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  Waking up 1)sucks. Getting out of bed is terrible. So why on earth would people sell a device that causes you to do both? Put simply it’s because being late may cause a lot of troubles. It is said that Ronald Reagan almost missed his own 2)inauguration due to an ineffective alarm clock.
  No one likes starting the day by getting 3)ripped out of bed by those evil beeps, but some 4)sleepyheads just ignore anything gentler. That’s where a new generation of creative alarm clocks steps in. They are ideal for anyone who’s unable to get up in the morning – and, unless you’re one of those superhuman 5)joggers whose internal bodyclock wakes them up at 5 a.m., that means you!
  Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock
  This clock has an 6)adjustable 7)volume alarm with a 8)maximum loudness of 113 9)decibels. That’s louder than a 10)helicopter. But wait, there’s more: a separate 11)vibrating unit goes under your 12)mattress to help 13)judder you out of dreamland!
  We’ve seen a lot of loud alarm clocks, but this baby is the best. If the Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock fails to get you out of bed, we can only suggest you arrange for a grand piano to be dropped from the ceiling every morning!
  Flying Alarm Clock
  What makes the Flying Alarm Clock so special? Well, as its name suggests, this digital clock actually flies. A 14)propeller-driven part 15)spins off the base unit every time the alarm goes off. The noisy alarm won’t turn off until you get the propeller and replace it on the base, which means you have to get out of bed and search for it. How 16)irritating is that?
  Puzzle Alarm Clock
  Cute but incredibly effective, the Puzzle Alarm Clock is guaranteed to wake you up. Why? Because it won’t stop ringing until you correctly replace the 4-piece 17)jigsaw that explodes out of it every time the alarm goes off! Genius, eh?
  Believe us, putting a jigsaw together is a great way to wake up, because unlike forcing yourself to walk across the room to turn off the alarm and then going back to bed again, you might actually have to get down on your knees to find these four tiny pieces – they can be anywhere – to get the little baby to shut up. Moreover, its 18)contemporary style will add an air of 19)elegance to any bedside surface. Now all you have to do is remember to set it!
  1) suck [sQk] v. <俚>差劲,令人讨厌
  2) inauguration [I7nC:^ju5reIFEn] n. 总统就职典礼
  3) rip [rIp] v. 扯
  4) sleepyhead [5sli:pIhed] n. 瞌睡虫
  5) jogger [5dVɒ^E] n. 慢跑者
  6) adjustable [E5dVQstEbl] a. 可调节的
  7) volume [5vɒljEm] n. 音量
  8) maximum [5mAksImEm] a. 最大值的
  9) decibel [5desIbel] n. 分贝(声强单位)
  10) helicopter [5helIkɒptE] n. 直升机
  11) vibrate [5vaIbreIt] v. 振动
  12) mattress [5mAtrIs] n. 床垫
  13) judder [5dVQdE] v. 猛力摇动
  14) propeller [prE5pelE] n. 螺旋桨,推进器
  15) spin [spIn] v. 快速旋转
  16) irritating [5IrI7teItIN] a. 气人的
  17) jigsaw [5dVI^sC:] n. 拼图
  18) contemporary [kEn5tempErErI] a. 当代的
  19) elegance [5elI^Ens] n. 优雅,雅致
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