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  “Bullock is an adept and soulful action hero who brings remarkable humanity to an arduous role,” Claudia Pulg wrote in a review for USA Today. “Clooney is also convincing, showing warmth and ease in an understated performance.”
  The film’s success in storytelling and character is also recognized in a Forbes’ review: “It’s a carefully crafted emotional journey for a woman whose life has (due to a tragedy in her past) lost the purpose or feeling beyond her work. She must confront her loss and fear and regain a desire to live rather than just exist.”
  RYAN: I apologize for not complying. I should’ve stopped working as soon as you instructed me to.
  MATT: We were gonna get hit no matter what. There was nothing you could do to change that.
  RYAN: O2 down to two percent.
  MATT: We are getting there. Beautiful,don’t you think?
  RYAN: What?
  MATT: The sunrise.That’s what I’m gonna miss the most.
  RYAN: There’s no fuel. I tried everything.
  MATT: Well, there’s always something we can do.
  RYAN: I tried everything.
  MATT: Did you try the soft landing jets?
  RYAN: That’s for landing, so…
  MATT: Well, landing is launching. It’s the same thing. Didn’t you learn about that in training? Do you want to go back, or do you want to stay here? I get it, it’s nice up here. You can just shut down all the systems, turn out all the lights... and just close your eyes and tune out everybody. There’s nobody up here that can hurt you. It’s safe. I mean, what’s the point of going on? What’s the point of living? Your kid died.Doesn’t get any rougher than that.But still, it’s a matter of what you do now.
  If you decide to go, then you gotta just get on with it. Sit back, enjoy the ride. You gotta plant both your feet on the ground and start living life.
  马特:嗯,着陆就是启程,都是一回事。培训的时候你没学过吗?你想回去?还是想留在这儿?我知道太空这地方很不错。你可以关闭所有的系统,关掉所有的灯,闭上眼睛,不理会其他人。这里没有人能够伤害你,这里很安全。前进又能怎么样呢?活着又有什么意义呢?你的孩子死了,没有比这更让人悲痛的事了。但是你现在怎么做是最关键的。   如果你决定要回到地球上,那么就要振作起来。放松自己,享受这次飞行。你将回到地面上,重新开始你的生活。
  RYAN: Uh... I’m redlining. My O2 tank pressure is low.
  MATT: Your tank is out of oxygen but you still have it in your suit. So you have to sip, not gulp.Wine, not beer.
  RYAN: Got it.
  MATT: Ryan, listen. You have to let me go.
  RYAN: No.
  MATT: The ropes are too loose. I’m pulling you with me.
  RYAN: No, no, no.
  MATT: You have to let me go, or we both die.
  RYAN: I’m not letting you go! We’re fine!
  MATT: No. Ryan, let me go.
  RYAN: No. No. You’re not going anywhere. You’re not going anywhere.
  MATT: It's not up to you.
  RYAN: No, no, no, no, no... Please don’t do this.
  RYAN: Please, please, please, please don’t do this. Please don’t do this. No, no, no. Please don’t, Matt, please don’t do this.
  MATT: You’re gonna make it, Ryan.
  Oh, I’m gonna die, Aningaaq. I know, we’re all gonna die.Everybody knows that. But I’m gonna die today. Funny, that.
  You know, to know...But the thing is, it’s that I’m still scared. I’m really scared.Nobody will mourn for me, no one will pray for my soul. Will you mourn for me? Will you say a prayer for me? Or is it too late?
  I mean, I’d say one for myself, but I’ve never prayed in my life, so...nobody ever taught me how. Nobody ever taught me how.
  It’s getting hot in here. Okay. All right. Okay. All right, the way I see it, there’s only two possible outcomes. Either I make it down there in one piece and I have one hell of a story to tell, or I burn up in the next ten minutes. Either way, whichever way... no harm, no foul! Because either way... it’ll be one hell of a ride. I’m ready.
  adept adj. 熟练的;擅长的
  soulful adj. 充满精神的
  arduous adj. 努力的;费力的
  convincing adj. 令人信服的
  ease n. 轻松
  understated adj. 低调的;轻描淡写的
  crafted adj. 精心制作的
  confront v. 面对
  loss n. 失去;损失
  regain v. 恢复;重新获得
  exist v. 生存
Section A  1. This is my sister.  这是我的妹妹。  This is...是我们把一个人介绍给别人时的常用句型,也可介绍物品。当被介绍人处于近距离时,单数用this is,复数用these are,如:  These are my friends.  这是我的朋友们。(指代人)  Is this a map?  这是一张地图吗?(指代物)  注意:  (1)指代放在
Section A  1. — What’s your favorite subject?  你最喜欢什么科目?  — My favorite subject is science.  我最喜欢的科目是科学。  (1)favorite adj. & n. 特别喜爱的(人或事物)  Spring and autumn are my favorite seasons.  春天和秋天是我喜欢的季节。  
重点知识园地  Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?  重点词汇  1. guitar n. 吉他  Can you play the guitar?  你会弹吉他吗?  2. swim v. & n. 游泳  go swimming = go to swim 去游泳  Let’s go swimming this afternoon!  下午去游泳吧!  3. ches
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Legend has it that back in the day, when people waited, they learned the real meaning of the word “patience”. The reason? Smartphones weren’t invented yet!  听说很久很久以前,当我们等人的时候,我们会领悟“耐心”这个词的真谛。为什么?因为那个时
Although most people know that koalas live in Australia and eat eucalyptus leaves, there is so much more to know.  尽管大部分人都知道考拉生活在澳大利亚、吃桉树叶,但关于考拉还有更多让我们去了解的知识。  1. Although they are commonly called koa
Chinese Name: 斯坦·李  English Name: Stan Lee  Nationality: American  Birth Place: New York, America  Birth Date: December 28th, 1922  Main Works: Spider Man, Iron Man, The Hulk, X-Men, Fantastic Four, T
荷兰某设计师推出一款“三明治”图书,书中每一页都淋漓尽致地展现了经典三明治的配料。不得不让人感叹一句“书中自有三明治”! 今天,我们就来一起学习三明治的主要配料及与各种搭配的蔬菜有关的英语谚语!  1. salad days “青葱”岁月(也就是年轻、少不更事、没有阅历的一段时间。)  John was in his salad days then and fell in love easily.
用所给单词的适当形式填空。  1. Jim ______ (have) to brush his teeth before going to bed.  2. Don’t be ______ ( noise) in the library.  3. John usually ______ (relax) on weekends.  4. He is from the United States,
moon away 虚度时光  over the moon 欣喜若狂  moon-faced 圆脸的  moonhead 笨蛋;傻瓜  moonstruck 发狂的,神经错乱的  aim (level) at the moon 想入非非;野心太大  as changeable as the moon 像月亮一样善变;反复无常  below (under) the moon 月下的;尘世的  pra