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  Based on Dick King Smith’s popular children’s novel, The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep tells the magical story of a lonely boy who swears to protect his newfound friend -- the rapidly growing hatchling[新孵化动物] that emerges[出现] from a mysterious egg found on the shores of a Scottish loch[湖].
  Angus MacMorrow has made a most unusual discovery, and he is about to find out just how one innocent[天真的] boy’s greatest fantasy can also be a frightened adult population’s greatest threat. As the strange new life form begins to grow at an alarming[令人担忧的] rate, it soon becomes obvious that Angus will not be able to keep it a secret for very long. It seems that the government has formed a particularly acute[敏锐的] interest in Angus’ recent find. Now, as Captain Hamilton of the Royal British Navy transforms the small-town diner[(公路旁)小饭馆] run by Angus’ mother Anne into his base of operations, the young boy will have to do some seriously quick thinking if he is to keep his friend out of the hands of research scientists, and get it back into the water in which it thrives[茁壮成长].
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I hear a baby crying  A sad sound, a lonely sound  I want to take her in my arms  And then I dry away all her tears    I see a boy, who’s frightened  A young boy, with old eyes  I long to say “You’re
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