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  Science Fiction Is a Window——Abstract of Liu Cixin'sInterview im Germany
  劉慈欣因其广获赞誉科幻小说而为人所知,但他本人比较低调。较少在公众面前出现的他,于去年10月13日,首次亮相于海外书展的刘慈欣携科幻小说《三体》系列第二部《黑暗森林》德文版与读者见面,并与德国演员Mark Bremer分别用中文和德文朗读了书中的片段,在社交媒体上收获了德国书迷的热烈反响。
  科幻小说和以前的理解不同,它不是预测未来而是排列未来,把未来的每一种可能性都排列出来。 《黑暗森林》排列的恰恰是最坏的可能性。
  Liu Cixin is well-known for his widely acclaimed science fiction but he is a low- key and little seen writer. On October 13 lastyear, Liu, who made his debut on an overseas bookexhibition, together with the German version ofThe Three-Body Problem H: The Dark Forest, metwith readers. Liu and German actor Mark Bremerread some paragraphs in the novel in Chinese andGerman respectively, evoking wild enthusiasmamong German fans on social media.
  A German book fan Jonathan said, "My friendrecommended The Three-Body Problem to me andit is very different from those I have read before.I love it very much. Besides the sci-fi plots, I canalso gain an in-depth understanding of the Chinesemode of thinking and Chinese history, includingChinese people's perceptions about westernculture. This is very interesting. This novel goes farbeyond a pure science fiction."   Ackermann (German scholar of Chinesestudies, renowned translator) said, "Most Chinesewriters are unknown in Germany or even in theWest. But Liu Cixin is a household name. He is avery important science novelist recognized notonly in English-speaking countries but also inGermany. His science fiction strikes a chord amongpeople from different cultural backgrounds." Whenasked whether he had expected The Three-BodyProblem to be a hit in the West, Liu admitted thatwhen The Three-Body Problem was translatedinto English, he just wanted the English readersto know that there also were sci-fi novels comingfrom China. In his previous overseas exchanges,Liu used to be asked whether China had its ownscience fiction. But now, Liu said that today'smarket response is "surely beyond expectation".
  Through media, many readers have known "ATour of Liu Cixin's Science Fiction in Germany" co-organized by the Confucius Institute Headquartersand Heyne affiliated to Random House. But theystill hope to know more about Liu's interviewwith Michael Kahn-Ackermannand Dart, Correspondent ofFrankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.To this end, we list the abstract ofthis interview as below:
  "Science itself differs both inthe West and China. In the West,people have gone through thestage of scientific development andstand at a stage where many sub-sectors bloom. In China, however,the country's industrializationstands at its very beginning.Under such a case, Chinese peoplemay have more floors talkingabout science. Because in China,the risks caused by the negativeeffect resulted from scientificdevelopment may be greater thanthat in the West, and science, notonly in the public but also in thegovernment, has been placedunprecedented importance, whichis tremendous enough to make thewhole society neglect its negativeeffect,Considering the status quoof China's development, however,scientific development is the onlychoice. This situation is also moreor less reflected in my sciencefiction as the science describedin current Western novelstakes on many negative images.Furthermore, the future formedby those images is quite gloomy.In my science fiction, science,in the future, boasts dangerous,gloomy and bright aspects, whichmay draw a difference between myscience fiction and the Westerncounterparts."
  "Science fiction, unlikeprevious understanding, isarranging the future and its everypossibility instead of predicting it.The DarkForest exactly lists theworst possibilities."
  "I think the only choice toreasonably deal with scientificdevelopmentis to bravely face and thenovercome its negative effect. Avoidanceis not a wise choice."   "As my short stories have grandframeworks and scenes, each one ofthem is tantamount to the outline of afull-length novel. However, these shortstories fail to develop into full-lengthnovels, which is surely my regret. I havemore than once thought if all my 30 plusshort stories become full-length novels,what on earth it would be."
  "I think that we should be rationalabout the future, which means thatwe believe human beings may havea bright future but we should also bevigilant about our own choices. A wrongchoice made, the future may crash in tothe dark side described in the sciencefiction. In one word, future depends onthe present."
  "What politicians, economistsor people from other fields can see isnot because they are short-sighted butthey have more restrictions. In general,they have to focus themselves on atime range of less than half a century,or it will be very difficult for them torealize themselves. But science fictionis not restricted by realiy which is anadvantage for it to serve as a literarytheme."
  "Science fiction is a windowthrough which we can see the time andspace beyond life. Scientists always takea long view, a view even longer thanwhat science fiction could take. In fact,the furthest distance that science fictioncan see will not go beyond the scopeof science. Take the cosmic doomsdayas an example: we cannot see what willcome after the cosmic doomsday, butscientists can."
