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《竞选州长》的课文练习二,人教社教参提供的答案有两处是不正确的。第一处是“我”被诬陷有“小偷罪”时的心情。教参认为是“对报纸有了戒心,一拿起来就提心吊胆。”其实这是被诬以后产生的心情。有语言事实为证:“于是我渐渐对报纸有了戒心,一拿起来就觉得提心吊胆……”“渐渐”这个词告诉读者,产生这种心情不是在当时,而是在受诬以后。“我”受诬时的心情可以从“世间还能有比这更居心险恶的事吗?”这句原话中得到答案,这是个反问句,表达强烈的愤怒的感情。所以答案可以是“感到十分气愤”.从感到气愤到对报纸有戒心,写出了我既气又怕的心态,表现出“声誉还好”的“我”在那种环境中的窘相,足见诬陷者的卑劣和无耻。 In the text of Exercise 2 of the Campaigning Governor, there are two answers to the questions provided by the People’s Education Society. The first place was the mood when “I” was accused of “theft of burglars.” The teaching counselors believe that “there is wary of the newspapers and they are afraid when they get it.” In fact, this is the feeling that comes after being slandered. There are linguistic facts as evidence: “So I gradually became wary of the newspapers. When I picked them up, I felt frightening...” The word “gradually” tells the reader that it was not at that time but after the acceptance. The mood of “I” can be answered from the phrase “Can there still be something more sinister than this in the world?” This is a rhetorical question, expressing a strong feeling of anger. So the answer can be “very angry.” From feeling angry to being wary of the newspapers, I wrote out a state of mind that I am both angry and fearful, and that the “I” of “reputation is better” is the prime minister in that kind of environment. It shows the despicableness and shamelessness of those who fall victim to it.
<正> 同角三角恒等式的证明及三角式的化简,人们往往习惯于利用同角的八个关系式解决,须知,利用三角函数的定义式,将这类三角问题转化为代数问题,不仅使人感到思路简捷、自然
Heritability and genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated for juvenile growth traits of Pacific abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino.The estimates were
为了研究尿膀胱癌抗原、CYFRA2 1 1和NMP2 2在有镜下血尿的膀胱癌患者诊断中的作用 ,作者选取了112例有症状的膀胱癌患者和 75例其他良性病变患者 ,分别测定了尿液中上述三种肿瘤标记