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  Hazing, the submitting[服从] of new recruits[新分子] to indignities[侮辱] at the hands of upperclassmen, is a traditional rite of passage[成长仪式]. As a pledge, freshmen prove they are worth to become members of that particular body, by partaking[分担] in and going along with ridiculous[荒谬的], self-debasing[贬低] acts.
  2、Caps and Gowns at Graduation
  In medieval[中世纪的] Europe, caps and gowns worn by the academic community were black. This color preferred by ecclesiastical[神职的] leaders had long been a symbol of authority[权威]. This austerity[朴素] has been retained by modern high-schools and universities, in the caps and gowns worn at graduation ceremonies. The biretta[四角帽], a tufted[用穗饰的] square cap, was adopted by undergraduates and schoolboys.
  3、Taking a Date to the Prom
  The prom is a very special high school dance, held in the spring. This formal occasion is usually for the third and fourth year students. Boys and girls go to the dance in elegant[端庄的] attire[服装], and dance the night away to the music of a live band.
  4、Sending Greeting Cards 寄送贺卡
  The custom of sending greeting cards to friends and relatives for special occasions originated in England, where the practice was limited to people who could afford to pay private messengers[使者] to carry their greetings across great distances. In America the card market was expanded[扩展] by the founder of Hallmark Cards, whose company led the way in other products of social expression such as gift wrap[包装], stationery[文具], and calendars.
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暑假又来了!同学们,请跟随我们一起到全球十大最惊心动魄的惊险乐园去尽情喊叫吧!文中涉及英式度量衡,换算公式为1英尺=0.305米,1英里=1.609公里。本文语速较快,带有地道俚语,大家可以在译文的帮助下进行泛听。    Over 300 million adventurous souls swarm[蜂拥] to them each year in search of death-defying
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When you have a huge test, do you make sure to bring your good luck charm?
I hear a baby crying  A sad sound, a lonely sound  I want to take her in my arms  And then I dry away all her tears    I see a boy, who’s frightened  A young boy, with old eyes  I long to say “You’re
翻译:小虎    去年5月,CE:Teens在“新闻广角镜”与大家一同回顾了英美歌坛及电影界的重大盛典,受到同学们的热烈欢迎。今年,我们再度回放三大颁奖礼的精华片段。事不宜迟,Let’s rock!    Reporter: Last night’s Brit Awards was like 1995 all over again, with top honours for Take That a
翻译:白色声响    Release Date: 1 May, 2007 (China)   Directed by Sam Raimi  Cast:  Tobey Maguire…Peter Parker/Spider-Man   Kirsten Dunst…Mary Jane Watson   James Franco…Harry Osborn   Thomas Haden Church…Fl