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  I ran into Mitsuru Adachi one afternoon when there was nothing I could do but surf online. It’s easy to see why he’s in the same class as Rumiko Takahashi and other manga masters. Some classics are meant to be timeless. His works are simply among those rare jewels, touching and sparking[激励] so many things that they always pull you in and leave you wanting more.
  Take Touch, Adachi’s most beloved and popular series, as an example. Tatsuya Uesugi is a talented but hopelessly laid-back[懒散的] slacker[懒鬼]. His younger twin brother Kazuya, on the other hand, is the star pitcher[投手] on the school baseball team. As they grow older, the twins’ feelings towards Minami Asakura, their neighbor and childhood friend, begin to change. When the three are gradually trapped in a love triangle, a car accident happens, changing their lives forever…
  It isn’t just about baseball. It isn’t just about teenage love. It isn’t just about dreaming of Koushien Stadium注, either. It is a story close to the souls of boys and girls out there – he who doesn’t have it all and has to do so much to be the ace[王牌] that everyone admires; she who is amazing in all aspects but not entirely[全然地] perfect. Their relationship is like that of a warm blanket[毯子] wrapped around you on a rainy day. It gets more comforting the longer you stay in it.
  Touch reminds us that not every good manga has to be the brashest[浮华的], newest, brightest, or craziest thing around to be worth reading. There may be no super-cute girls caught up in an outrageous[不寻常的] romantic comedy. Nor will there be heroic knights on a quest[寻求] to defeat an evil villain[坏人], unrealistic weapons in hand. People just go to school, hold regular jobs, and deal with life’s day-to-day problems. But from the simple art style to the constant flow of emotions, Adachi smoothly blends[混和] the best elements of a story together to create a realistic world of love, hope, challenge, and determination.
  With the happy and traumatic[痛苦难忘的] moments of youth, his stories takes you on a roller coaster[过山车] down memory lane, letting you relive laughs, tears, and the thoughtful pauses that make life special. These are real people living real lives, and maybe you know them. Or maybe, you are one of them.
  ● 即使再有趣的连载也有冷场的时候。
  ● 读者是神,编辑是鬼。
  ● 所谓的略图,是指完稿必经的阶段。就像各位,都是在人生的略图阶段,只是几条粗糙的线画成一个轮廓。你们要选出一条主线,好好经营。然后加上颜色,涂掉不必要的。画完之后,可以参加漫画比赛,成为了不起的漫画家——不做漫画家也没关系。总之,把自己的人生想成一幅画。并不是只有好的略图,才能成为一幅好画。就算是略图粗糙不经心,以后慢慢经营,虽然小,也别有风格。最重要的是,不要放弃,要完成这幅画。但是,要快。截稿日期快到了。
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