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  Host: Today, graffiti: ancient stuff, modern stuff, and a kind of a clash between the ancient and the modern. You may have heard about the case earlier of the Chinese graffiti in Egypt. OK, so this kid gets given a really hard time, but maybe it’s just a bit unfair. Maybe he was just channeling the habits of antiquity,’cause, in ancient times, graffiti, it didn’t really 2)connote 3)vandalism the way that it does today. That may have been out of place in ancient Roman or Greek or Egyptian times, but graffiti certainly was around then, and not only was it around, it was kind of encouraged. So says Chloé Ragozalie. She studies ancient graffiti. That’s gotta be a fun job.

  Chloé: I would say that in ancient Egypt, it was socially accepted and maybe even expected on its part of showing off your status in life, where nowadays we see it as a 4)subversive 5)hooliganism attitude.
  Host: Did leaders in ancient Egypt kind of encourage graffiti?
  Chloé: Well, you have graffiti in pretty official places—a tomb, a temple—so you have the feeling that they were some kind of official, like a privilege, which was granted.
  Host: And as you say, I mean it was kind of just an impulse for people, who were in a place, and they wanted to leave a memory that they were there to say“I was here,” but I mean, have you found anything 6)risqué that kind of corresponds to contemporary graffiti, 7)foul language, insults,…?
  Chloé: Yeah, absolutely. You find criticism, you find private joke, you find 8)witticism, you even have 9)pornographic graffiti.
  Host: So I’m just curious, I mean as for the writing—not the drawings, but the writing—how was literacy at the time? Could the average ancient Egyptian read what was written in this graffiti?
  Chloé: No, absolutely not, and I think that’s the mistake we made for a very long time. As Egyptologists, we considered this as, you know, secondary inscriptions, not realizing that they had to be made by very high officials because they were those who could write at the time. We consider that maybe one percent of the ancient Egyptian population could read and write.
  克洛伊:在古代的埃及,涂鸦行为在社会上是被大家接受的,而且如果你想炫耀自己的身份,这种行为甚至是意料之中的事,但在当今社会,我们视之为具破坏性的流氓行为。   主持人;古埃及的领导人会鼓励涂鸦行为吗?
  Host: So that’s Egypt. I’m just curious where else in the world have you found ancient graffiti that’s kind of surprised you?
  Chloé: I would say everywhere I did look.
  Host: Really?!
  Chloé: Yes.
  Host: And any place that doesn’t have graffiti?
  Chloé: When you don’t find them is because you don’t find a place where they could have been written on. Either the settlements have been destroyed. You know, even in Maya society obviously they had graffiti.
  Host: Do you think graffiti anywhere around the world follows anything thematic?
  Chloé: I would say that the main common feature is that it’s a social practice. It’s something you do to be part of a community, and it’s still true nowadays, you know, with graffiti that we see as part of some underground culture and that can be pornographic or 10)transgressive. The people would do it…do it to be part of a group, of a group of naughty boys, if you want. And in ancient Egypt, in Rome, in China, each time it’s to claim are you belonging to a certain social group.
  Host: So you do see similar messages, no matter where you go around the world?
  Chloé: “I was there and I belong to that kind of group.”It’s part of identity claiming. “I came here as a scribe.”In Greece, “I came here as a minor.”
  Host: Right. Just like that kid from China. He was just there in Luxor saying “I was here.”
  Chloé: When I saw that thing, I was amazed because that’s the most basic graffiti from ancient Egypt to nowadays.

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