  "Science fiction itself is a litera rytheme that transcends time and space,entering the remote universe. Therefore,whenever l write science fiction, Iexpand the scope of time and space asmuch as possible within the frameworkof story."
  "Science fiction from differentcountries shares much more in common,which far outweighs the differences."
  Excerpt by Lyuyan-Wanqian
摘要:随着我国社会经济的深入变革与发展,人们的生活质量水平不断提升,对艺术的认识和追求也不断提高,小提琴作为“琴中王后”更是受到越来越多人的青睐。近几年来,随着小提琴学习者数量的增多,集体课教学模式的应用也愈加广泛,关于集体课利弊问题的争论也越来越激烈。今天我和大家所探讨的集体课模式在小提琴教学中的应用是结合自己多年学琴以及教学经历,主要对该模式实施的可行性进行了简要分析及个人观点阐述。  关键词
摘要:随着现代科学技术的发展,文明的真正财富,将越来越表现为人的创造性。创造性表现为人们的创新能力。培养青少年的创新能力,对于我国未来发展具有重大的意义。而初中阶段是培养创新思维与创新能力的重要阶段,本文探讨了在初中数学教学中如何培养学生的创新思维与创新能力  关键词:初中数学;创新思维;创新能力  创新是指以现有的思维模式提出有别于常规或常人思路的见解为导向,利用现有的知识和物质,在特定的环境中
摘要:新课程目标向教师提出了基础教育下全面素质教育的实质性内容和具体要求。教师,在新课程的理念下,其角色地位也发生了根本性的转化。表现在教师应该是学生学习的促进者、是教育教学的研究者、是课程的建设者和开发者、是一个促进学生发展和自身发展的综合评价者。本文以新课程理念为指导,与传统教师的角色地位作为对比,阐述在基础教育下的教师角色应该是多元整合的教师角色。  关键词:新课程理念;教师;角色转化  新
摘要:多媒体教学是通过多媒体课件来实现的。多媒体课件具有文字、图像、图形、活动画面等直观媒体信息,并能在同一屏幕上同时显示相关的文本、图像或活动画面,并伴有音乐、声响运用多媒体进行语文教学,动静结合,变隐为显,缩小时空,使得形、声、情有机融合,互为相济,师生容易接受。  关键词:阅读能力;课件;丰富多彩  多媒体教学是通过多媒体课件来实现的。多媒体课件具有文字、图像、图形、活动画面等直观媒体信息,
摘要:少数民族第二语言学习中写作指导蒙语授课的高中汉语教学,写作教学或称为作文教学,是汉语教学较高层面的内容。是识字写字、用词造句、布局谋篇,运用语言文字反映社会生活、表达思想感情的综合训练,蒙授高中汉语教学应遵循汉语作为第二语言教学的基本规律,课堂教学中要目标明确,鼓励学生更多地接触语言材料。  关键词:背景和意义;实施进展;需要进一步研究的内容  少数民族汉语课程是一门学习运用国家通用语言文字
摘要:随着新课程改革的发展,现阶段的高中生物课堂教学中越来越重视学生自主学习意识的培养,这就要求教师在高中生物课堂上通过有效提问策略吸引学生的注意力及学习兴趣,促使学生深入生物问题中主动地思考分析,活跃课堂教学氛围,提高高中生物课堂的教学有效性,强化学生们的生物素养。因此,在高中生物课堂教学过程中开展有效的提问策略显得尤为重要,本文主要针对高中生物课堂教学中有效提问策略展开了探究。  关键词:高中
Early Spring is the Best Time of a Year-Reading and Appreciation of Han Yu's EarlySpring Written for Secretary Zhang Ji  我們中国人总是对春天有着格外的期待,古人的诗情,也总是在早春时便早早醒来,从心里、从笔端,舒展开自己的温情与发现。我觉得韩愈的七绝《早春呈水部张十八员外》便是
摘要:担任平行班的英语教学工作中,发现平行班的大多数学生对学习英语都缺乏兴趣,而且只有在老师的强迫下才学习。但很多学生不是智力很差,相反他们的记忆力和理解力还要比其他基础稍微好点的同学还要好。关键是他们不喜欢学,所以调动他们学习英语的兴趣就显得很有必要。经过实践,我发现游戏就是调动学生英语学习兴趣的最有效的方法之一。  关键词:游戏;英语教学;运用  学英语的主要目的在于能用英语进行交际。培养英语