可持续
  2.9.6. 我不知道
  请解释你的选择: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  (Please send the completed questionnaireto Room 3-91, 9thFloor, Building 3, Jianguomenwai Diplomatic Residence Compound,
  No.1 Xiushui Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing.
  Or log on to the website for online State of China Urban Youth Survey
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