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  Once there were four children whose names werePeter,Susan,Edmund and Lucy。This story is aboutsomething that happened to them when they were sentaway from London during the war because of the air-raids。
Mandy: Well, look who’s here. Hi, Jennifer.  Jennifer: Mandy! Don’t tell me you work here.  Mandy: For all of a month now. Are you enjoying day one on the job?  Jennifer: Pretty much.  Mandy: Did you
Recently, “Twilight”1 star Robert Pattinson was named “2011 the world’s most popular actor” by Glamour, the fashion magazine in Britain. He has won this prize for three years from 2009 to 2011.  Rober
weird这个单词在美国电视剧中经常出现,后来到美国之后多次听周围人用到,渐渐地我也开始和美国人一样喜欢用weird这个单词了。weird其实就是很奇怪的意思。虽然strange跟weird都有“奇怪”的意思,但美国人很少用 strange,而偏爱weird这个词。weird与strange 虽然没有太大差别,但是如果要想表示某人“很特别”,strange则是一个较为贴切的词语,因为weird有更
One of the toughest things for bands to adjust to is touring. Thetransient life。
Performing for the great Henri Vieuxtemps wasn’t bad enough, violinist Leopold Auer had to put up with one of the worst accompanists imaginable—the wife of Vieuxtemps.1  It happened about 1859, when A
A new building is currently pushing its way towards the sky in Belfast’s Titanic Quarter.  Drive over the Lagan Bridge or along the historic Queen’s Road in the heart of the former shipyard2 and you w
密封不透风的地铁车厢,挤成沙丁鱼一样的人群,偶尔传来的汗臭味。我们或多或少总有过类似的挤地铁的经验,但是这时你不应该对这些有体味的人流露出鄙夷之色,因为实际上体味人人都有。那么,这些令人不快的气味是如何产生的呢?我们又如何才能有效地减少其产生呢?  Raise your hand if you’ve ever been on a bus or in any other cramped1 quart
凯特·米德尔顿在2011年4月与威廉王子大婚之后,这位平民王妃的一举一动都被人们所关注。作为妻子,她站在威廉身后予以支持;作为王妃,她用迷人的微笑征服了世人;作为年轻人的时尚偶像,她引发了“凯特效应”。2012年,凯特步入而立之年,世界仿佛已经在她脚下……  Kate Middleton grew up in a small village in Bucklebury, around 45 mil
Even though shouts of “You’ve got B.O. (short for body odor) !” at a school playground might cause the scientifically minded to reply, “Of course, we all do!” The fact remains that when people talk ab
在贝尔法斯特市的泰坦尼克区,一座新建筑正拔地而起。  行驶在拉干桥上或者沿着历史悠久的位于前造船厂中心的皇后大道前行,你会看到一座雄伟的建筑正在建造中。这个新泰坦尼克旅游景点令当地旅游业和公众兴奋不已。  建造该纪念馆所需时间与建造皇家邮轮泰坦尼克号所耗费的时间长短一致绝非巧合,埃里克·库恩的超现代建筑的外形酷似四艘船的船体也并非偶然。该建筑和100年前贝尔法斯特哈兰德与沃尔夫造船厂建造这艘著名轮