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  Chinese Name: 斯坦·李
  English Name: Stan Lee
  Nationality: American
  Birth Place: New York, America
  Birth Date: December 28th, 1922
  Main Works: Spider Man, Iron Man, The Hulk, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Thor, Captain America, The Avengers
  When Stan Lee was working at part-time jobs in New York in 1939 he was still a teenager. He never thought of being the creative force behind some of the world’s greatest comic-book superheroes.
  “I never looked that far ahead,” says Lee. “In fact, I never thought I’d get into the comic book business. I applied for a job at a publishing company and I thought they published regular magazines, which they did also. But the one place they had an opening was in the comic book department, so that’s where I went. I guess I’ve been there ever since.”
  And what a tenure it was. Lee, whose given name is Stanley Lieber, was quickly promoted at Timely Comics, from office assistant to writer to editor. By the time the company became known as Marvel Comics, in the 1960s, he was art director and about to revolutionize comics.
  Unlike the perfect, invincible comic book superheros of other companies, Lee made Marvel’s new characters flawed, more human.
  “And I tried to show that even though they had super power, everything wasn’t perfect in their lives. They still had to worry about earning a living, about their relationship with other people, about their families and their health and so forth,” Lee says. “And I tried to make them real people who happened to have super powers. And apparently that little shade of a difference was the main thing that made the characters as popular as they became.”
  When Stan Lee was asked who his favorite superman was, he picked Spiderman as his favorite superhero, because he’s become the most popular.
  “But I really love them all. I love Ironman. I love the X-Men. I could go down the list. It’s like asking a parent who his favorite child is,” he said.
  As chairman emeritus of Marvel Entertainment, the 92-year-old keeps a loving eye on his classic characters, even as he continues to create new heroes and comic universes. He supports the not-for-profit Stan Lee Foundation, which promotes literacy, writing and the arts. His name appeared on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
  Lee is no longer surprised at the popularity of the characters he helped create. “Now I expect it. In fact, if people talk about some of the great characters in the world today and they don’t mention Marvel’s characters, I get very upset.”   Looking back over his 70 years in comics, Lee sees other changes, too.
  “When we did the comics years ago, we tried to make them suitable for every age. They were sort of G-rated. We had a lot of action, but we didn’t really have what we’d call violence,” he says. “I tried to write them so they were intelligent enough for an older reader, but a young kid could also understand them and enjoy them. Today, sometimes they become a little more gritty, a little more dark than they had been.”
  While comic book artwork has become much more sophisticated, Lee—who is a writer, not an artist—says that’s not enough to hold an audience.
  “Story is everything. You could have the greatest artwork in the world, but if the artwork is depicting a story that nobody’s interested in, you’ve got nothing.”
  apply for 申请
  regular adj. 定期的
  tenure n. 终身职位
  promote v. 提升
  revolutionize v. 彻底革命
  invincible adj. 无敌的;不能被征服的
  flaw v. 使有缺陷
  emeritus adj. 退休的;名誉退休的
  not-for-profit adj. 非盈利的
  violence n. 暴力
  gritty adj. 坚忍不拔的
  sophisticated adj. 富有经验的
  depict v. 描写
Section A  1. How much is this T-shirt?  这件T恤多少钱?  (1)how much用来询问物品价格:  How much is this bike?  这辆自行车多少钱?  (2)how much还可用来询问数量多少,但后面多跟不可数名词:  How much milk do you have every day?  你每天喝多少牛奶?  How much
Section A  1. Hey, John’s birthday dinner is next week.  嘿,约翰的生日晚餐在下周。  dinner n.(中午或晚上吃的)正餐  dinner指一日中的主餐,可中午吃也可晚间吃。但多用于指宴请客人的正式的一餐。  dinner party 宴会  dinner table 餐桌  dinner time 吃饭时间  It’s time fo
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(一)  A  It’s not WASTE until it is WASTED!  With the World Environment Day coming, our school is now requiring every student to form a habit of sorting (分類) the waste. Here in our schoolyard we place
Section A  1. This is my sister.  这是我的妹妹。  This is...是我们把一个人介绍给别人时的常用句型,也可介绍物品。当被介绍人处于近距离时,单数用this is,复数用these are,如:  These are my friends.  这是我的朋友们。(指代人)  Is this a map?  这是一张地图吗?(指代物)  注意:  (1)指代放在
Section A  1. — What’s your favorite subject?  你最喜欢什么科目?  — My favorite subject is science.  我最喜欢的科目是科学。  (1)favorite adj. & n. 特别喜爱的(人或事物)  Spring and autumn are my favorite seasons.  春天和秋天是我喜欢的季节。  
重点知识园地  Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?  重点词汇  1. guitar n. 吉他  Can you play the guitar?  你会弹吉他吗?  2. swim v. & n. 游泳  go swimming = go to swim 去游泳  Let’s go swimming this afternoon!  下午去游泳吧!  3. ches
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Although most people know that koalas live in Australia and eat eucalyptus leaves, there is so much more to know.  尽管大部分人都知道考拉生活在澳大利亚、吃桉树叶,但关于考拉还有更多让我们去了解的知识。  1. Although they are commonly called koa